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发布时间 : 星期二 文章人教版高一英语必修3单词拼写短语补全100题(含答案)更新完毕开始阅读c57971fcb5daa58da0116c175f0e7cd18525187c

Test of Words and Expressions


姓 名 一 得 分 二 总 分 一、根据中文或首字母提示,填写所缺单词的适当形式。

1. We’ll have a _______________(庆祝)meeting this afternoon. 2. No one is to leave this building without the p_______________ of police. 3. He likes to be_______________(独立).

4. ________________(农业)in this country has developed after liberation. 5. On October 11th, 2012, Chinese writer Mo Yan was a__________ the Nobel Prize in Literature.

6. I used to_____________(钦佩)him as a true scientist and a hard worker. 7. I must a____________ for not being able to meet you.

8. I’ve made up my mind, but it’s ________________(很显然)that you need more time to think it over.

9. The street cleaner is g_____________ rubbish in the rain.

10. I could understand his being angry, but I’ll still never ____________(原谅)her the way she treated me afterwards.

11. He is in deep d_________ in order to cure his mother of the disease. 12. Hopefully these measures will b_____________ all people.

13. When I arrived in the USA, I found my English was very______________(有限的).

14. If you wish for good advice, c_________ an old man.

15. Looking at somebody angrily for a long time means g__________ at somebody. 16. She is so afraid of putting on ______________(体重)that she eats like a bird. 17. Children are ______________(好奇)about everything, so teachers and parents should satisfy their______________(好奇).

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18. Every night he would sit on the door steps, s__________ into the darkness. 19. The sudden ________________(出现)of the policeman caused the thief to run away.

20. In order to keep his money safe, he opened an a ___________(账户)with the bank.

21. Be ______________(耐心). I will be ready in a few minutes.

22. Looking after children is no easy job. It requires ____________(耐心). 23. The Japanese are used to b__________ to each other when they meet. 24. He likes _______________(徘徊, 漫步)in the street at night. 25. I don’t know the exact______________(地点)where it happened. 26. Cruelty and kindness are _______________(对立的).

27. Cooperstown, New York, is said to be the ___________________(发源地) of baseball.

28. It is good m____________ to give your seat to an old man on the bus. 29. He has a large a____________ of work to do every day.

30. It’s surly wrong to behave so____________(粗鲁的)to your guests. 31. She believes it was the doctor’s f__________ that Peter died.

32. During World War Ⅱ, two atomic bombs e____________ in Japan, killing a large number of people.

33. More than 70% of the earth’s s____________ is covered by water. 34. The c_________ is very pleasant in Kunming all the year round.

35. Some factories produce h___________ gases, which pollute our ______________(大气层).

36. Though the __________(理论)was not right, it affected many people at that time.

37. Matters have three states: s_________, liquid and gas. 38. The plane got out of control and c___________ into the sea.

39. There is a friendly a_____________ of helping each other with difficulties in study in our class.

40. By the time they reached the top of the mountain, they were e____________.

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41. There is a big underground ____________(系统)in London, which is good for travelers.

42. With the d_______________ of economy, people’s living standard is better and better now.

43. Zhang Heng was a famous ancient Chinese ________________ (天文学家). 44. The two sisters are_____________(不同)in many ways. 45. The sun looked like an orange____________(球体). 46. He is a man without___________(宗教).

47. The storm became more and more ____________(猛烈的). 48. Do you like to ____________(漂浮)in the air?

49. ________ _________(既然)I am free, I can enjoy music for a while. 50. When you cross the street, _______ _______ for cars.

51. When we m____________ the yard, we found it was twenty feet long and fifteen feet wide.

52. (多文化的)_______________ America has numerous minority groups that argue for equal treatment.

53. He went to England in the 1980’s and s__________ down there. 54. Excuse me, where can I pick up my ____________(行李)? 55. You run first and I can easily catch up with you w________ 50 meters. 56. The ship’s leaving in half an hour, so we’d better go a_________ now. 57. He tried to flee across the __________(边境)but was caught.

58. This problem is only s____________ difficult, but I can work it out easily. 59. This can prevent air from _________(流入)freely to the lungs.

60. What he had done for the poor children was very _______________(令人印象深刻的).

61. He is a w__________ kind man, who gives a lot of money to the poor every year. 62. Fortunately, there was a hospital n_________ so the man was sent there immediately.

63. According to the _____________ (传统)of this area, the bride’s family organizes the wedding ceremony.

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64. I prefer the peaceful country life to the busy and noisy u___________ life. 65. Mary is my former ___________(校友) and we used to play basketball together.

66. She lost her heart to the soldier with the ____________ (宽阔的) shoulders and the deep voice.

67. I’ll go __________ (市区) tomorrow. Do you want to go with me? 68. There are seven c____________ and four oceans on the earth.

69. Because of its sunny weather, rich history and ________________ (周围的) mountains, it is a good place for holiday makers.

70. They took strong ____________ (措施) against dangerous drivers. 71. This drink is a m___________ of three different sorts.

72. Please ___________ (确认,证实) your telephone message by writing to me. 73. The _______________ (环境) a child grows up in may have an effect on his development.

74. They moved the local people and s___________ them in another place. 75. The d____________ from my home to the station is two kilometers.


76. ____ memory of 纪念,追念 77. dress ____ 盛装,打扮 78. look forward _____ 盼望 79. turn _____ 出现

80. hold one’s __________ 屏息 81. _______ one’s word 守信用 82. ______ and _______ 日日夜夜 83. remind sb ____ sth 提醒 84. lead ____ 导致 85. _________ long 不久以后 86. get away _______ 放过 87. lose __________ 减肥 88. spy _____ 暗中监视 89. glare ______ 怒视 90. bring ______ 抚养,养大 91. be tired ______ 厌倦 92. account ____ 导致,作出解释 93. in ________ 衣衫褴褛 94. have a _______ for 有…天赋 95. catch _______ of 瞥见 96. in the ________在远方 97. give birth _____ 产生,分娩 98. break ______ 爆发 99. cut _________ 削减,删节

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