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a book co-authored by Albert Einstein about


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$ y- \\$ `! t2 `7 I

\p }4 X m0 ]“在书中物理学首次被比作一个侦探故事”,他感叹道,“那是一本用大号字体印刷的书。\started out comparing physics to a detective story,\he says,


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! u0 T6 [7 u* J: f)

对于一个10岁的孩子来说,那一比喻真实太重要了。”That's very important at ten years old.\

^\ k\ D

; \\2 W4 }) E' N$ k9 x4 J\Q# Y

3 _6 w: h. Q- u9 `



\New York Times about the winning of the Nobel Prize by Carl Anderson for discovering the positron. It told how he took a cloud chamber to the top of a


! U/ l* g& Y% a, J, O6 l

' l9 }6 Y* c. U+ j7 m3 b

那可是我当时能想到的最浪漫的事—— 竟然把某种


And that was the most romantic thing I could think of — to drag some instrument up there and see


1 o6 E7 x& T2 N2 Z# q4 f5 ?( ~/ D! V' m# ^

2 e x9 |$ { R* ~

; t) `$ ?+ \\ ^' k5 s- G z, Z3 M+ b0 |/ {9 i t9 D( G, ^! f. q3 g

8 L8 A$ @2 W4 r6 W5 @3 ].



Later, during high school, Lederman began hanging

around the chemistry lab with \


* P0 Y) t6 w2 p' Y2 n0 O5 D) m! ]+ u$ W, v5 W L$ ~

& m* D d2 i\; D

1 C' O0 ~5 k' `1 Z: O7 k\A9 G实验员是个“有活力的小伙子,他不干涉我们在实验

室里游荡或吹制玻璃器皿。”around and blow glass.\

! ?+ A5 C- N! e: a. E. @2 \\! U8 Q- G8 ]$ L' T: R9 S# E:

The lab assistant was \lively guy who let us fool

% M0 P- F5 o' @: o#

3 M5 L- ]% ^7 O* O! v X



% f; b5 o# ~0 [$ ?0 T5 s V

It was these friendships, more than any conceptual fascination, that kept his interest in science


6 t4 `. n9 y5 t u2 f3 b* _# d' R) |5 z w! j\% z


- w5 ?9 F4 C8 l0 ^9




\K( ]- R: o; w6 w'

But it wasn't until graduate school — after finishing City College and spending three years

in the Army — that he finally developed self-confidence as a budding scientist.

, R* _0 b+ E/ |5 C1 P& P7 _; _: Q$ D8 k

1 l$ v& [\N6 j



9 |/ U# t* N9 {0 V\w' v

One day, he says, he came back to the laboratory after spending a few months studying for his qualifying exams, and \was a guy mopping the floor and singing in Italian, and I said, 'Oh, a

new janitor.'

9 `' Z. t( G5 L2 a\w$ N/ \\# Q& S {

\j P+ t

9 \\: g5 Y\?$ H*

