2016年青岛职业技术学院单招英语模拟试题(含答案解析) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章2016年青岛职业技术学院单招英语模拟试题(含答案解析)更新完毕开始阅读c74abeb727d3240c8547ef17

考单招——上高职单招网 76. Wang Yi comes from a working family, which is neither too rich nor too poor. He works in a factory in the suburbs of Beijing, but lives in the center of the city. So he needs a car to go to work. He discussed with his wife and they decided to buy a second-hand car.

77. Tom is an American who settled in China several years ago. He has a big family of five ----his wife, his 5-year-old son and two daughters. They all like traveling during holidays, but it is not convenient for them to go by bus or train because of the kids. So they have decided to buy a very big car in which they can go traveling freely as they like. 78. Tan Ping is a rich man who is a big fan of action movies. James Bond is his idol. To him, it’s cool to do everything just like James Bond, such as driving cool cars at a very high speed, being surrounded by lots of beautiful women and so on.

79. Li Li is a quiet girl who doesn’t like too much attention from other people. She likes to wear common sports wears, which will attract nobody. She also prefers to do everything alone. She likes nothing but nature. So she wants to buy a plain-looking car, which can take her to enjoy the green grassland, the blue sky and freely flying birds.

80. Wang Wei is an energetic young man, who teaches music in a middle school in Dongguan city. He comes from a small village in Hubei province. He is a strange man who is always showing off his wealth. So when considering buying a car, he prefers to buy one that can attract other people. Besides, he always goes back to his hometown, so a car that is suitable for long trips is his best choice.


第四部分 写作(共二节,满分25分)

第一节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


考单招——上高职单招网 81. He has been working hard these days. There's no __________(怀疑)that he

will get good marks in the exam.

82.When we go back to my hometown many years later I could hardly __________(辨认出) it.

83.After ___________(毕业)from the university, he found a good job. 84.One has to be__________(自信)in himself.

85.My English teacher is a very___________(幽默的)person. 86.Although smoking ___________(影响) people’s health, China has the largest number of people who are smoking.

87.We should pay more attention to the __________ (质量) as well as the quantity. 88.In order to increase the sell of the new product, they decided to

__________(登广告)it in a newspaper.

89.Beethoven was one of the greatest ___________ (音乐家) .

90. The old man went through many wars and ___________(遭受)a lot from them.

第二节 作文(共1小题,满分15分)


美国著名教授Mr King 将到你们学校作关于美国英语的报告。假如你是班长,请你根据以下要点写一份口头通知,向同学们宣布:

1. 报告内容:美国英语和英国英语的不同;美国英语的发展;美国方言(dialects);如何学好英语。 2. 地点:学校礼堂。

3. 时间:12月7日上午9点。

4. 注意事项:报告结束时可以提问题;报告结束后将进行讨论。 【写作要求】字数在100左右。



Attention, please. I’ve something important to announce.

考单招——上高职单招网 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

That’s all. Thank you for your attention.


第一节 单项填空 (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 16-20 DCBCA 21-25 ABCAC 26-30 BBDCB

第二节 完形填空(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) 31-35 BCDAD 36-40 CABBD 41-45 ABCAD

第三节 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)

46.In 47. an 48. protected 49.for 50. that / which 51.or 52. uneasy 53.greater 54. dying 55. they

第三部分 阅读 (共二节,满分50分)

第一节 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 56-60 BBCDD 61-65 DCBCD 66-70 CABAD 71-75 ADBCA 第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 76-80 EFDBA


考单招——上高职单招网 第四部分 写作 (满分25分)

第一节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

81.doubt 82.recongnize 83.graduating 84.confident 85.humorous

86.affects 87. quality 88.advertise 89.musicians 90. suffered

第二节 书面表达 (满分15)

Attention, please. I’ve something important to announce.

Mr King, a famous American professor, will come to give us a lecture on American English. In the lecture, he will speak about some of the differences between American English and British English, the development of American English and American dialects. He will also give us some advice on how to learn English well. The report will be held in our school hall at 9:00 a.m. on December 7th. At the end of the lecture, you have a chance to come up with questions. And after the lecture, we’ll have a discussion.

Don’t forget to bring your pens and notebooks. Please don’t be late. That’s all. Thank you for your attention.