新目标英语七年级上册starter Units1-3练习题 联系客服

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人教版新目标英语七年级上册复习Starters Unit 1-3 1

重点单词 Starter Unit 1

1. 好的; ____________ 2. 早晨;上午 __________ 3. 下午 __________________

4.晚上;黄昏 __________ 5. 怎样;怎么;如何 _________

6. 你;你们 __________________ 7. 是 ______________ 8. 我 ___________

9. 谢谢 _________________ 10.(铅笔芯)硬黑 11.健康的,美好的


1. 早上好! ________________ 2. 下午好! _______________________ 3. 晚上好!_________________ 4. 你好吗? ________________________ 重点单词Starter Unit 2

1. (疑问代词)什么;_________________ 2. 这;这个 ___________________ 3. (表示表达方式、手段等)用;以 ___________ 4. 英语 _________________ 5. 地图 ____________ 6. 橙子 _____________ 7. 夹克衫 _________________ 8. 钥匙 _______________ 9. 钢笔 _________ 10. 直尺 _______________ 11. 拼写;拼字 ________ 12. (其实句中用作请求的客套话) 请 _____________ 重点单词Starter Unit 3

1. 什么颜色 _________2. 红(色)的 ________ 3. 黄色的 _______________ 4. 绿色的___________ 5. 蓝色的 ___________ 6. 黑色的 _______________

7. 白色的 _____________ 8. 和;又;而且 ______________ 9.棕色的,褐色的 10.紫色的 11.能,会 12.说,讲 26个大小写字母的正确书写格式

你知道哪5个字母是元音字母吗?请按字母表顺序写出来(包括大小写)。 _______________________________________________________________ 语法精练 用am, is, are 填空

1. --How ___________ you? --I__________ fine, thanks. 2. How __________ she? 3. I __________ Helen. 4. We __________ students. 5. We __________ friends. 6. They _________ teachers. 7. ___________ you OK? 8. ___________ you Bob? 9. It __________ a pen.

10. He _________ fine. 11. Frank and Dale __________ OK. 12. Eric __________ seven.

13. --What _________ that in English, Helen? It _________ an orange. 14. What ____________ this in English?

15. –Susan, _________ this a key? --No, it’s a pen. 16. What color __________ it? It _________ yellow.


17. The key ________ black. 18. The cup _________ red. 语法精练 用a或an或the填空 1. It’s __________ pen. 2. It’s __________ apple.

3. –What’s this in English? --It’s _________ orange. 4. –What’s this? --It’s _________ jacket. 5. He is ___________ NBA player. (队员).

6. –Is this ___________ English book? --Yes, it is.

7. –What’s this? –It’s ________ quilt. _______ quilt is green.

8. –What’s that in English? --________ orange. ________orange is yellow. 9. Look! ________ cup is black. 10. Oh, it’s _________ nice cup.

新目标英语七年级上册复习Starters Unit 1-3 2

单项选择 新七上Starters Units 1-3

1. 英语字母表中的第15个字母是 _______. A. N B. O C. P 2. 在英语字母表中,Q前后的字母分别是_______ 和________. A. O, P B. P, R C. R, S 3. 下列哪组是元音字母?

A. A a; E e; I i; O o; U u B. A a; E e; I i; O o; Q q C. A a; E e; F f; O o; U u 4. 下面关于26个英语字母的书写规则,说法错误地一项是_________ A. 大写字母都占中上格

B. 大写字母A E F H都是三笔完成,而小写字母,g, h, k, w, y都是一笔完成 C. 小写字母a, c, e, g, m, n, o, p, s都是只占中间一格.

5. I _________ Cindy. How _________ you? A. am; is B. are; are C. am; are 6. This is ____ orange. _____ orange is green. A. a; The B. an; The C. the; An 7. This is _________ quilt and ________ quilt is white. A. a, a B. a, the C. the, a 8. This is _______ key. That is ______ orange. A. an; an B. a; an C. a; a 9. –What’s this in English? --________ a CD. A. It’s B. You’re C. I’m 10. –Good morning, Alice! --_________, Bob! A. Good morning B. I’m OK C. Good afternoon

11. –How is Grace? --She is ________. A. good B. nice C. fine

12. –What color is it? --_________. A. It’s good B. It’s Z C. It’s blue 13. --_________ --R-E-D.

A. What’s this? B. Spell it, please. C. What color is it? 14. --_________ --N-A-M-E.

A. What is it? B. What’s your name? C. Spell it, please. 15. --Your English is good. --__________. A. Thank you B. No, thanks C. No, it isn’t

16. --_________, Eric? --Fine, thanks. A. What’s this B. Hello C. How are you 17. --_________ is your jacket, Cindy? --Black and white. A. What color B. What C. How


18. 下列几组字母中按字母顺序排列的一项是________. A. CFD B. QRS C. HGI 19. 在英语字母表中,既是英语字母又是英语单词的是________. A. I B. Y C. Z

20. 下列字母的读音和see相同的是_________. A. K B. G C. C 21. 下列字母的小写形式在四线三格中只占一格的是 __________. A. F B. S C. Q

22. I ________ a girl and you _______ a boy. A. am; is B. is; are C. am; are 23. –Tina, what’s this? --_________a key. A. That B. This C. It’s

24. –Spell it, please. --_________. A. She’s Helen B. H-E-L-E-N C. I’m Helen

25. 下列选项中含有相同音素的字母是

A. Bb, Ff, Gg B. Aa, Hh, Jj, C. Ii, Yy, Uu 26.There is “j” in the word “jacket”. A. a B. an C. the 词汇练习新七上Starters Units 1-3

1. –How are you? --I’m fine, t_____________.

2. –What c ____________ is your pen? --It’s black. 3. –S____________ it, please. –D-A-L-E. 4. The ruler is red a____________ yellow. 5. –What’s your n _____________? --Eric.

语法精炼 用be动词(am, is, are)填空 新七上Starters Units 1-3

1. Miss Zhang, this _________ my pen. 2. __________ you John?

3. I __________ Zhao Ting. 4. It __________ a jacket in English. 5. The quilt _________ white. 6. How ________ you, Susan? 7. Lily, what __________ that?

从方框中选出合适的句子补全对话 一 新七上Starters Units 1-3 1. ( ) 1. –Good evening, Dale! --_____________ A. How are you? 2. ( ) 2. --___________ --Q-U-I-L-T. B. Good evening! 3. ( ) 3. --__________ --I’m OK. C. I’m fine, thank you. 4. ( ) 4. –How are you, Alice? --_____________ D. What’s this in English? 5. ( ) 5. --___________ --It’s a pen. E. Spell it, please.

从方框中选出合适的句子补全对话 二 新七上Starters Units 1-3 1. A: Good evening! B: ______1_________ 2. A: ______2___________ B: Fine, thanks. 3. A: _______3__________ B: It’s a quilt. 4. A: ________4_________ B: Q-U-I-L-T. 5. A: _________5_________ B: It’s white. A. How are you? B. Good evening! C. What’s this in English? D. What color is it? E. Spell it, please. 3