丛林大反攻-中英文台词打印版 联系客服

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丛林大反攻 布谷,这才叫河东狮吼 Now, that's a roar, Boog. 快上车吧,我们要迟到了 Now get in. We're gonna be late. 我认输了,那女的超会吼的 不过她会这一招吗? No denying. The girl's got growl. But can she get down like this? 她会无影脚吗? 看我,我才是世上最厉害的 Can you get down like this? Bring it here. Bring it. 看我的,看我的? Then bring it right back, huh? Look at that. Look at that. (请勿喂熊!) 呀呼!好戏上场啰! Here it comes. (山林村) (枪枝与礼品) 早,戈帝 Hey, Gordy. 早,贝丝 Morning, Beth. (打猎季节还有三天) 欢迎大家观赏 山林村的野生动物巨星秀 Welcome to Timberline's Wilderness Extravaganza. 我是管理员贝丝 I'm Ranger Beth. 现在请热烈掌声欢迎布谷 Please, put your hands together for Boog. 最威猛的大熊出场 Behold, the mighty grizzly. 说我恋爱,说我疯了 You can say I'm in love You could say I'm insane 只有我的爱枪箩琳最了解我 But no one understands me Like my darling Lorraine 你早熟晚熟 早晚都会被烤熟 Looks like you're going from one grill to another. 我们人气超旺的,对吧,布谷 We rocked that house, didn't we, Boog? 观众为我们疯狂了 为我疯,为你狂 They were eating out of our hands. Well, my hands, your paws. “为我疯,为你狂” Eating out of your paw. 不赖嘛,这个名字 That's good. That's going in the show. 看到那个烂人 我就觉得一肚子火 Shaw. That guy really chaps my khakis. 布谷,在这等我 You wait here, Boog. 逮捕他,戈帝 熊奶妈军团出场啰 - Cuff him, Gordy. - Oh, the Girl Scouts are here. 他又去盗猎了 He's at it again. 煞星,还有三天打猎季节才开始 Shaw, hunting season doesn't start for three days. 你的引擎盖上怎么会有一头鹿 What are you doing with that buck on your hood? 干嘛,关我屁事 是他自己傻不隆咚跑来撞我的卡车 What? It ain't my fault. He ran right in front of my truck. 哪里?高速公路? Where, on the interstate? 就算是吧 Sort of. 1

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丛林大反攻 漂亮美眉跑哪去了? Where is that girl? 有够臭的 That's nasty. 哇靠,哇咧,怎么回事 这是哪里? What? What the--? What's going on? Where am I? 我看见一道强光,两道强光 I saw a bright light and-- I saw two bright lights and... -我挂了吗? -快了 - Am I dead? - Not yet. 煞星的车撞得歪七扭八的 But seeing how that is Shaw's truck-- -煞星是啥? -山林村里最烂的猎人 - What's a Shaw? - Only the nastiest hunter in town. 猎人,你也被抓了吗? A hunter? Did he get you too? 你有看到我被五花大绑吗? You don't see me tied up, do you, baby? -这是我的酷车 -你的酷车? - This is my ride. - Your ride? 对,这全是我的 Yeah, this is my town, okay? 村民跟我超麻吉的 这里是我的地盘 These are my people. This is where I reside. 没有人能猎捕我这头熊 Nobody's hunting this bear. 真的?那就把我解开 求求你,又没有人在看 Really? Well, then untie me. Please? Look, no one's looking. -我办不到 -那我怎么办? - Ain't gonna be able to do it. - What am I gonna do? 我不想变成墙上的鹿头 I don't wanna be mounted on a wall. -安啦,不会的啦 -不会? - Calm down. Ain't gonna happen. - It's not? -你还不够格啦 -什么叫做我不够?? - Not with that rack. - I don't have a problem with-- 我的? 那是? My... It's... 我变成独角鹿 不要瞄我,不要瞄我 I'm a unihorn. Don't look at me. Don't look at me. 我丑毙了,我是四不像 I'm hideous. I'm a monster. - Tree-hugger. - Knuckle dragger. -乡下土包子 -山顶洞人 - Tree-hugger. - Knuckle dragger. 笨熊奶妈 Veggieburger. 好了?你们不要吵了 All right, all right. That's enough, you two. 听好,笨熊奶妈 畜牲蠢到不行 Listen, Girl Scout, they're dumb animals. 我只是尊重大自然的法则 人最优,畜牲是最低等的 I'm just respecting the natural order: man on top, animals on the bottom. 你的熊? 不对?你的笨熊与众不同 But your bear-- Now, now, your bear is special. 他算是夹在中间的物种 He belongs somewhere in the middle. 是夹在两片面包里的烤熊沙威犸 Between two slices of rye, smothered in gravy. 煞星,你真的是超级变态的怪叔叔 2

