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One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters. ( George Herbert )

一个父亲的作用大于100个教师。 He gave her a ghost of a smile. 他对她露出一丝微笑

I loved Ophelia: forty thousand brothers could not, with all their quantity of love make up my sum. ( William Shakespeare: Hamlet ) 我爱奥菲利娅:40 000个兄弟的爱合起来,还抵不过我对她的爱。

Splendid cheeses they were, ripe and mellow, and with a two hundred horse-power scent about them that might have warranted to carry three miles, and knock a man over at two hundred yards. ( J. K. Jerome )


*作者对奶酪气味的描绘竭尽夸张之能事,幽默风趣溢于言表。 We enjoy every minute of the play. 我对这个剧从头到尾都很欣赏。

She is sitting here, but her mind is a thousand miles away. 她人在这里坐着,心却在千里之外。 I beg you a thousand pardons. 我很对不起你,请千万原谅。 Thanks a million. 万分感谢。

The gang deserve to die a thousand deaths. 这伙人罪该万死。 I?ve told you fifty times.


It?s a thousand pities that you can?t come. 你不能来,真令人遗憾。

My left leg weighs three tons. (Thomas Baily Aldrich: Marjorie Daw )


You write ten times better than any man in the congress. ( Peter Stone and Sherman Edwards: 1776 )


An ounce of wisdom is worth a million tons of books. ( Konrad Bercovici: The Wisdom of the Illiterate” ) 一盎司智慧抵得上百万吨书本。

( 2 ) 用动词、名词、形容词或副词表示


Tanks thunders down the road. 坦克轰隆轰隆地沿着路开过来。 He nearly exploded with indignation. 他几乎把肺都气炸了。

My feet are killing me. 我的脚痛死了。


They split/burst their sides with laughing. 他们捧腹大笑。

They bombarded me with a number of questions. 他们像连珠炮似地向我提了几个问题。

The price of food is soaring. 食品价格飞涨。

In inflationary times prices soared / ballooned / skyrocketed. 在通货膨胀时,物价飞涨。

In its wake, budget cuts and food shortages have hit the new nation of Russia and prices have shot out of this world. ( Newsweek,Feb.17,1992 )


The young porkers who are sitting in front of me, every one of you will scream your lives out at the block within a year. ( Orwell: Animal Farm ) 你们这些坐在我面前的小猪,一年以内你们都在屠宰台上拼命嚎叫着。 After twenty minutes my legs had turned to water again. ( English for Today ) 20分钟后,我的脚又疲乏不堪子。

She was walking on air. 她高兴得心里飘飘然。

They are sitting on a volcano, which might erupt at any moment. 他们好像正坐在火山口上,这火山可能随时都会爆发。

The sound of drums and gongs reached the stars. 锣鼓喧天。


Life is happiness, each minute might have been an age of happiness.

( Dosloevsky to His Brother Mihail )

生活就是幸福,每一分钟都能拥有无穷无尽的幸福。 It?s a crime to stay inside on such a beautiful day. 今天阳光明媚,躲在家中实在太遗憾了。

She was tired to the world. 她疲倦得要命。

He is on top of the world. 他高兴极了。

Ornamental columns supported a ceiling that displayed whole universe of electric bulbs.

( Thomas: Mann )


There is a world of difference between these two cities. 这两个城市千差万别。 I haven?t seen you for ages. 咱们很久没见面了。

There?s no one within miles of him as a cricketer. 作为板球队员,没有人能胜过他。 I have tried heaps of times.



It was raining cats and dogs. 天下着滂沱大雨。

There are clouds of clerks in the office. 办公室有很多的职员。

She wept floods/oceans of tears. 她泪如泉涌。

She left in a storm of tears. 她大哭着离开了。

There is a sea of faces in the park.


He committed the sin of sins. 他犯了滔天大罪。

Grain is the treasure of treasures. 粮食是宝中之宝。

The Pacific is the deep of deeps. 太平洋是个最大的海洋。

Frieda is the Parisian of Parisians. 费里达是最典型的巴黎人。


Divorce has become a lucrative process, simple to arrange and easy to forget; and ambitious females can repeat it as often as they please and parlay their winnings to astronomical figures. ( Roald Dahl: Mrs Bixby and the Colonel?s Coat )

离婚已成为有利可图的诉讼,简便易行,容易忘怀;雄心勃勃的女性们愿意重复多少次便重复多少次,能将赢来的赡养费增加至天文数字。 He has an encyclopedia knowledge of Chinese history. 他通晓中国历史。

Most Americans remember Mark Twain as the father of Huck Finn?s idyllic cruise through eternal boyhood and Tom Sawyer?s endless summer of freedom and adventure. ( Noel Grove: Mark Twain—Mirror of

America )

马克·吐温给大多数美国人的印象是他创作了哈克·费恩在漫长童年时代饶有风趣的旅行,以及汤姆索亚在长长夏日的自由和冒险。 He is blind drunk.

他烂醉如泥。 It?s so plaguy co1d.


It is a cruel hard job.

这是一件十分艰苦的工作。 It?s bitter cold.

天气真冷。 副词

The hills are heavenly beautiful.



The man is beastly vulgar.


Madame Loisel now knew the horrible life of the need. But she took her part heroically. ( The Necklace )

鲁瓦塞尔太太现在懂了穷人过着十分可怕的生活,但是她英勇地过上了穷人的日子。 *文中heroically生动地写出了鲁瓦塞尔太太对这种艰苦生活的心态,她感到害怕,而又不得不去迎接它,严酷的现实使这位虚荣的太太也无法回避。 It is terribly cold today.


You are awfully kind.


I?m dreadfully tired.


I?m frightfully sorry I inconvenienced you. 使你感到不便,我真抱歉。

They are fearfully talented people.


He is diabolically clever. ( John Steinbeck ) 他非常聪明。



I?ve never had a better or a more comfortable dinner. 我从来没有吃过比这更好更舒坦的美餐。



She has more goodness in her little finger than he has in his whole body. ( Jonathan Swift ) 她小指中的美德比他全身的美德还要多

My Faith is larger than the Hills— So when the Hills decay—

My Faith must take the Purple wheel Top show the Sun the way—

( Emily Dickinson ) 我的信念大于山— 所以,山崩了— 定会接过紫红轮盘 为太阳,引道—

I?ve never saw a prettier sight. 我从来没有看见过比这更美丽的景象。

When you come to think of it, there is nothing in the world more potent and more impotent than words. 想想看,真是极了,语言比什么都有力量,但也比什么都没有力量。

此外,as (so)?as结构也有夸张作用。但是,并不是用了as (so)?as结构就表示夸张,只有在主观上把语义推向极端,方可视为夸张。如: