人教版小学英语四年级下册教案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章人教版小学英语四年级下册教案更新完毕开始阅读c2f7ab366ad97f192279168884868762cbaebb7d

学 Step one: Warm up 过 Sing ―colour song ― 程 Step two :Presentation 在教学中应更多的渗透会话教学的运用,能 1、Show the object card and asking:‖ What 使学生真正的colourit?‖After reviseing it, the teacher point and guide: 会听、会讲。 What‘s this ? It‘s a T-shirt, a yellow T-shirt.‖ Teach the words shirt, brown jacket blue dress eg in the same way. 2、Notice the sentence: I like the white sweater with the green skirt. Understand and use the word: ―with‖. 3、Listen to the tape and read after it twice. Compare the pronunciation ―shirt‖ and ―skirt‖. 4、Play a game: the students point to the card and say: ILike the white jacket …I like the ….See who speak it fluently. 5、Practise in groups,draw and colour my favourite clothes . Encourage the students to use the phase from the text. For Example: I to the tape of ―Let‘s do‖ then read after it. 7、Teacher says English , the children do actions. Have a match between the boys and the girls. See who do it better. Step three: Consolidation and extension. 1、Do exercises in Activity Book. 2、Try to let your classmates. Family do actions as you asked. 21 第二课时 Step one :Warm –up 1、Listen to the tape for‖Let‘s do‖ 2、Board the song ―My clothes‖ Step two:Presentation 1、Show the card.Point the clothes from the song by asking: Is this your shirt ?Is that a skirt ?‖Then guide. 2、Point to the students ’clothes asking:Is this your Tshirt? Is that your T-shirt?‖ Write the sentence on the board then guide. 3、After listening to the tape and ask some quesentations .eg (1) Where ?s the Alice‘s skirt?What colour is it? 教 Where‘s the blackboard, pointing the students ―Is this 学 your shoes? Is this …?Answered in turn. 过 6、Practise in pairs. Ask ―Is this your …?‖Answer: ‖Yes ,it 程 isNo, it‘s not.‖ 7、Listen to the tape for Read and write. Then teach the children and extension 1、Do exercise in Activity Book. 2、Listen to tape ―Let‘s talk? at home. 22

23 第三课时 Step one: Warm –up Act out ―Let‘s talk‖ Step two: Presentation 1、Teach the words ―socks、shoes、pants‖ by asking ―Where are my socks?‖ ‖What colour ?‖ ―White‖ Notice the usage of the verb ―are‖ 2、After chanting to the tap, asking question: What colour is your shirtjacketdresssweater? What colour are your shoessockspants? Teacher tell the usage of ―is‖and‖are‖ 3、Listen to the tape and read after it. 4、Play a game design the clothes you like (on the board ) 教 学 过 程 suppose you‘re going for trip .What do you went to wear Choose and say it… 5、Play a guessing game. 6、Recite the sentence ―Is this your T-shirt?‖ ―No,it isn‘t.‖ Step three: Consolidation and extension 1、Do exercise in Activity Book . 2、Write the words :red、 blue、yellow、green、brown、white. 3、Listen and chant. 第四课时 Step oneWarm –up 1、Let‘s chant 2、Sing English song Step two : Presentation 1、Teacher point to the shoes and say: My shoes are brown , what about you? 24