最新版高中英语 Unit 6 Design Period One Warm-up 联系客服

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Unit 6 Design Period One Warm-up & Lesson 1 Tomorrow’s World

Chinese Paper-cutting

Paper-cutting is a very special visual art of Chinese handicrafts.One saying is that it originated from the religious ceremony of offerings.The ancient people cut papers into animals or people.They either buried them with the dead or burned them on the funerals,wishing that things that paper stood for could be with the dead.After hundreds of years’ development,now they have become a very popular means of decoration among country folk,especially women.

It is easy to learn about cutting a piece of paper but very difficult to master it with perfection.Beginners need only a knife and paper.For craftsmen,they need knives and gravers of various types to make complicated(复杂的) patterns.For complicated patterns,people first paste the pattern on the paper and then use various kinds of knives to make it.No mistake can be made during the process otherwise the work would fail.

Paper-cutting covers nearly all topics,from flowers,birds,animals,legendary people,figures in classic novels,to types of facial make-up in Beijing Opera.Paper-cutting has various styles in different parts of China.

In the past,women living in the countryside gathered in their free time to make paper-cutting,which was a way to judge their skillfulness.As society develops,fewer and fewer women still regard it as a profession.At present,there are factories and associations for paper-cutting in China.Exhibitions and exchanges are held regularly and books of this kind are published.Paper-cutting has changed from decoration to a kind of art.At the same time,paper-cutting also appears in cartoons,on stage,in magazines or in TV series. 根据上文回答下列问题

1.Why did ancient people burn paper animals or people on the funerals? They wanted them to go with the dead.

2.If a mistake is made during the process of paper-cutting,what should the craftsmen do?

They should have the process again and the previous work will be wasted. 3.Is paper-cutting still popular today?



Yes,as a kind of art,it is still popular.

Period One Warm-up & Lesson 1 A Matter of Taste


1.abstract adj.抽象的,深奥的 2.straight adj.直的;adv.直,直接 3.imagination n.想象;想象力 imagine vt.想象 4.pain n.痛苦;痛,疼 5.exhibition n.展览会

exhibit vt.展览,展出,陈列;n.展览品 6.shade n.(色彩的)浓淡;阴影

7.creature n.动物;(有特性或特质的)人 8.valuable adj.贵重的,有价值的 value n.& vt.价值;评价;重视 9.typical adj.典型的 10.elegantly adv.优雅地 elegant adj.漂亮的,优美的 11.cloth n.布,布料 clothes n.衣服 12.shallow adj.浅的 Ⅱ.重点短语

1.at high speed以高速 2.such as例如

3.fix one’s eyes on注视,凝视 4.be deep in thought陷入沉思 5.add...to增加,增添 6.on the shore在岸边 Ⅲ.重点句式 1.see+宾语+宾补

Across this painting,named Racing Horse,we can see a horse running(run) at high speed



like a missile across the sky.

在这幅名为《奔马》的画中,我们看到一匹骏马像导弹穿越天空那样在飞速地奔驰。 2.leave+宾语+宾补

Qi Baishi’s style of painting often leaves the audience guessing(guess) and makes them use their imagination.

齐白石的绘画作品常给观赏者留出运用想象力解读其内涵的余地。 3.wish后的宾语从句用虚拟语气

I wish I could have bought(buy) a painting,but they are too expensive for me! 我要是买了一幅画就好了,但它们对我来说太贵了!


1. Xu Beihong held several exhibitions in Asia and Europe between 1933 and 1940 to promote Chinese art.(T)

2.Qi Baishi worked with wood when he was young.(T)

3.Qi Baishi liked painting many pictures of scenery when he became old.(F) 4.The tiny insect on the cabbage has some red on its back.(F)

5.The audience often use their imagination to guess something from Qi’s paintings.(T) 6.Chen Yifei’s soft portraits of beautiful women are very valuable.(T) Ⅱ.课文阅读理解

1.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A.Xu Beihong was good at painting vegetables. B.Qi Baishi wasn’t China’s greatest painter. C.Cabbage is a well-known example of Chen’s work. D.Poppy is a typical example of Chen’s style. 答案 D

2.From the passage we can see that .

A.Racing Horse,Cabbage and Poppy are all wellknown examples of Chinese art B.the painting of dark and light colours is a favourite of all the art lovers C.Chen Yifei lived longest of the three great artists mentioned in the passage D.only the colour black can show animals in moving paintings 答案 A

3.Xu Beihong was important in modern Chinese folk art mainly because .



A.he developed the tradition of combining poetry with painting

B.he held several exhibitions in Asia and Europe to promote Chinese art between 1933 and 1940

C.he painted the well-known painting—Racing Horse D.he used different shades of grey in a creative way 答案 A

4.Which of the following statements about Qi Baishi is WRONG? A.He worked with wood when he was young. B.He ever painted many pictures of scenery.

C.His interest changed later to wood pictures from everyday life. D.His interest changed later to simple pictures from everyday life. 答案 C

5.That one of Chen Yifei’s paintings sold for US 503,000 in 1997 can suggest that .

A.he was very good at doing business B.he was a very successful artist C.he was the richest painter in China D.all his paintings were very valuable 答案 B Ⅲ.课文难句分析

To emphasise the woman even more,Chen adds a lot of detail to the fan and the cloth of her dress,and chooses to paint the background behind the woman black.

[句式分析] 句中To emphasise...为不定式作目的状语;第一个and连接两个并列宾语the fan和the cloth;第二个and连接两个并列谓语动词adds和chooses;behind the woman作background的定语。

[自主翻译] 为更进一步突出这位女子,陈逸飞在她的扇子和裙子的布料上加入了很多细节,并选择黑色作为女子身后的背景颜色。

Describe the following pictures roughly in your own words, and then say which picture is your favorite and tell the reasons.
