外研版(三起)-英语-六年级下册-外研版小学英语六年级下Module 6 Unit1 教案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章外研版(三起)-英语-六年级下册-外研版小学英语六年级下Module 6 Unit1 教案更新完毕开始阅读c79af8aab80d4a7302768e9951e79b8968026883


课题: Module6 Unit1 It was Daming’s birthday yesterday. 教学目标:1.让学生能听、说、认、读写四会词earth,interested,space,Russia,

Spaceship,decide to,paper. 2.能听懂、会说句子,表达一般过去时的句子。 教学重点:1.让学生能听、说、认、读写四会词eat dinner, ride a bike, do morning exercises, wake up, high up 2.能听懂、会说句子。A、He's riding his bike, but it's staring to rain. B、She's eating dinner, but the phone is ringing. 教学难点:能用一般过去时讲解过去发生的事情。 教学准备:课件,点读笔,光盘 课时安排:1课时 二次备课或 教 学 过 程 设 计 即时反馈 Step 1 Greeting T: Hello, Good morning, class. S: Good morning, teacher. T: How are you today? S: We are well. T: What day is today? S: Thursday. T: what’s the weather like today? S: it’s sunny. Step 2 lead in 1.listening practice Listen and say the words you hear. 2.listen and read 3.Read together. Step 3 presentation 1.new words. 2.Listen to the tape and underline the past tense. 3.Listen passage by passage 外研版(三起)-英语-打印版

Listen to passage one and answer the question Q:who sent a book to Daming? Simon’s mum bought him a present. = Simon’s mum bought a present for Daming. Listen to passage two and answer the question. Q:what’s the book talking about? Be interested in /interesting Ask......to..... Q:what do they give to Simon’s mum? Decide to do ... Give sth to sb.. Thank sb for ..... 4.read after the tape 5.Read together. Step 4:Practice 1.Do some exercises. 2.Practise in part 4 Step 5:Homework 1.Recite the new words and the key sentences correctly and skillfully 2. Copy the new words and the key sentences correctly four times. 板书设计: Unit 1 It was Daming’s birthday yesterday. Simon’s mum bought him a present. = Simon’s mum bought a present for Daming. ask/give.....to Buy/thank ....for... 教学反思或教学札记(教学札记是每单元一次)