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And as I came in he said something

incomprehensible, and I said, 'Yeah, but watch out

for those wires — don't get 'em wet.'\

& Z- `$ ], T* ~ B

4 d# c! g: S4

( S( T& F9 f: z1 K# ~' q0 @0 N2 r4 W5 \\* @7 j, u: : Z6 s' G7 U: X$ U2 N, R



As it happened, the man was a visiting physics professor from Rome — part of the flood of

scientists fleeting postwar Europe.

4 m& u9 i: P; _$ ~3 O: m

2 ]+ a* _ F% } q/ _* d( C

& ~' j- ~7 s: q; v0 f% J2 s1 ~他刚到校不久,便被人介绍到实验室。他发现实验室


\{+ r\X/ a#

Having just arrived, he was given directions to the lab, found it was dirty, and began cleaning

it up.

5 }$ j$ o% ]1 m. g, e: q9

( }8 R3 E& B7 k8 O( U9 M' . x6 j, J z4 F: j



6 k- o; N2 I6 h$ |4 * |* ~9 M8 ^4 l- U2

\\\; y) s* r

. u9 { f/ s$ s$ T9 I



2 q0 F5 F; U3 ^1 J! T) O( P; c7

And he was the first one who made me think that

maybe I was not all that dumb.\

; C, H\Q$ f! E7 s

5 D% j. C; R/ g3 J5 O\



* k R3 }3 _ R+ X' a

So if an innate gift for science is not essential, what are the qualities that make a scientist?

# J8 J9 k8 u- R( b) y* r

3 y( d1 b0 o& ?/ s2 O7 ]

6 {) N' F- k$ c- ^/ Q+ }*

# r: _; o! q ?7 {

【11】莱德曼认为:“首先是对工作的全身心投入”。 The first, says Lederman, is \dedication\

G% E3 s8 X J2 {.

4 g\j) v m ]' _) y- N! N( S3 n



, s4 I: M% z'

Scientists need \discouraged,\live through the low periods, of which they are many. You need a willingness to work hard and be single-minded— think about what you're doing

while you're shaving.

& y, a' c2 V-

' \\9 H! w: Y* ?( h7 e9 h



It's got to be able to obsess you completely, so that you're not interested in vacations or

sleeping or eating or anything.

6 Q7 L8 N: O% {. x) H: Z5 ! u& z; B$ M*

# E. R5 J7 h6 X' Q*

; S/ n\I/ W) j g9 s! m# N. k6 f) j+ W3 ?当然有时候,你得让自己振作起来。

head up.

0 R: ]3 Q8 \\( t. S' ?\

Naturally at some point you've got to lift your

* A0 x* y# d( [: A7 t2 J8 # V7 ]. v\j4 g2 g\

8 X- D\i* R: W) N0 j1 R



But you need to be able to go for three months or so with naps on cots and whatever food comes out

of the coin machine.\

5 j8 F( p4 ^- O0 ]*

+ ]9 H/ J E/ G0 q: R0 W\8 |' z