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Unit 2 Career Development Planning

: Z! ~& {' ]9 ?1 k2 `\

Reading 1

4 u, w0 T& v; M8 a3 x) k* P* ~- C3 N% }. `%


( z: A3 ?' P- m0 W3

—— 拉什沃思*M. 基德尔

: H- a. b2 _6 ?1 x0 m) ^

So-So Student, Nobel Prize Winner

— by Rushworth M. Kidder

, D& I: j/ E% G2 i8 q% [4 O. T1 6 N2 F# R$ ~7 Q9 v2 m* G- t2 `, b W+ i

9 l; h( X8 A+ j1 Y! e/ h, ]! j4 C/ u

【1】据粒子物理学家里昂*M. 莱德曼回忆,他天生笨


1 g; N6 V P+ u' P0 V' l6 j

As particle physicist Leon M. Lederman remembers it, he wasn't naturally good with his hands.

/ G; E\T7 z- j! ~- Q1 W# [% c5 k\n* Z

2 K2 [. o* b$ Y7 ]\i' W6 I% i



As a youngster growing up in the Depression years

in New York City, he wasn't all that curious about

how things worked.

6 W4 w2 F: F8 G+ R* {6 t( 7 _0 a3 c: y8 }- T) e7 e*

1 `% r) w& m\N# I# _/ L. x& Y8 ) O2 a4 K7 W* Q. a: d, P%

`3 R D$ G2 T(


2 O( h8 l Y2 t, U3 ?, T

He wasn't a very good student. He found math


1 _$ t. t1 W0

3 n5 P$ J2 b+ l) r& U! g, y6 H- E8 e& `! m



6 g) f. |# E* E, N. L, [

His first year as a graduate student in physics

at Columbia University was terrible.

/ R8 k( l2 F! ?: r |' b8 [3 y, L# _\

他申请转学到麻省理工学院,但遭到对方拒绝。 So he applied to transfer to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology — and was refused.

% R* Q$ v4 s6 }# Q

/ R2 W: ~0 G4 \\% S+ o) J

【2】可后来,由于1962年发现了第二个中微子—— 一种基本的亚原子微粒,1988年莱德曼与他人共同荣膺


& g! p1 o# r1

And then in 1988, he shared the Nobel Prize in physics for his 1962 discovery of a second neutrino, an elementary subatomic particle.

* J7 c/ {4 D$ l- ~

4 J: y- E7 N# N3 ~6 6 A- y, K7 K& Z; `



What got him launched and kept him going?

0 H, U5 k% t4 | H0 U

2 \\( x0 m* e& J; x5 p6 f9 @5 ]



' m _( h1 d\

In an interview in his office at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, which he directed from 1979 until 1989, he points to the people who

spurred him on.

# t) e2 l- t, P6 D4 K# w; {8 L7 }* V, B9 s1 [6 S

* P0 ]0 a+ @! K( S1

【4】据他回忆,10岁时发生过两件事。Two things happened, he recalls, when he was 10 years old.

Q; z+ R5 o' V

) c1 a6 H' q9 Y J\9 P: k* c

2 L7 M, e( D\s. p7

- ]# z. K7 o7 U9 V# D% N一是有一天他卧病在床,父亲拿来一本由阿尔伯特*爱因斯坦与他人合著的关于相对论的书。First, one day when he was sick in bed, his father brought him