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英语专业四级备考丛书之一 英语词汇测试练习

2. Water is readily ___ into hydrogen and oxygen. A. broken down A. evidence A. provided A. satisfied A. diseases A. optional A. leg

B. divided B. practice B. assigned

C. resolved of D. composed C. progress C. set aside C. pleased C. particles

D. existence D. appointed D. contenting D. colds

3. So far as is known, the original manuscripts of Shakespeare's plays are no longer in ___. 4. The teacher ___ the students a few books to read for the next week. 5. Our scientific experiment achieved ___ results.

B. satisfactory B. germs

6. Cover your mouth when you cough so that you won't spread ____. 7. The weather was good except for an ___ shower.

B. intentional B. foot B. result. B. faith

C. additional D. occasional C. feet C. addition C. honour C. benefit C. compress C. insight

D. paw D. the light D. honest D. occasion D. oppress D. sight

8. Some friends of mine saw you take the watches so you haven't got a ___ to stand on. 9. In ____ of your bad work I am forced to dismiss you. A. consequence A. trust A. profit

10. The students were not supervised during the examination. They were on their __ not to cheat. 11. He took ___ of every opportunity to speak English outside class.

B. advantage B. depress B. opinion

12. A good ruler will not ___ the poor. A. impress A. view

13. The teacher had unusual ___ into children's emotions.

14. The committee will____ your suggestion after they've dealt with urgent business. A. get start on A. condemned A. conclusion A. grasped A. presume

B. get down with B. accused B. solution B. caught B. assume

C. get round to D. get hold of C. pronounced D. determined C. determination D. resolution C. controlled D. gripped C. consume

D. resume

15. The judge ____ the criminal to ten years in jail. 16. He made a New Year's ___ to give up smoking.

17. The reporter's account of the trial ___ the reader's interest. 18. We'll stop now and ___ working at two o'clock. 19. It would be ___ to remark on her appearance.

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英语专业四级备考丛书之一 英语词汇测试练习

A. rude A. misery

B. rough B. fate B. stick to

C. coarse C. destiny C. give up C. ran down C. reduced C. foreign

D. crude D. misfortune D. hold on D. pulled down D. subtracted D. suitable

20. His failure in business was due not to ___ but to his mistakes. 21. They hope he will ___ their expectations. A. live up to A. turned down A. declined A. strange

22. The liner ___ a fishing-boat during the dense fog.

B. laid down B. shrank B. irrelevant

23. All these measures ___ the number of infant deaths. 24. He's a very good person; cruelty is ___ to his nature. 25. He rather ___ by the remark.

A. let himself out B. gave himself away C. disclosed himself D. exposed himself 26. The boy burned the letter with a ___ to know what was in the letter. A. flame

B. displeasure B. processed B. bulky B. personnel

C. curiosity C. protested C. miniature C. character

D. convenience D. prohibited D. spacious D. figure

27. They ___ about the bad food at the hotel. A. proclaimed A. cozy

28. Even during change of classes there is no crowding because the halls and stairways are ___. 29. Mahatma Gandhi was both a political and a religious ___ in Indian history. A. governor A. be given up Section B

1. I regret that a previous engagement prevents me from accepting your kind invitation. A. secret

B. vital B. a raid

C. prior

D. foremost D. an investigation D. given up D. debate D. scattered with

2. They made an assault on the enemy's positions. A. a search A. abolished A. crisis

C. an observation C. abandoned C. riot

3. The death penalty for murder was first done away with for a five-year period in 1965.

B. prohibited B. fighting

4. Those men were charged by the police with causing a disturbance. 5. In the room there was a long table spread with candy and biscuits. A. put with

B. thrown with

C. covered by

6. After the beginning experiments, we'll have to deal with more complicated problems.

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30. Deep and expensive wells often have to ___ when they fail to reach oil and gas.

B. be abandoned

C. be dropped D. be used up

英语专业四级备考丛书之一 英语词汇测试练习

A. get down to A. produces A. devoted A. avoided A. crazy

B. get through B. affords B. hazarded B. rejected

C. get round to C. offers C. sacrificed

D. get over with D. furnishes D. ran a risk of D. restricted D. strange

7. This shop supplies us with all we need. 8. The fireman risked his life to save the child. 9. Fishing in this river is forbidden.

C. prohibited C. fool Test 10

Section A

1. As the train ___ there was a rush to get seats. A. pulled up A. founded A. sure

B. pulled in B. round B. propose

C reached

D. drew in

2. Laws are ___ on human experience.

C. established D. laid C. ensure

D. provide

3. A letter of introduction will ___ you an interview. 4. He save a lot of money by careful ___. A. thinking A. district

B. budgeting B. fields B. to and fro

C. considering D. counting C. area

D region

5. The pineapple plantation occupies a large __ of the island.

6. Later we learned that we had been wandering round __ not far from the hotel A. back and forth A. in spite of A. owner

C. in wrong way D. in circles C. on behalf of D. because of C. master C aware C. warmly C. excited

D. boss D cautious D. lovely D. joyful

7. I am writing ___ my mother, to express her thanks to you.

B. for sake of B. host B careful B. nicely B. grave

8. Modem scientists have become the new ___ of the world. 9. Be ___ to guard against mistakes in your composition. A. conscious A. clearly

10. What ___ weather we're having for the time of year.

11. The situation is more ___ than it has been since the end of the war. A. solemn A. difference

12. The chairman wouldn't listen to any __ of his opinions.

B. contradiction

C. distinction D. agreement

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10. I recommend you to think very carefully before you do anything stupid.

B. dangerous

13. He was promoted to the rank of general as a reward for his ___ of the enemy.

英语专业四级备考丛书之一 英语词汇测试练习

A. triumph A. know

B. victory C. failure C. help

D. defeat D. be born

14. Some people are lucky enough to ___ with a good sense of direction.

B. be able to see

15. The newest satellites can ___ a thousand telephone conversations and a colour TV programme simultaneously. A. hold

B. take B. educated B. get in B. guide B. took B. latest B. highly B. alone B. infinite

C. bring

D. carry

16. Lincoln had very little formal schooling, but he did possess a __ mind and great moral strength. A. brilliant A. get off A. pilot A. made A. later A. high

C. wonderful D. independent C. get across D. get at C. tourist C. brought C last C. higher C. lonely C. indefinite C. surveyed C. player

D. postman D. cost D. latter D. highness D. single D. definite D. supervised D. actor

17. The absent-minded professor forgot to ___ at Newcastle and was taken on to Edinburgh. 18. If you travel in a foreign country, a ___ may save your expense and trouble. 19. The boy's bad behaviour ___ his mother many sleepless nights. 20. Cricket and football are both English games but the ___ is more popular. 21. The Chinese were a __ civilized people long before Europeans were. 22. Sarah felt ___ when her best friend left the town. A. loneliness A. finite

23. Learning to ski requires ___ patience.

24. The Prime Minister ___ the international situation. A. conveyed A. worker A. write A. burden A. lonely A. hung

B. commented B. announcer B. telephone B. pain B. along B. hanged

25. A television ___ has to speak as well as look pleasant.

26. While he was in prison he was not allowed to ___ with his family.

C. communicate D. get to touch C. business C. alone C. hang

D. affair D. only D. hunged

27. He was faced with the severe financial ___ of caring for a wife and five children. 28. It was the second time he had been out with her ___. 29. The murderer was condemned by the judge to be ___.

30. There are three colours in the British flag, ___ red, white and blue.

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