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【12】莱德曼说,想象力对于科学家而言也同样重要。 Equally important, says Lederman, is imagination.

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$ I) {; {* S6 D0 K1 H# k9



\— they have mathematical abilities, they have analytical abilities. They are super students.

+ q, v* k0 d. h+ d

V u: m( ?; l0 d, n



But there must be something else, because I don't

have any of those, and I'm successful.\

0 n9 I, g n3 C8 ^# x2 ?

! n. A2 a9 q1 g+ r. U4 @8



6 N+ M ^% H! {& i* l w C,

By imagination, he says, he means the ability to say, \

the same problem you're looling at.

5 Q$ A6 R8 Z1 D& K1 ~



Since it's still a problem, not one of those guys has gotten it. Therefore this problem must have some side to it that none of those 500 guys has

seen. What could it be?

$ ]2 \\( i0 |% u\w) r: L0 n' Z, ~

7 ~/ l+ q1 T# k6 A- T/ Z. b+ [.



I know we're going to solve this problem within the next ten years, so why can't I do it tonight?\

% d& l6 X8 m. Z+ {2 [

# o+ k& c) q6 v7 F; {7



3 g- r% V% C% K9 N4 k+ S6 [+ } Q

\think it's not only the ability but almost the preference for thinking unconventionally — and trying hard to identify with the little kid who

said the emperor has no clothes.\

# K( T2 s9 Y5 w/ J }* E\6 A


, a7 ]) |( m8 s. X/ n* N

In addition, Lederman feels it's important for today's scientist to be \

9 `% J. i1 I3 l& U9 A( Q) z/

9 U! {2 i7 T8 I/ [! U6 i2 \\

. T- \\- O# j! B0 ]0 U. T0



In the kind of experiments conducted at Fermilab, \— and it's helpful if you're social person. You get more out

of it.\

) ]* L+ X* R# y\P% M+ I\

8 s/ @) U) h N' e& S$ P ?

# }* }) V9 A9 x5 N; l: d6 E, W!

) Q S$ A$ X1 T7 q$ c |



: v* i7 E. f( t0 p

That sort of sociability also helps broaden scientists beyond their basic field — an

important part of modern science.

- U3 ]: k# T: G% N* K7 c\r4 e v% p9 H5 U

1 U* F5 L4 P8 F! J6 x,