大学英语4课后答案2013版 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章大学英语4课后答案2013版更新完毕开始阅读c8a5c7fc7c1cfad6195fa75d



1、 上司还是觉得他们的工作没有达到要求。

The boss still thought that their work fell short of his requirements. 2、 出海5年里,亨利获得了航海的实践经验。

Five years out in the ocean gave Henry some practical experience in sailing. 3、 系主任很烦躁,他发觉学生当中几乎没有人运动方面比较强。

The dean was upset that he found few of the students were doing well in athletics . 4、 珍妮参加了比赛而且赢得了奖项。

Jane took part in the game and won the award . 5、 能够见到老朋友,我说不出有多高兴。

I could not describe my happiness to see my old friends . 6、他忙于回信,没有注意到妻子来了。

He busied himself in answering letters and didn’t notice the arrival of his wife . 7、简真正的问题是她缺乏信心。

Jane’s real problem is that she lacks confidence . 8、学校已选出最好的乒乓球运动员。

The school has picked out the best table-tennis players . 9、她满腔热情地投入到工作当中。

She throws herself into the work with great enthusiasm. 10、他没有充分认识到要签合同的重要性。

He did not fully appreciate the significance of signing the contract. 11、我们根据你的工作量来付报酬。

You will be paid according to the amount of work you’ve done . 12、我也不知道我的表怎么不走了。

I see no reason why my watch doesn’t work .


Australia is one of the few countries where people drive on the left . 14、她正躺在沙发上看时装杂志。

She was lying on the couch , reading her fashion magazine .

15、马文.哈里斯的理论是,如果某一动物活着比死了更有价值,那么它就被保留下来。 Marvin Harris’ theory is that if an animal is much more valuable alive than dead , it will remain . 16、露营了几天后我们都渴望有一张床。

We longed for a bed after several days of camping .

17、吉姆是如何做到比我们先到这里的,这在我是一个难解之迷。 It was a mystery to me how Jim managed to get here before us .


She was delighted to have an opportunity to talk with someone who shared her interest in classical music. 19、随着新季节的来临,树木开花,焕发出新的生机。

Trees have blossomed with new life at the dawn of a new season . 20、这座出构成了两国之间的天然屏障。

The mountain forms a natural barrier between the two countries . 21、在这些年轻姑娘中有些是当歌唱家的人材。 There is singer material among these young girls . 22、新来的校长很担心那些不听话的小孩。

The new principal shows great concern about those troubled kids . 23、大家都选那活跃的男孩当我们的学生会主席。

Everyone of us has elected the active boy president of our student council . 24、重视弱势群体的发展是构建和谐社会的关键。

Focusing on the development of inferior community is crucial to the foundation of harmonious society . 25报名选修这门课的学生昨晚才到了一半了。

Only half of the students who have signed up for the course showed up last night .


1、 Every possible means has been used to prevent the air pollution ,but the sky is still not clear . 2、 Two fifths of the land in that district is covered with trees and grass .

3、 He is only one of the students who has been a winner of scholarship for three years . 4、 He or I am going to attend the meeting .

5、 The teacher as well as the students is ready to help others . 6、 Nobody but Tom and Mary was in the classroom last night .

7、 The worker and writer has come to the party and is enjoying himself . 8、 A great many parents were present at the meeting the day before . 9、 Many a fine man has died for it . 10、 The number of students in this college has doubled this year . 11、Joan and I have been friends for years .

12、There are 50 students in my class .Some of them are from Guangdong province ,The others are from different provinces.

13、Someone has left his book on the desk . 14、I interviewed everybody but him . 15、Neither of his parents is a teacher .

16、I don’t mind her smoking in my room . 17、Make yourself at home .

18、Don’t tell me the answer ,I’ll work out the problem myself . 19、We have finished our work , but I don’t think they have finished theirs . 20、Martin thought of an idea , That idea of his was very clever indeed . 21、At Christmas people give each other cards and presents . 22、You shouldn’t say such things in front of the children . 23、The window is never open except in summer .

24、I took four exams , The final in English is the least difficult of all . 25、She is senior to me , since she joined the firm before me . 26、She works in the same office as her husband .

27、They tried to think of a method by which they could save time and money . 28、The man whose wallet had been stolen immediately reported the theft 29、I know a forest where few people ever go . 30、As is clear from his manner , he is a teacher .

31、There is going to be an English evening party next Saturday . 32、It is getting late ,It’s time we went, 33、I haven’t seen her before two weeks , 34、My brother has been in the Youth League since 1990. 35、I didn’t go to see the film because I had seen it .

36、Did you ask the teacher what we would do this afternoon ? 37、I’m sure I saw her four years ago .

38、An unexpected heavy rain caused severe flooding ,and the water was rising all the time . 39、Did you hear a noise just then ?

40、She is always working when I go to see her .

41、Yesterday Peter was given a ticket for the concert . 42、Before leaving the camp ,they had put out the fire .

43、By the time the applicant makes up his mind , the offer will have been cancelled . 44、New officers will be elected by our club when we hold our next meeting . 45、She thinks her dress is a little too long ,so she plans to get it shortened . 46、You would not have made such a mistake if you had taken my advice .

47、He was very busy yesterday ,otherwise ,he would have come to the meeting , 48、I would have invited her to the party but I didn’t know her well .

49、But for their common efforts ,they could not have achieved so much in their research .

50、Had computers not been invented ,many problems of space flight could not have been solved . 51、She didn’t like to discuss her decision to leave the company .

52、After the accident it took a long time before she had the confidence to get on a plane again . 53、She’s warn-hearted and hardworking ,and I believe she can become a (n) excellent teacher . 54、The poor man is holding down three jobs at the same time in order to support hid family .

