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英语专业四级备考丛书之一 英语词汇测试练习

A. mainly Section B

B. namely C. solely D. likely

1. Doctors used to draw blood from people when they were sick. A. transfuse A. by fortune A. lonely

B. bleed

C. put blood into D. operate on C. suddenly C. silent C. fortunate

D. by chance D. peacefully D. advantageous

2. Columbus discovered America by accident.

B. occasionally B. tranquil

3. She leads a quiet life in a small village. 4. Some people seem to be always lucky. A. prosperous A. arrested A. offence A. stay

B. favourable B. questioned B. murder B. cost B. fate

5. The police beat him to make him admit to the crime.

C. interrogated D. tortured C. theft C. walk C. future

D. violence D. kill D. chance

6. It is the business of the police to prevent and detect crime. 7. His intention had been to pass the day somehow in the streets. 8. The prospect before us is one of hard work until victory is ours! A. fortune A. attractive A. consequence

9. He isn't forceful enough to make a good leader.

B. intelligent B. important

C. courageous D. powerful C. circumstance D. meaning Test 11

Section A

1. No one thought that the house could ever be ____. A. fixed

B. restored

C. sustained

D. mended

2. \ou don't like football, do you'!\ \ A. Instead A. presentation A. defeating A. gap

B. Indeed

C. On the contrary D. As a consequence C. prepossession D. presence C. overcoming D. recovering C. gallery

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10. He spoke so casually, as though the matter was of little significance.

3. An important business conference demanded his ____.

B. presentment B. winning B. gate

4. He was accustomed to facing and____ hardships of every kind.

5. Now the ____ between the rich and the poor countries has become even wider.

D. gang

6. She falls asleep and her dreams are of the same thing, and tears flow down her ____from her

英语专业四级备考丛书之一 英语词汇测试练习

closed eyes. A. cheeks shoot. A. alarm sloping ____. A. chair and so forth. A. fixing

B. adjusting B. passive B. inquired

C. pumping C. intensive C. predicted

D. pushing D. intense D. required D. looking on

10. The effects the microprocessor will have on employment are the subject of _____ argument. A. extensive A. designed A. looking into River. A. trip

B. travel B. inward B. giant

C. excursion C. irregular C. greedy

D. voyage D. unfair D. frank

14. Many animals are colored in an ___way so that they are difficult to see in their environment. A. unfortunate A. mechanic

15. He could only offer a ____ apology for having forgotten about our dinner engagement. 16. When you read a poem, you have to try to picture in your____ the scenes given in it and to hear the sounds ringing throughout the lines. A. head A. buy

B. thought B. afford

C. brain C. manage

D. mind D. take

17. If a family can _____ it, each child will have his or her own bedroom.

18. The other men would go back by the old ____to get the boats and supplies which had been left with the Indians. A. direction A. mindful

B. course B. spiritual

C. trace

D. route D. mental

19. Some people are worried by these sensations, but they have nothing to do with ____illness.

C. emotional

20. Thanksgiving has hardly changed at all since 1621 in its intention and ____of celebration.

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B. thighs C. elbow D. ears

7. At five o'clock the __ bell would ring and, from his position ten paces away, the blind man would

B. surprising

C. warning

D. shocking

8. In spite of everything, he remains impressive, as though he were a sailor standing across the

B. deck

C. rail

D. board

9. The blood vessels are constantly ____themselves, redistributing blood from the skin, he muscles

11. The country boy _____ the way to the station of a policeman. 12. Mr. Jones said he was____ the possibility of buying a house.

B. looking after C. looking for

13. Somehow, they continued their __until they finally came to the entrance of the Mississippi

英语专业四级备考丛书之一 英语词汇测试练习

A. deed A. link A. fold

B. manner B. fan B. grasp

C. practice C. limb C. knit

D. performance D. jam D. imitate

21. There is a ____between changes in the seasons and crime patterns. 22. These figures are difficult to _____; so let us scale them down.

23. In his experiments, Professor Carver found hundreds of uses for the few things that could be planted in the poor southern ____. A. soil

B. mud

C. clay

D. earth

24. Many parents believe that ___ money helps children learn responsibility as well as appreciate the value of money. A. managing investments. A. profound A. stitched

B. wide B. stung

C. vast C. stuck

D. heavy D. struck

26. He often _____ pins and needles into his body to prove his endurance.

27. Having studied the science of _____ for more than three years, Peter now can talk in details about the life patterns of different species of animals. A. biology A. passed away A. by chance ____silent. A. occasionally Section B

1. The economy of this country is like the economy of France 200 years ago. A. reflects

B. resembles C. mirrors

D. imitates

2. Just as his hands were about to touch it the wings opened and the bird was lifted from its stand and out of his reach as if by magic. A. miracle A. feed in

B. force B. feel like

C. scare C. fill in

D. wrath D. fill out

3. I just don't want pancakes this morning.

4. He worked slowly and very carefully and at last tied the bundle securely with a piece of

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B. using up C. relying on D. counting up

25. He made ___profits from writing and lecturing, but time after time, he lost money in bad

B. botany C. geography

D. physiology D. came around D. in person

28. Edison's last illness began in June, 1931, and he ___at the age of 84 on October 18 of that year.

B. passed off C. came to

29. If you joke with him he will think you are insulting him ____

B. on purpose C. with intention

30. Even people who don't understand English can enjoy Chaplin's films because they are

B. naturally

C. mostly

D. ordinarily

英语专业四级备考丛书之一 英语词汇测试练习

grass-woven string. A. cloth

B. cord B. began

C. tape C. sent

D. chain D. went D. has set about D. found D. sensational D. pleasant D. compelling

5. The royal train set out from the capital at 12 o'clock. A. departed A. has taken over A. treated

6. The new doctor has assumed the duties of the old one.

B. has taken on C. has set up B. fulfilled B. sensible B. lovely B. hurrying

C. increased

7. James Bond carried out his perilous mission and came back safe.

8. De Vaca did the only wise thing by asking the Indians for food and shelter in their village. A. sensitive A. feeble

C. sentimental C. beautiful C. requiring Test 12

Section A

1. The wall was built along the river ___ floods. A. because of

B. except for C. in case of

D. considering

2. Best of all, they had established a ___ of friendship with their Indian neighbours under Chief Massasoit in the summer. A. contract

B. regulation C. treaty

D. receipt

3. In 1859, August Lindbergh, a man of pioneering instincts and liberal sympathies, came to America to ___ new opportunities and greater freedom. A. seek

B. search

C. explore

D. survey

4. The strong and ___ winds at Kitty Hawk supplied the most suitable atmospheric conditions for their flying experiment. A. firm A. major A. stored A. bare

B. steady B. master B. stocked B. vacant B. neither

C. regular C. marshal C. spared C. devoid C. almost

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9. Her figure was slender and graceful, her features good.

10. Many trains have secretaries who deal with urgent business. A. pressing

D. secure D. mayor D. preserved D. isolated D. nearly

5. The head of a city is called “___ ”.

6. Yet, traditional roles may be ____ even in households where the wife is working. 7. By the end of the game the stadium was almost ___. 8. He ____ gives more to the poor than the average man does. A. scarcely

9. The box suddenly ___ off the top of the wardrobe.