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新起点大学基础英语教程4读写教程课后翻译 Unit 1

1.游泳是一项适合所有年龄层次的体育活动。 Swimming is a suitable sport for people of all ages. 2. 整整一个晚上,那个孩子在不停地哭。 The child kept crying the whole evening.


On the whole,children’s behavior has to do with how their parents educate them.


With the teacher’s advice in mind,he went over all the exercise again. 5.你一旦开始看这本书,就很难停下来。

Once you start reading the book, it is hard to stop. 6.她觉得难以将实情告诉他。

She found it hard to tell him the truth. 7.我将最好的朋友看作是自己的兄弟姐妹。 I see my best friends as my brothers and sisters. 8.骑自行车和开汽车是完全不同的两码事。

Riding bicycles and driving cars are very different games.

Unit 2


The Chinese businessmen are marketing their products, in hopes of gaining entry into the European market.

2.在跨文化交际中,人们应该适时地调整自己的行为,而不应该退避。 In cross-cultural communication, people should adjust their behavior appropriately, rather than withdraw and step back. 3.我们帮助别人时也帮助了自己。


By helping others, we are helping ourselves. 4.许多因素导致了这家公司的倒闭。

Many factors, contributed to the close-down of the company. 5.成年人往往根据自己的经验解释孩子的行为。

Adults tend to interpret the behavior of a child in terms of their own experience. 6.生意的成败取决于一个人与生意相关的知识。

The success or failure business depends on one’s business-related knowledge. 7.有些经营方式很有效,有些很耗时。

Some ways of managing are effective, while others are time-consuming. 8.他的建议对于解除国际事务中的误解有帮助。

His suggestions help get rid of the misunderstandings in international affairs.

Unit 3


The bus driver should be responsible for the passengers’ safety.

2.电视一方面丰富了人们的业余生活,另一方面却减少了家人交流的时间。 Television has on the one hand made our lives more colorful, and on the other hand reduced the time for family communication. 3.她突然想到她可能再也回不来了。

It struck her that she might not be able to come back again. 4.她在警察让她面对证据时才承认了偷了钱。

Only when the police confronted her with evidence did she admit that she had stolen the money.


She doesn’t like hin much,in practical terms, I think she hates hin!


Mary always reminds peter that trouble arises from the words. 7.大家都认为张红的行为应受到表彰。

Everybody agrees that Zhang Hong’s behavior deserves praise.



I don’t know how the two settled their differences and overcome the difficulties.

Unit 4

1. 这项工作移交给了秘书。

The work was turned over to the secretary. 2. 他可能会迟到,那样我们就该等他。

He may be late, in which case we ought to wait for him. 3. 我们看电影看得入了迷,连时间都忘了。

We were so caught up in the movie that we forgot what time it was. 4. 要适应那里的高温比他们预期的要难。

Adjusting to the heat there was more dofficult than they had expected. 5. 宋朝为世界文明做出了三大发明的贡献。

The Song Dynasty contributed three great inventions to the world civilization.

6. 这些夜校课程读完可得学位。

These evening courses will lead to an academic degree. 7. 他感到他不会得到进一步的提升。

He felt that he was held back from further promotions. 8. 这本书由10个章节组成。 The book is made up of 10chapter’s.

Unit 5

1. 由于大雾,市中心的交通陷于瘫痪。

The traffic came to a standstill in the downtown area because of the heavy fog.

2. 她的观点不只是可以接受,而是被普遍接受的。 Her ideas are not just acceptable but widely accepted.


3. 直到20年前,人们才认识到吸烟有害健康。

As recently as 20 years ago, people realized that smoking was harmful to health.

4. 在陌生的环境中,你必须忍受许多的不便。

There are many inconveniences that have to be put up with when you are in a strange environment.

5. 当我们去拜访她的时候,她碰巧不在家。 She happened to be out when we went to visit her. 6. 这是有记载以来最强烈的地震。

This has been the worst earthquake ever recorded. 7. 我可以帮忙,但撒谎的事我不敢。

I don’t mind helping you ,but I draw the line at telling a lie. 8. 体育比赛中,通常不会考虑年龄因素。

Age is usually beneath considerate in sports competitions.

Unit 6

1. 犯罪往往起源于贫穷。

Crime is often an outgrowth of poverty. 2. 制造商应该在设计阶段就发现潜在的问题。

Manufacturers should identify potential problems at the design stage. 3. 注意不要让这事再发生。

Look to it that this doesn’t happen again. 4. 这两件东西外表相同,但本质不同。

The two things are similar in appearance but different in essence. 5. 形势正发生变化,我们的计划必须相应地改变。

The situation is changing, so we must change our plans accordingly. 6. 这个工人开动了发动机。

The worker set the engine in motion. 7. 没有什么能阻止我们实现目标。

Nothing will stop us from achieving our goal.