发布时间 : 星期日 文章SUMMARY OF LEGAL ENGLISH更新完毕开始阅读c8c895e3b90d6c85ed3ac6a9

技巧 1. 注意将动词名词化 2. 注意中文和英文的不同之处:中文重意思而轻形式,但是英文只要是含有完整的主谓宾结构(或者一些表示原因和时间的从句),就应该视情况进行断句。此外,将一个中文的整句拆分成几个英文句子时,在其中要注意它们的逻辑联系。 “如果”(英译中也不要过分古板的如此翻译,而是可以尝试译成“......的”) “根据” “无论如何” “规定” “除外” “努力” “友好地” “向法院起诉” “请求法院” “遵守” “在......时即” “意欲” “(财产)管理人” “(合同)解除” “提存标的物” “审批机构” “承担赔偿责任” “立即” “纠正违约行为” “生效” “权利消灭” “有营私舞弊或者其他严重失职行为” In the event that/in the case of Should as per In accordance with In conformity with Pursuant to In line with its annual export plan In connection herewith Relating hereto With respect to In no event shall Provide stipulate Specify“ Set forth Without regard to Make every effort/endeavor Amicably;friendly Start legal proceedings with a court Petition the court to Abide by/comply with Upon Purport to Receiver Dissolve/rescind Lodge the subject matter Examination and approval authority Be liable for damages Forthwith;without delay;promptly cure/remedy breach Take effect/come into force Such right shall be extinguished Commit a act of graft or serious dereliction of duty “赔偿” “承诺” “根据法律和衡平法” ”违约金“ “受损害方” “各自的” “附生效(解除)条件的合同” 原则 the principle of “与本合同具有同等效力” “......委托的其他事项” “外籍人员” “原因已经出现” “中国的注册会计师” “向...承诺” “专有信息” “税”(imposes, levied and collected) Indemnify/compensate sb. from/for/against Undertake to At law and in equity A Default fine The aggrieved party Corresponding/respective A contract with conditions attached to its effectiveness(dissolution) Good faith 诚实信用 Equality and mutual benefit 平等互利 Shall be equally authentic as this Contract Other matters entrusted by... (就合营企业而言)expatriate staff (意指由外方派驻中方的人员) Has cropped up Certified public accountant registered in China Undertake with... Proprietary information Income tax 所得税 Capital gains tax 资本利得税 Stamp duty tariffs 印花税 Customs duties 关税 Import&export duties Impositions, duties and levies 各种征税 Charges, fees and costs Fines and penalties The Recitals (to) To liaise with Credit facilities Any and all:全部在内,无一例外,可译作“任何和全部的” Solely and fully responsible for:独自负完全责任 Unless and until:除非 Null and void Remain in full force and effect Free and clear of Supplied or rendered 提供 Otherwise:其他的;另有 Provided that: 但是 从权利:incidental rights “费” “罚金” “事实陈述部分” “与......联系” “信贷便利” 连用的短语 特殊的词 负责人:responsible officer Execute:签署 Neglect of duty is good cause for removal of a trustee. 理事玩忽职守,理应解除其职务; good title:不容置疑的所有权;good cause 有效的对价 Merger, consolidation or other reorganization 兼并、合并或其他重组 Approvals, permits, certificates and licenses批准、许可、证明和执照 Subsidiary, affiliate or successor 子公司、关联公司或继承实体 Hire-purchase,rental and leasing scheme 分期付款、租赁等赊购方式 费用、利息、罚金、收费和支出:costs, interest, penalties, charges and expenses The Chinese government at the State, provincial, municipal or local level 中国国家、省、市或地方政府 Law 法律;regulation 法规;decree法令;rule条令 (合同的)条款、规定、条件:terms, provisions and conditions 终止:termination;到期:expiration Damages,costs,charges and expenses损失,费用,付费和支出 disbursements(including legal and management costs) 支出(包括律师费和管理费) Negligence,breach of duty or other default or wrongdoing of the defaulting party违约方的过失、失职或其他违约行为或非法行为 The offending party’s fault, omission or activities 违约方的过错、不作为或活动 滥用:misuse;擅自使用:make unauthorized use Servants,employees,agents or contractors服务人员,雇员,代理人或承包商 Trade secret,trademark,service mark,copyright or patent 商业秘密,商标,服务标记,著作权或权利 Reproduction, counterfeit, copy or colourable imitation复制品、仿冒品、仿造品、有意欺骗的模仿品 免除和解除:release and discharge 相近的词 索赔、债务、指控、诉讼、诉讼事由和要求 claims, debts, allegations, actions, causes of action and demands and harmless of and from any and all Punitive or exemplary 惩罚性的和惩戒性的 Lost profits and opportunity costs 利润损失和机会费用; cost of cover 服务费用 法定代表人、负责人、承办人:legal representative, responsible officer or handling person 招募或吸收:solicit or entice away 披露或泄露:disclose or 制造工艺、程序、方法、配方数据、技术、经验、诀窍和商业信息:manufacturing technologies, procedures, methods, formulas, data, techniques, know-how and business information ;工序 processes; 配制:formulations; 配方:recipes; 规格:specifications; Claims, charges, easements, encumbrances, lease, covenants, security interest, liens, option, pledge 权利主张、抵押、地役权、权利负担、租约、契约、担保权益、留置权、购买权、质押; 期权:option;押记:charge;押汇:hypothecation;right of set-off抵押权; 附表、附录和附件:schedules, annexures and appendices(TO) 洽谈、谈判、通知、备忘录、文件、协议、合同和通讯:discussions, negotiations, notices, memoranda, documents, agreements, contracts and communications Conflict, ambiguity and discrepancy: 矛盾、歧义或不一致 政府或公共机构有关的禁令或行为、动乱、战争、敌对行动、民众骚乱、罢工、其他劳动纠纷和停工、交通或其他公用事业的停顿或中断、流行病、火灾、水灾、地震、风暴、海潮或其他自然灾害:prohibition or acts by government or public agency, riot, war, hostility, public disturbance, strikes, other labor disputes and work stoppage, failure or interruption of transportation or other utilities, epidemic, fire, flood, earthquake, storm, tidal ENCUMBRANCE(权利负担) 不可抗力