外研版新标准英语六年级下册教案备课(一年级起点) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章外研版新标准英语六年级下册教案备课(一年级起点)更新完毕开始阅读c5c2abf2905f804d2b160b4e767f5acfa1c7838a

Ⅱ. Presentation The title: We’re going to have a picnic. Ⅲ. Practice 1. Activity 1. 2. Activity 2. Ⅳ. Production Make dialogues. Ⅴ. Summary 1. The main points. 2. Dictation. T: Well, today let’s go on learning unit 1. 1. Listen to the text and repeat it. Read the text in the groups. 2. Act out the text in the front. Listen to the sentences and repeat. Then try to write the sentences. Ask the children to make dialogues in the groups. Use be going to… Ask the children to sum up the main points. Have a dictation about the new words and sentences. 3. Homework. Module 2 Unit 1 板书设计 We’re going to have a picnic . When are we going to eat? We’re going to eat at half past twelve . Look. It’s going to rain soon. 13 / 59

around, duck, soon, dry, naughty 课后反思 课 时 教 学 笔 记

第 周第 课时 授课时间: 年 月 日 主备人:

课题 2 Module 2 Unit It’s going to rain. 内容 课型 NT a. Can master目标语句 It’s going to …. It’s going to be … 教学目标 b.能够听懂会说本单元句型,能运用所学be going to 结构预报天气。 c.培养学生学习英语的兴趣,积极参与各项活动以及团结合作的意识。 句型It’s going to …. 重It’s going to be …并能在实点 际情景中运用。 点 难能正确的运用本课的语言知识进行实际交流。 关键 Practice & drills 教学准备 环节时间 2` 5` TB AB tape pictures cards 复案 教学内容 师生活动 集备 Warmer 1、Greeting: 2、Free talk: Presentation a. 出示中国地图 指北京T: I’m gong to go to Beijing .I don’t know the weather . Do you know what’s the weather going to be like in Beijing? a. Greet to each other. b. Act the dialog M2 Unit 1 c. T: What’s the weather like today? S: It’s…. ( sunny , warm …) 今天我们要学习用be going to 句型描述天气. Let’s listen to the report. Answer the questions 1. What’s the weather going to be like in Beijing? 2.How many cities are there in this report? 个人 14 / 59

16` b. Listen to the tape and repeat What’s the weather going to be like in Harbin , Dalian… Practice. a. What’s the weather going to be like in Shanghai\\ Lhasa___? It’s going to rain . it’s going to be cold .___ Production b. 活动用书8页 c.小小气象预报员 d.练习 五. Cooler Summary: Exam: The new words. HW: Listen to the text. Read the text. Copy the sentences and Memorize the words and the sentences. S: 1. It’s going to rain . ( 教师板书标题,学生齐读) 2.Beijing , Harbin ,Dalian ,Xi’an, Guangzhou 。 1.学生同桌汇报。 2. Do exercises 听音写天气。 d.用所给词的正确形式填空。 1.Tommorrow ,it’s going (rain) in beijing 2.In Harbin It’s (snow ). 3.In Dalian ,it’s (sunny). 4.In Guangzhou ,It’s ( hot). The teacher let the students do a summary. Listen ,and write down the new words. Ss listen and write down on the note books. 15 / 59

10` 5` Module2 Unit2 板书设计 It’s going to rain. It’s going to be sunny. 课后反思 16 / 59