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发布时间 : 星期三 文章2018年外研版初中英语九年级下册导学案全套更新完毕开始阅读c2a2ca69bfd5b9f3f90f76c66137ee06eef94e70

Module 2 Grammer 代词 一、人称代词



主格:_____________________________________________ 宾格:_____________________________________________ 需要注意的是,通常做表语和在一些口语中人称代词要用宾格。 如:--Who’s that? –It’s me. Me too. 二、物主代词



形容词性物主代词:______________________________________________________ 名词性物主代词:______________________________________________________ 三、在英语中还有一些其他种类的代词如:


反身代词:__________________________________________________________ 疑问代词:__________________________________________________________ 不定代词:__________________________________________________________ 四、要点。

1. one, it, that 用来指代前面出现过的名词的区别。 1. There is a photo on the wall, it was taken by Tony. 2. Lily likes cartoon films, while Lucy likes funny ones. 3. The population in China is larger than that in India.

通过观察上面的三个例句我们可以看出,it指________________________。One 指__________________________。That 指____________________________。 2. another, other, the other, others, the others 用法的区别。

another 用来泛指其他的任意一个事物。other 用来泛指其他的任意一些事物。the other 用来特指另一个或另外的所有事物。一般如果当我们没有提前给出范围时用________,而如果提前给出了范围则用


________。如果我们将他们所修饰的名词省略掉则用_______ 或_________。 请用上面的词完成下面的句子。

1. I have two sons, one is eleven, _________ is thirteen.

2. This kind of sandwich is quite delicious, could I have ________ one? 3. Some students like watching films, ________ like playing sports. 3. both, either, neither, all, none

Both 指_______________, either 指________________, neither指________________。

all 指____________________, none 指_________________。他们可以在后面加上介词of 构成短语如:both of, either of ….。其中both 还可以构成both…and…, either还可以构成either … ______..., niether还可以构成 neither… ______...。

需要注意的是both of , both …and …, all of 做主语时一定要看作______数。either of 和neither of,none of做主语要看作是_______数。而either …or… 和neither …nor …做主语,谓语动词的数则要用_______原则。

4. some 和any

通常some 用在__________当中,any 用在_________ 或________当中。但是有时一般疑问句要用some,如当________________________的时候要用some。而当我们要表达“任何”的意思时,就用______。 5. 不定代词需要注意的问题


2)当形容词修饰不定代词时要放在不定代词的_________(前面/后面) 6. 反身代词用法。

1)通常当宾语和主语一致时,宾语就要用反身代词。如:I bought myself a new MP5 play yesterday. 2)含有反身代词的短语如:teach oneself/ learn by oneself(自学), by oneself (独自) 7. a few, few, a little, little

a few 和 a little 意思是____________. few 和 little 意思是____________. 8. it 用法

在英语中it 的用法有很多,如用来做形式主语构成It’s …to do …的句型,除此之外it 还可以用来表达时间、天气、距离、重量等。 如:It’s 12 o’clock.

It’s sunny today. It’s 20 miles from here.


Module 2 Education Unit1 It’s great to see her again.

Task1. Write the names of all the subjects you are learning about on the blank.

____________________________________________________________________________ Task2. Listen and complete the sentences with the words in the box.

Maths, gym , geography, exam, relax, PE, swimming pool, grades, 1. Betty is going to the __________ for ___________ and then to the _____________. 2. Daming’s next lessons are ______________ and _____________. 3. Daming is unhappy because his maths ____________ aren’t very good. 4. Daming is worried about the ______________. 5. Betty tells him to ___________.

Task3. Listen to the tape and complete Lingling’s diary with the words in the box. We, us, our, ours, he, him, himself, her, she, herself, they, who, both, neither, the other

Lingling’s dary March 7th. Sunny Tony has just come back from the UK. ________ said he saw ________ pen friend Sally. The girl__________ visited ________ last year and played in the orchestra. Tony said _______ was great to see ________ again. She took Tony to her school ________. Tony took some photos of the school _________. We had a look at the photos, it isn’t as big as __________. There are a few science laboratories, a large library, a swimming pool, a huge sports ground and there’s a music hall too. ________ have a hall for concerts. I wonder which school is better, ________ school or Park school? Tony said _________ school were very nice and _________ school has anything _________ hasn’t got. But ________ prefer our school. Daming is sure that we’re even better than Park School at English! I agree with ________. I think _________ are all going to get top grades for Englsh. Task4. Write the expressions on the blanks and complete the sentences with them. 游泳池__________________ 担心_________________

一些有趣的事情_________________________ 看一看_________________________ 不如…怎么样__________________ 既不…也不… ___________________

我肯定_______________ 得高分_______________ …和…两个都__________________


1. Our classroom isn’t ________ big ________ theirs. 2. Our school has a big ______________, we can swim in it. 3. ________ you’ll never guess who I saw this morning.

4. Daming is _________ his maths exam, because he isn’t good at maths. 5. Can I ___________ your new MP5 player? 6. _______________ my parents likes basketball.

7. ________________ my parents are surprised at what I said. 8. Keep working hard, ___________ you will _______________. 9. We have got ________________ to do this term.