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发布时间 : 星期六 文章大连朗阁雅思培训— 雅思小作文柱形图写作解读更新完毕开始阅读c7bc00ec760bf78a6529647d27284b73f24236fe



在雅思小作文中,条形图/柱形图、数据图、线性图等是雅思学术类写作较为常见的考题。这些数据类分析题要求学生总结 (summarise),描述 (describe) 或者解释 (explain) 图表中包含的信息,也有可能进行比较 (make comparisons)。也就是说,这类题目注重学生的信息组织、呈现方式、数据比较等的能力。今天的题目是小作文中条形图考题的典范。在这里要与大家分享一下这类写作的“套路”。通过使用这些“套路”,相信在不断的练习和感悟下,各位考鸭一定能斩获条形图作文的高分!好了,下面上题: 题目

The graphs below give information about computer ownership as a percentage of the population between 2002 and 2010, and by level of education for the years 2002 and 2010.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.





4)第四段:总结上述信息。通过简短的语言表达电脑拥有率的总体趋势和各个教育程度间的差别。 Sample Answer

The bar charts show data about computer ownership, with a further

classification by(通过。。。的方式划分)level of education, from 2002 to 2010. A steady but significant rise(平稳而显著的提升)can be seen in the percentage of the population that owned a computer over the period(在这个时段里). Just over half the population owned computers in 2002, whereas by 2010 three out of four(四个里面有三个=百分之75)people had a home computer.

An analysis of the data by level of education shows that higher levels of

education correspond to (与。。。相对应)higher levels of computer ownership in both of those years. In 2002, only around 15% of those who did not finish high school had a computer but this figure had trebled(三倍)by 2010. There were also considerable increases, of approximately 30 percentage points, for those with a high school diploma or an unfinished college education (reaching 65% and 85%

respectively(分别地;个别地)in 2010). However, graduates and postgraduates proved to have the greatest level of ownership in 2010, at 90% and 95% respectively, 20 percentage points higher than in 2002.

The last decade(过去的十年)has seen a substantial(很大程度的)growth in

computer ownership in general, and across all educational levels(在各个。。。层面). 好了,这是对这篇文章的简单分析,黄色高光的部分是一些可以学习记忆的词组和表达结构。大家可以先熟读模仿,然后运用于自己的写作中。