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丛林大反攻 You're a sick, sick, twisted puppy, Shaw. 帮我订两包QQ熊软糖好吗? Put me down for a box of Thin Mints, will you, sweetie? 食古不化只会玩枪的臭老猴 布谷,我们走了 Six-toed gun monkey. Boog, come on, let's get out of here. 拜托,我求求你放了我吧 Come on, I'm begging you. Please, please. Just untie me. 我求求你? Come on. Please, please, please? 快走啊,快窜回你的森林吧,兄弟 Hey, go on now. Scamper on back to the woods, little buddy. 独角小怪鹿 Little one-horned freak. 兄弟,他叫我兄弟 Buddy? He called me \ 我的鹿 My buck. 我的车,你这个小? My truck. Why, you little-- 煞星,村里不准开枪 Shaw, no shooting in town. 可是戈帝? 那只熊用爪子放掉了我的鹿 But, Gordy, that bear leaned over and untied my buck. -你没看到吗? -我只看到破碎的车灯,煞星 - Didn't you see that? - All I see is a busted headlight. 你在森林里待太久得妄想症了 Shaw, you've been living in the woods too long. 管它妄想症、狂牛症 抓到那只鹿才是真的 They can't tell me what I seen, because only I know what I seen. 幸运大轮转! Wheel of Fortune! 有人要赢大钱啰,快啊 Big money got to come. Come on. -好了,老弟,该睡了 -现在奖金已经累积到十万了 - Okay, buddy, time for bed. - Five hundred-- -这一题还是没有猜中 -布谷 - There's no R-- - Boog. 小布丁在等你哦! Mr. Dinkleman's waiting. 晚安,大个儿 Good night, big guy. 我是不是忘了什么了? Oh, did I forget something? 不行?不能再多吃了 No, no, no. No more treats for you. 不行,别闹了 No, stop it. 别装可爱了,不要挤眉弄眼的 Not the face. Oh, no, not the eyebrows too. 撒娇也没有用 好了啦,我是说真的 No, it's not gonna work this time. Stop it. I'm serious, Boog. 很可爱,但是不行? 好吧 It's cute, but no-- All right. 如果你今天跑进森林 会碰到个大惊喜 If you go out in the woods today You're sure of a big surprise 如果你今天跑进森林 你最好伪装自己 If you go out in the woods today You'd better go in disguise 因为森林里每一只熊 For every bear That ever there was 3

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丛林大反攻 都会在这里聚在一起 Will gather there together because 因为今天是熊宝宝的野餐日 Today's the day 熊宝宝的野餐日 The teddy bears have their picnic 晚安,布谷 Good night, Boog. 谁啊? Who's there? 我警告你哦,我有熊爪哦 我一抓狂就会抓人哦 I'm warning you. I got ten claws and I ain't afraid to use them. -兄弟,是我,爱鹿特啦 -你跑来干什么? - Hey, buddy. It's me, Elliot. - What are you doing here? 你救了我,我是来报恩的 You helped me, I'm returning the favor. 我要救你离开这里 快点,我们走人 I'm busting you out of here. Let's go. Let's do this. 管理员出来我们就没戏唱了 Come on. Let's book it before the warden makes her rounds. 不对,鸡米花 你完全弄错了 No, cornflake. You've got it all twisted. -这个地方是我家 -不错哦 - This here is my home. - Sweet. 现在你可以夹着尾巴滚出去了 Now haul your little butt back out that window. -这是啥米? -不准碰 - What's this? - Get off of that. 粉柔软哦? 那是什么? So soft. What is that? 你在里面干什么? What are you doing in there? 这里够大,两个人住刚刚好 This place is big enough for two. -什么? -这个不好,这个赞 - What? - Wow, look at that. 你看,有自然美吗? Does this look natural? -还给我 -这小家伙是谁? - Give me that. - Oh, who's this little guy? -小布丁 -小布丁? - Dinkleman. - Dinkleman? 小布丁是你的洋娃娃? Is Dinkleman your doll? 我才不在乎那破娃娃咧 I don't care about that old thing. 我懂了,你就是宠物 Oh, I get it. You're like a pet. -我才不是宠物呢 -才怪 - I ain't nobody's pet. - Right. 我想怎样就怎样 大爷我要走要留,随我高兴 I do what I want, when I want, and I come and go as I please. 好啊,那就走吧! Well, then let's go. 出去? Outside? 我为什么要出去 我在里面什么都有? Why would I wanna go outside when I got all I need in... 那是什么 Whoa, what's that? 我叫它“哇塞” 吃了就?哇塞! I call them Woo Hoos, like: 4

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