55、The failure of the international community to deal effectively with the problem has cost thousands of lives . 56、I took advantage of the good weather to paint the wall . 57、The company has appointed a new sales director .

58、He encountered the young woman as she was leaving a supermarket . 59、I can still picture her lovely blue eyes and sweet smiles .

60、Everyone thought Henry would take over the company after his father died . 61、After yesterday’s fighting ,the region is now calm again , 62、He would sack any of his staff who fell short of his high standards . 63、The river was swelling rapidly with the constant rain . 64、They were leaning forward ,facing each other .

65、We were astonished to find the temple still in its original condition .

66、They fell in love with each other at first sight and got married five weeks later . 67、The room was untidy ,dusty ,and much used .

68、I once dreamt of her as an angel with golden wings . 69、Just within the entrance there were piles of horse dung . 70、Dad gave us a lecture about our table manners . 71、Don’t dive in ,The water’s too shallow here . 72、He prayed that his sight might be restored .

73、Her mother sat beside her and stroked her forehead until she fell asleep again . 74、It’s the custom for the bride’s father to pay for the wedding. 75、At his command ,soldiers opened fire .

76、Fred could finish his work in less time if he were more efficient. 77、I don’t feel like going to that party , in addition , I have a bad cold ,so I shouldn’t go . 78、This showed their love and loyalty to Lenin and the Party he had built . 79、Christianity, Islam and Buddhism are the great religions of the world . 80、Rice thrives in this hot weather . 81、The man’s survival was surprising ,as the doctors thought he would die . 82、My job provides me with the opportunity to meet new people every day .

83、The main features of Southern California are the mild climate and the beautiful scenery . 84、In most cinemas nowadays smoking is forbidden . 85、He claimed to have met the mayor ,but nobody believed him . 86、The ancient city still remains after 500years .

87、Bill slept a little until he was awakened to take his turn on guard . 88、He longed for the good old days when teachers were shown respect . 89、The President’s absence has given birth to suspicion about his health .

90、At the close of trading on the stock market ,China Mobile shares were up to $37. 91、Ryan sat on the floor by the fire ,with her plate on her lap and tucked in . 92、Don’t confuse the means with the ends . 93、Left all alone in her room ,she was in despair .

94、Her lip quivered ,and tears rolled down her cheeks .

95、I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your hard work .

96、Trees and bushes have blossomed with new life at the dawn of a new season . 97、How life began on Earth is one of the great mysteries of science .

98、His letters reveal a different side of his personality .

99、Since I left school ,my parents have started to treat me like an adult . 100、According to the data ,we can definitely say that pollution is increasing. 101、I’m always ready to help if you need me .

102、Friends and associates describe him as a man of deep religious convictions . 103、Write down all the positive things about your life .

104、They’re both in their seventies ,but they’re still very active .

105、The film festival is acknowledge as an event of international importance . 106、Given half a chance ,his body was healing ,repairing itself . 107、I’m afraid your son’s been involved in an accident.

108、Without training ,all its efforts were doomed to failure .

109、She is an elderly woman who is physically incapable of caring for herself . 110、Poverty and unemployment are two of the biggest causes of crime . 111、Don’t be so impatient ,I’m working as fast as I can .

112、”Can you tell what this is with your eyes shut?” “It tastes of strawberry , but I’m not sure “

113、One of these aims is to develop an understanding of both in which they are seen as essential to one another . 114、A committee will be selected to choose the new leader .

115、Winners of the regional competitions compete in the national finals before they go on to word games . 116、The supply of electric power to Foshan and its neighboring areas has to be restricted . 117、It seems pretty convincing that nice guys do well in this game . 118、Rebecca had loved him all her life and she was so sad when he passed away . 119、Two employees agreed to speak to us on condition that they not be named . 120、It was discovered that three of your Olympic athletes had taken drugs . 121、Millions of people have tried to quit smoking and failed miserably. 122、Leave the vegetables to simmer ,and meanwhile bring a large pot of water to a boil . 123、Will spent most of his career as a lawyer .

124、He gave copies of the report to all those present at the meeting ,urging that they read and digest its contents . 125、Snake bites require immediate medical attention . 126、His words are strongly impressed on my memory .

127、You don’t write a resume to get a job .you write it to get an interview-don’t get the two things confused . 128、What right does he have to invade my privacy ? 129、We’ve finally fixed on a place to have the concert . 130、He entered the room . his nose red with cold . 131、Mr. Jackson has three sons , one of whom works as an engineer in a motor factory . 132、She is so shy a girl that her face turns red whenever she talks with a stranger . 133、Without music ,the world would be a dull world .

134、Children in school are classified into grades ,according to how much they know . 135、Thankfully she did not persist in pursuing her mad idea .

136、He told me how he had given me shelter and protection without which I would have died of hunger. 137、I have signed up to take an art class just to get out of the house in the evenings . 138、A strong defense system offers protection from sudden attack by an enemy . 139、Their neighbors complain about their constant loud music .

140、These negotiations are the first step toward reaching an agreement .

141、The President appealed to the international community for aid for the flood victims . 142、I am pleased to inform you that your request for housing benefit has been granted . 143、I’m in a slightly awkward position , in that my secretary is on holiday at the moment . 144、Shoppers tend to associate certain brand names with high quality .

145、In order to change attitude towards employing women ,the government is bringing in new laws. 146、The consumption of wine in this city is very high .

147、Someone proposed that a meeting be held to discuss the problem next week . 148、There would be the ruins of a (n) ancient building .