The theory and practice of translation 奈达的翻译理论与实践 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章The theory and practice of translation 奈达的翻译理论与实践更新完毕开始阅读c767664fa417866fb84a8e81

Types of expansions

The expansions may perhaps be most conveniently divided between syntactic (or formal) expansions and lexical (or semantic) ones.

Lexical expansions in marginal helps

In making explicit what is fully implicit in the original translation, one can ofter insert material in the text itself without imposing undue strains upon the process of translation.

Such information may only be part of the general cultural background shared by the participants in the source language. This type of information cannot be legitimately introduced into the text of a translation, but should be placed in marginal helps, either in the form of glossaries, where information about recurring terms is gathered together in summary fashion, or in marginal notes on the page where the difficulty in understanding occurs.

Practical texts

Therefore, if a translator really wants to obtain satisfactory replies to direct questions on specific problems, the only way to do so is by supplying people with alternatives. This means that one must read a sentence in two or more ways, ofter repeating such alternatives slowly (and , of course, in context). And then ask such questions as: “which way sounds the sweetest?” “which is planner?”...

Explaining the contents

A secondary very important way of testing a translation is to have someone read a passage to someone else and then to get this individual to explain the contents to other persons, who did not hear the reading.

Reading the text aloud

Publication of sample material

The ultimate basis for judging a translation