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发布时间 : 星期六 文章香港公司章程样本 中英文对照版更新完毕开始阅读c6fa1a34f71fb7360b4c2e3f5727a5e9856a27af

21. 所有需要盖上公司印章的文件,若已盖上公司印章及经由董事局主席或不时经董事局决议通过的授权人士签署,则该文件被视为已妥为签立.

22. All cheques, promissory notes, drafts, bills of exchange, and other negotiable instruments, shall be made signed, drawn, accepted and endorsed, or otherwise

executed by the person or persons from time to time authorised by a resolution of the Board of Directors.

22 所有公司支票,本票,票据,汇票及其他可转让的票据必须由董事局主席或不 时经董事决议通过的授权人士制定,签署,开出,承兑,背书,或以其他形式签立.

General Meetings 公 司 大 会

23. For all purposes, the quorum for all general meetings shall be two members personally present and holding either in his own right or by proxy at least fifty-one per cent of the paid-up capital of the Company, and no business shall be transacted at any General Meeting unless the requisite quorum be present at the commencement of the business.

23. 不论任何情况,所有大会的法定人数为两名成员,该两名成员可以亲自出席或委派代表人代为出席,该代表人必须自己或代表人身份持有不少於百分之五十一的公司已缴资本.除非在开始处理会务时,大会指定法定人数已列席,否则大会不能处理任何会务.

24. A resolution in writing signed by all the shareholders shall be as valid and effectual as a resolution passed at a general meeting duly convened and held.

24. 一份由所有股东签署的书面决议,其效用及有效性与正式召开大会通过的决议一样.

Votes of Members 成 员 投 票

25. All voting of members in respect of any matter or matters shall be by poll and every member present in person or by proxy shall have one vote for each share of which he is holder.

25. 所有成员投票决定任何事项,必须以不记名投票方式进行.每一位亲自出席或 已代表人代表出席的成员,以所持股票计,每股一票.

Divisions of Profits 利 润 分 配

26. The net profits of the Company in each year shall be applied in or to wards the formation of such reserve fund or funds and in or towards the payment of such dividends and bonuses as the Directors subject to the approval of the Company in

General Meeting may direct.

26 董事在得到公司大会的批准后,可指示公司每年的净利润,用作成立储备基金 或支付股息及花红.

27. No dividend shall be payable except out of the profits of the Company, and no dividend shall carry interest as against the Company.

27. 除非公司有盈利,否则不得分派股息,所有股息均不能向公司索取利息.

28. A transfer of shares shall not pass the right to any dividend declared thereon before the registration of the transfer.

28. 股份转让未被登记前,收取该等股份所公布股息的权利不得转移.

29. If two or more persons are registered as joint holders of any share, any one of such persons may give effectual receipts for any dividends or for other moneys payable in respect of such share.

29. 假如两位或以上人士联名登记为股票持有人,则当中一人可签发有效收据,以 30. 证明收妥所持股票的股息或任何应收款项.

31. The Director may retain any dividends payable on shares on which the Company has a lien, and may apply the same in or towards satisfaction of the debts, liabilities or engagements in respect of which the lien exists.

30. 对於公司有留置权的股票,董事可以保留支付有关股票的股息,并可将该等股 31. 息用作清偿留置权所涉及的债项及债务.

32. All dividends unclaimed for one year after having been declared may be invested or otherwise made use of by the Directors for benefit of the Company until claimed.

31. 对於股息公布后一年内没有人领取的股息,董事可为公司利益着想,运用股息 32. 投资或以其他方式运用,直至有人领取股息为止.

Secretary 秘书

33. The Directors may from time to time by resolution appoint or remove a Secretary. In the event that the secretary appointed is a corporation or other body, it may act and sign by the hand of any one or more of its directors or officers duly authorized. The first secretary of the Company shall be WONDERFUL SECRETARIAL BUSINESS LIMITED.

32. 董事可以通过决议任命或解除秘书。如果被任命的秘书是公司或其他机构,可经其一位或多位董事或正式授权的人员签署及执行。本公司的第一任秘书是旺德福秘书有限公司。 Names,Addresses and Descriptions of Subscribers (Sd.) ZHANG YE SI 张也思 No. 5 , 9 Hao Yuan, Tai Yang Road, Yin He Qu,An Yang Shi, Henan, PRC. Merchant (Sd.) LI MI DA 李密达 No. 7 , 2 Hao Yuan, Yue Liang Road, Yin He Qu,An Yang Shi, Henan, PRC. Merchant Dated the 27th day of May, 2009 WITNESS to the above signatures: (Sd.)WANG BA GA


Rm 9527, Block B, Xiang Xiang Bldg.,

Zhen Hao Road, Shenzhen,PRC.

股份认购人的姓名或名称、地址及描述 张也思 中华人名共和国河南省安阳市银河区太阳街9号院5号 商人 李密达 中华人民共和国河南省安阳市银河区月亮街2号院7号 商人 签署日期:2009年5月27日 上述签署的见证人:

(音译) 王巴嘎


中华人民共和国 深圳
