江苏省射阳县二中2016届高三上学期第二次学情调研英语试卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章江苏省射阳县二中2016届高三上学期第二次学情调研英语试卷更新完毕开始阅读c925c321b8f67c1cfbd6b89d

the ability to understand other people’s feelings and the quality of being generous. And it reflects the kind of world I want to live in, where we all have our toys, but when we are not using them, we share them with our friends.

65. During the first weekly toddle playdate, children ______.

A. had to share toys with others B. learned to work together as a team C. could only play with the toy in a fixed time.

D. had to wait until others finished playing the toy they wanted

66. The underlined part “unspoken rule”(in Para2) probably means that_________.

A. communication is very important at the playdate B. children can refuse to share at the playdate C. if others share, your children should share too D. parents determine the rules of sharing toys

67. Some experts disapprove of children’s sharing because it_______. A. fails to teach children to be grateful B. teaches children to obey rather than share C. prevents the physical development of children D. make children lose the curiosity about the world 68. What can we know about children’s no-sharing? A. It may develop children’s concentration ability. B. It may help children have a strong character. C. It may slow children’s self-learning ability. D. It may make children less imaginative.

69. By mentioning his sharing list, the author intends to tell us that ______. A. his neighbours are very generous B. adults can share while children needn’t

C. his life is more convenient thanks to sharing D. sharing is of great importance in our daily life 70. What is the author’s understanding of sharing? A. Sharing needs to be guaranteed by selflessness.


B. Sharing is letting others have things you are using. C. Sharing is the generous behaviour from the heart. D. Sharing means others’ demand is more important. 第二卷(非选择题,共两大题,35分)

第四部分: 任务型阅读 (共10小题;每小题l分, 满分l0分)


Everyone wants to go to college. At college, you are meant to do well in your courses. You have to set up a solid schedule. For example, if you have a course at 11 am and no classes afterward, then make sure you do that course’s assignments within the next two hours, so you will be available to enjoy the rest of the day. Make sure you keep the GPA (the average of a student’s marks over a period of time in the US education system) that is required. Make sure not to party excessively. College is far from playing. You are paying for an education and hopefully a successful future. Remember you have the rest of your life to enjoy the party. And what you should do is to study, study and party a bit. Balance it out.

College also consists of completing independent work. What I mean by that is your are expected to have the ability to do the laundry and clean your room. Make sure you keep to a certain schedule when it comes to doing the laundry and cleaning your space. And make sure you choose your less eventful day when only one or two courses are offered, and do your cleaning! Basically, you need to be well organized with everything. Considering you’re most likely to have other roommates, you should organize your belongings, because nobody wants to room with a messy and unorganized person.

In addition, make sure you develop friendships with right people. The right people are those who are good at finding ways of dealing with practical problems and can make you happy and provide you with good advice. It is extremely important that they don’t always want to party and they can balance their college life as well as you do. You want to receive reciprocal treatment, so why not have a positive friend around you?


Most of all, when you have your month vacations such Christmas vacation, ensure that you get all your tiring stress and frustration removed by relaxing. Treat yourself to a spa with friends and also take the opportunity to work.

Last but not least, getting money in college is somewhat a difficult task unless you have quite generous and well-off parents. Cherish your parents’ company and care, for they missed you so much and, after all, they are paying for your education. Title Being good at your courses What does college consist of? ●Have a (71)_________ ●Ensure that you keep the GPA. ●Try to keep a (72)___________ between work and play (73)___________ work on your own ●Be (74)__________ to do the laundry and clean your room on a less eventful day. ● Be a (75)__________ person because no one wants to live with a messy man. Making positive (76)____________ ●Those who are good at(77)_______ problems. ●Those who can provide you with (78)_________ and advice. ●Those who can balance their college life. Having a good time during month Remove stress and frustration from you and get vacations Remembering your parents (79)___________. Your parents care about you, miss you and, most of all, (10)_________ you in receiving education.

第五部分:书面表达 (满分25分)


Nowadays competition exists in every field and it is becoming fiercer and fiercer. It is not surprising that education and competition are closely related. On the one hand, it is natural for children to compete and, therefore, understandable that competition is put to educational use. On the other hand, competition may be found so important in adult life that young people are educated to compete.

For example, in Sparta, the famous ancient Greek city in the 8 and 7 centuries BC, physical education was dominated(占重要地位)by contests. Therefore, in the Olympics Games, Spartans often won more than half of the top honors.

Education experts hold different opinions on the point that competitive desires should be encouraged. On theory says that, since competition is part of every culture, it is necessary to put competition into education to help children get used to it in the future life. Another theory views competition as opposed to cooperation and should be limited. At school this often results in a mixed attitude towards competition, which confuses students. 写作内容:



1)竞争的广泛性;2)竞争的利与弊; 3)你是否喜欢竞争,请说明理由。 写作要求:


2、作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。 标准


