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to stake, staking, riveting鉚合 add lubricant oil加潤滑油 argon welding氬焊 cylinder油缸 robot機械手

conveying belt輸送帶 transmission rack輸送架 to draw holes抽孔 bolt螺栓 nut 螺母 screw 螺絲

identification tag標示單 screwdriver plug起子插座 automatic screwdriver電動啟子 to move, to carry, to handle搬運 be put in storage入庫 packing包裝

staker = riveting machine鉚合機 fit together組裝在一起 fasten鎖緊(螺絲) fixture 夾具(治具)

pallet/skid棧板 barcode條碼

barcode scanner條碼掃描器 fuse together熔合

fuse machine/heat stake熱熔機 processing, to process加工 delivery, to deliver 交貨

to return delivery to. to send delivery back to return of goods退貨

easily damaged parts易損件 standard parts標準件 to lubricate潤滑 spring 彈簧

spare tools location/buffer手工備品倉 spare molds location模具備品倉 tox machine自鉚機 烤漆類

phosphate皮膜化成 viscosity涂料粘度 alkalidipping脫脂

main manifold主集流脈 organic solvent有機溶劑 demagnetization去磁;消磁 high-speed transmission高速傳遞 heat dissipation熱傳 rack上料 volatile揮發性 degrease脫脂 rinse水洗 alkaline etch齡咬 desmot剝黑膜 D.I. rinse純水次 Chromate鉻酸處理 Anodize陽性處理 seal封孔

scraped products報放品 disposed products處理品 dismantle the die折模 auxiliary function輔助功能 heater band 加熱片 thermocouple熱電偶 derusting machine除銹機

degate打澆口 dryer烘干機 induction感應 induction light感應光

response =reaction =interaction感應 ram連杆

edge finder巡邊器 concave凸 convex凹 cold slug冷塊 blush 導色 gouge溝槽;鑿槽 satin texture段面咬花 witness line證示線 grit沙礫

granule =pellet =grain細粒 sand blasting噴沙 grit maker抽粒機 cushion緩沖 fillet鑲;嵌邊

roller pin formality滾針形式 cam driver鍘楔