丛林大反攻-中英文台词打印版 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章丛林大反攻-中英文台词打印版更新完毕开始阅读c80c7d9bf46527d3250ce0ca

丛林大反攻 想不想吃? You want one? 我知道哪里有很多 但你得出来? I know where there's a bunch of them, but you gotta go... 外面 ...outside. 里面,外面 Inside. Outside. -里面,外面 -别闻了 - Inside. Outside. - Stop it. -笨鼻子 -里面,外? - Stupid nose. - Inside. Outsi-- 哇塞! 老哥,你吃的哇塞 就是从那里面翻出来的 Okay, I got that Woo Hoo right out of one of those container doohickeys. 从垃圾桶捡出来的? You got that out the garbage? 害我吃得满嘴满脸都是 I had that in my mouth and everything. 你闻个不停,闻得我很烦耶 Dude, you're freaking me out with that nose thing. -哇! -什么状况? - Whoa. - What is it? -我看到一卡车的“哇塞” -赞啦 - It's a whole Woo Hoo village. - Sweet. 锁住了 我们还是明天再来好了 It's locked. Maybe we should come back tomorrow. 嘿! Hey. 爱鹿特,你看你干的?好事 Elliot, look what you... You did. 你会把我给?给害死 You gonna get us in some trouble. 哇塞吃到饱 The Woo Hoo bar. 就像美眉一样,白泡泡幼绵绵 She's my lady. Smooth and creamy. 你好坏,不可以,管他咧 So bad, I shouldn't. Yet I will. 这是什么? What is that? 哦,交给我处理 Whoa, let me try. 布谷? Boog. Boog? -哈啰,呆鹿特 -是爱鹿特 - Hello, idiot. - It's \ 我不是ET I come in peace. 我发财了 I'm foraging. 披萨大餐 Pepperoni! -劈腿,转圈 -布谷?玩完了,快闪 - All right. Yeah, there it is. Let's go. - Boog, party's over, let's go. -来啊,正点? -不准动 - All right, yeah, there it is. - Freeze. 来啊,最威猛大熊 晚安 Behold, the mighty grizzly. Good night. 5

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丛林大反攻 如果你今天跑进森林 可以吃?吃大炸鸡 If you go out in the woods today There's gonna be some fries 长颈鹿饼干 Yeah, and the giraffes... 吃起来好像大象饼干哦! ...they taste almost exactly like the elephants. 这全搞乱了 That's messed up. 戈帝 Hey, Gordy. 糟了,快点倒车 不能让她看到我 Back up quick, before she sees me. 你死定了,大个儿 You're in big trouble, mister. 你知道你吃糖的后果会怎样 You know what sugar does to you, Boog. 上床去,快去 Straight to bed, now! 真的很抱歉,都怪我 保证下不为例 I'm so sorry. It's my fault. It won't happen again. -要是他伤了人怎么办? -戈帝,拜托 - What if he had hurt someone? - Gordy, please. -我们谈的是布谷耶 -看什么看? - We're talking about Boog here. - Hey, what are you looking at? 我叫你不要等我的 I told you not to wait up. -我知道?我会带他回森林 -你应该让他回到大自然去 - I'll take him back to the woods. - It's time to put him where he belongs. 不行?他还没有做好准备 我是说?不是我的错 No, no, he's not ready to go back yet. I mean, it's not my fault. 我教过他求生技能 I tried to teach him the basics. 我带他去捕鱼 可是他不想把脚弄湿 I took him fishing, but he didn't wanna get wet. 戈帝,别这样不要? Gordy, please-- 布谷对不起你 Boog is sorry. -贝丝,你不是他妈妈 -我本来就不是 - Beth, you're not his mother. - I'm not mothering him. 抱歉? 立刻给我上床去 Excuse me. Go to bed, Boog! 再一个夏天 One more summer. 我别无所求,再一个夏天 That's all I'm asking, one summer. 太好了,看吧,我也可以讲理 谢了 Great, see? I can be reasonable. Thanks. 你很清楚 You know something? 你拖得越久 他就越难适应大自然的生存环境 The longer you wait, the harder it's gonna be for him to adapt. 放心,他一定会? 至少我觉得他会 Oh, I'm sure he'll... At least I think he'll-- 到时候你会越舍不得?放他走 And the harder it's gonna be for you to let him go. 晚安,贝丝 Good night, Beth. 我该拿你怎么办才好? What am I gonna do with you? 6

