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at least $3 a day to cover their basic food, shelter, and clothing.

总部位于旧金山的全球交流组织的主任梅狄亚*本杰明一直在监察耐克公司的所作所为。= Medea Benjamin, the director of Global Exchange, a San Francisco-based group that has been monitoring Nike's practices,


和越南的工人来说,一天挣3美元这样的工资额依然少得可怜,但已经可以使他们的生活大大改善。”= said, \dollars a day for

Indonesia, China, and Vietnam would still be a tiny sum, but it would make a significant

difference in the lives of the workers.\

不过,耐克公司对此充耳不闻。= Nike hasn't been


【奴隶工资及其他=Slave wages and more】


=Knight, in fact, has been trumpeting a recent pay increase that Nike's Indonesian workers received.

但其增加额月均还不足3美元。=It was less than

$3 a month.

即便加上增加的数额,那些工人每天仍挣不到1美元。=Even with the increase, the workers are making less than $1 a day.

【10】这个月耐克公司遭遇重创,因为他们正在遭受来自市场和公共舆论法庭的双重打击。=Nike blinked this month because it has been getting hammered in the