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(5) submit my resume by e-mail (6) have you updated your resume Model 2

(1) be sure to maintain good eye contact

(2) Don’t look too shy, nor should you sound too aggressive (3) Many companies don’t want a completely green hand (4) I gained some experience at an IT company (5) ability for teamwork is usually valued (6) Should I ask about salary and fringe benefits Model 3

(1) our best bet is to recruit from the competition

(2) We also don’t believe that a rigid management system will work wonders (3) that philosophy will help you attract many worthwhile people (4) he’ll help us start a recruitment drive (5) A number of firms have been downsizing (6) can David help us pin them down V Let’s talk 1. (1) 900


(2) customer calls (5) supported (8) two

(3) 70

(6) customer-facing (9) right people (12) helps (15) presents

(4) human resources (7) place

(10) realistic (13) Christmas 2. 3


(11) friends (14) cousins


VI Furthering listening and speaking Listening Task 1 (1) coast (3) cargo (7) asset

(2) impressed

(3) shipping company (6) essential (9) her age

(4) communication skills (8) team spirit

(10) her parents

Task 2 1. F Task 3 1. C)

2. C)

3. B)

4. A)

5. D)

2. T

3. T

4. F

5. T

Viewing and speaking 1. (1) selection (4) interview (7) laugh

(2) pressure (5) business (8) redundant

(3) marketing (6) nervous (9) difficult

(10) sacking Unit 6 test Part I CBCDC Part II

(1) ice (2) Examples (3) parking (4) response (5) provide (6) impression (7) ages (8) If this is the place where you would be working, they would automatically be worried that you will be late for work everyday (9) They might be historical questions regarding your previous employment or education (10) Make a statement, then support it by giving an example of a situation and how you handled it Part III CBACD Part IV DABCBCAADC


Unit 7 Why don’t we start a business of our own? II Basic listening practice 1. B)

2. C)

3. A)

4. B)

5. C)

III Listening in Task 1 (1) reception

(2) new connections (5) business cards

(3) distributed (6) talk business

(4) green hand

(7) card (8) follow up (9) more ground

(10) piece of cake Task 2 1. C) Task 3

(1) technology-oriented (4) options (7) founders

(2) higher

(3) returns (6) cash (9) potential (12) creators

2. B)

3. B)

4. A)

5. D)

(5) Venture capital (8) business ideas (11) 100 percent

(10) intellectual property protection (13) stock IV Speaking out Model 1

(1) you already know this company inside out

(2) You have just barely enough funds to cover your day-to-day operational expenses (3) my best bet is to secure a small business loan (4) They help underwrite loans for small business (5) I can still qualify for a loan (6) cover our overhead Model 2

(1) I’ve been searching for a loan

(2) the company has been experiencing serious financial difficulties (3) we’ve been operating in the red

(4) the best course of action is to bankruptcy (5) we’ll have to face even stiffer competition (6) they are interested in acquiring our company Model 3

(1) we’ve been looking for a merger partner

(2) Are you sure your operation has much to bring to the table (3) Definitely

(4) we’ve already received a few attractive bids

(5) keep our shareholders’ interests in mind

(6) It’s reasonable to keep your employees’ welfare in mind V Let’s talk (1) rapid growth (3) large (5) hard

(2) shock

(4) shot up (6) opportunities (8) stable (10) own

(7) different (9) money

VI Furthering listening and speaking Listening Task 1 1. D) Task 2 1. F Task 3 1. C)

2. B)

3. D)

4. C)

5. A)

2. T

3. F

4. F

5. T

2. C)

3. C)

4. A)

5. C)

Viewing and speaking

1. The items in favor of the idea that “Cadbury should be sold for more money” are 1), 2), 4), 6), 7), 8). Unit 7 test Part I ADDCD Part II

(1) resulting (2) demand (3)on (4)trends (5)elderly (6)trend (7)pet-related (8)Look at existing businesses and the products and services they offer, and then determine if there's a need for more of those products or services (9) Keep an open mind and continue to assess everything you read and hear from a business point of view (10) Dream, think, plan, and you'll be ready to transform that business idea into the business you've always wanted Part III CBDAC Part IV BDBCA BDCDD