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丛林大反攻 这不是低咖啡因的 你明知道咖啡因会害惨我 This isn't decaf. You know what caffeine does to me, Bob. 别又来了 Not again. 我会碎碎念,念到你耳朵出油 I'd be talking up a storm, chatting your ear off... 嘴角冒泡了,还停不下来 ...a mile a minute for the whole ride. 腊肠先生,走了 走啦,腊肠先生 Mr. Weenie, heel. Heel, Mr. Weenie. 烫? Hot. 好苦 非常苦,但又非常香醇 It's terrible but wonderful at the same time. 就像杯底不可以养金鱼 It's like freedom in a cup. 爽啦,乎干啦 Out of hand. 听说布谷昨天晚上跑出来乱 You know, I heard Boog got loose last night... 把这里搞得乱七八糟的 ...and he totally trashed the place. -真的? -我干嘛骗你 - Really? - That's what happened. 这里感觉好像不太对劲 There's something wrong going on here. 畜牲,还会像人类一样走路? You? It walks like a man. 不要跑 你这个边走路边喝拿铁的怪鹿 Hold still, you two-legged latte drinker. 小心 Look out! 布谷会让你们 好想拍拍你们的熊掌 Boog will have you eating out of his paw. 懂吗,熊掌 因为他是熊吗? Get it? \ -总之啊? -烦死了 - So anyway... - Oh, man. 放轻松,布谷,你做得到 Okay, relax, Boog. You can do this. 我要躲起来? - What the--? - I gotta hide. I gotta hide. 你在乱什么? 快出去啦 What are you doing? Get out of here. Hey. 有人在追杀我 He's right behind me. 我就知道,那只笨熊教坏我的鹿 I knew it. That bear's corrupted my buck. 掩护我 Hide me. -好了,他走了,快出去 -好主意 - All right, he's gone. Now get out. - Good idea. -你去哪? -欢迎,最威猛的大熊 - Where you going? - Behold, the mighty grizzly. 好可爱的小毛驴 How cute, a donkey. -你给我惹了一堆麻烦 -我?谁叫你救了我 - You got me in enough trouble. - Hey, I-- You saved my life. 活该,你救了我就有责任保护我 That means that you're responsible for me. 什么? 你不要再来闹我了 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com


丛林大反攻 What? Stop messing up my life. 你需要走出户外 你应该要谢谢我 You needed to get out. You should thank me. -谢谢? -不客气,兄弟 - Thank you? - You're welcome, buddy. 不要再那样叫我了 给我滚 Stop calling me that. Now get out. 我要躲起来? Need to hide. Need to hide. 布谷? Boog? 门都没有,滚出来 Oh, no, you don't. You're leaving now. -马上出来 -不要 - Out of the coat. Take it off. - No. No! -脱掉外套 -人家不依 - Take off the coat. - No means no. -他要吃掉驴子了 -他要把我们全吃了 - He's eating the donkey. - He's gonna eat us all. 你明知道他还在外面 You know he's still out there. 吃人,他才不会 布谷你在干什么? Eat you? He's not gonna-- Boog, what are you doing? 我要你立刻把他放下来听到没有 Put that animal down this instant. -不要乱动 -不要,我偏要动 - Hold still. - No, I'm staying. 我正在演出 But my show! 坐下,布谷 我要你马上停下来 Sit, Boog. You're getting a time-out. 听见没? 我真的要生气了 Do you hear me? I'm totally getting angry. 煞星那家伙 他想宰了我 That guy wants to kill me. 各位,不要走 No, wait. -指甲断了 -指甲? - I chipped a hoof. - Chipped a--? 那是蹄子 我要把你宰了 You chipped a-- I'm gonna kill you. 他很温驯,真的 不要慌? He's harmless. Really. Stay calm. Stay calm! 闪边去,滚 Out of my way. Move. 没戏唱了,你这个四脚怪ㄎㄚ Show's over, you four-legged freaks of nature. 太帅了 Perfect. 煞星,把枪放下 Shaw. Drop that gun. 你毁了我的秀 You're ruining my show. 冷静,排成一列 Easy, now. Just line them up. 一箭双雕 Two heads, one bullet. 头昏昏,脑钝钝 Buttermilk biscuits. 煞星,你被逮捕了 Shaw, you're under arrest. 原声英语 www.ispeaken.com