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“你需要和相关的很多领域保持联系”,他指出:“因为你不知道能够运用的那个想法何时才能出现”。 \contiguous fields,\know when a good idea will come out that you can


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According to Lederman, the thrill of scientific discovery is still part of his experience.

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\you know something that you're the only one to know — and there are 4 or 5 billion people on the planet, and it's so frofound that it will affect all of their lives at some point — that's something science can do. And there's nothing else

I know of that can do that.\

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Summary of Leon M. Lederman,

get the Nobel Prize in physics for his

1962 discovery of a second neutrino, an elementary subatomic particle in 1988.The interest in science , \

' R) |5 z w and! j\X% z,\people person\ Leon M. Lederman change a

so-so student to a successful scientist. What’s more, Lederman thinks that



the preference for thinking

unconventionally — and trying hard to identify with the little kid who said the emperor has no clothes.

Through Lederman’s story, I realized that all of us can be a successful person. We may

performance ordinary in student time, it not represent that we will be a common whole life. If you make great efforts , or try your best, you must gain the sweet. In one word, believe yourself, go with a small progress every day, and you can do it.