新版PEP英语四年级下册unit-1-My-school教案(表格式) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章新版PEP英语四年级下册unit-1-My-school教案(表格式)更新完毕开始阅读c7bbe2a5cd1755270722192e453610661ed95ab5

5. 自编Let’s do Go to the playground. Play football. Go to the music room. Sing and dance. Go to the computer room. Play computer. Go to the art room. Draw some pictures. Go to the gym. Play basketball 6. Role play A:This is my school. B: Cool! Do you have a music room? A:Yes, we do. It’s on the …floor. 作业布置 1. 听录音,跟读书本第8页5遍。读背第7页对话。 2. 抄写本第6,7页。 学科 课题 英语 授课年级 四年级 主备教师 徐静 Unit 1 My School B Read and write 第六课时 1. 能读懂四组句子,并按照读到的信息正确填充建筑结构图;能按照意群和正确的语音语调朗读四组句子。 2. 能够看图写句子,并按照示范规范仿写句子,能用This/That is …写句子。 3. 能听懂 Story time 的内容。 教学目标 教学重点 掌握两个重点句子:“This is the library. That is the playground.”的正确书写。 教学难点 在四线格中的正确书写This is the library. That is the playground. 教 学 过 程 教学环节 教学活动 反思与修改 Step1. Warm up 1.Greetings 2.Sing a song: our school. 鼓励学生跟唱。 3. Review the words 复习场馆名称单词 teacher’s office、computer room music room、 art room、 playground、gym Step2. & Practice 1. Look and say Computer room gym Classroom 2 Classroom 1 Presentation 呈现板书平面图,描述已有场馆的位置 T: Where is the computer room? S: It’s on the second floor. T: Where is the gym? S: It’s on the first floor. 2. Read and find 根据老师描述,找出其他场馆的正确位置 The library is under the computer room. The teachers’ office is next to the classroom 1. The art room is next to the gym. The music room is on the second floor. 3. Read and fill in the table. 完成书本平面图练习。 4. Describe the picture 看图描述场馆位置 5. Listen and read 听一听,读一读 6. Look and write 师作示范,强调书写句子要求: a. 句子开头首字母大写。 b. 单词与单词之间空一个字母大小。 c. 英语的句号是一个实心小圆点。 7. Let’s check 8. Story time 作业布置 1. 复习第1单元,读3遍。 2. 抄写本第10,11页。