高考英语语法专项练习汇总(附答案解析) 联系客服

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专题六 动词的时态和语态 Part II


1. My uncle now lives in China, but he _______(live) in the USA for 6 years. I thought he ______ (be) a dishonest boy, but it turned out I was wrong. Only then did I realize I ________ (leave) my key to the car in my office.

【要点】时态的存在具有相对性。过去完成时表示动作发生在_________;主从句时态要_____; “for +一段时间” 出现时,主句不一定用_________。

2. I _______ (think) he will realize his dream of becoming a writer because he is so crazy about it.

I ______ (think) Jim would say something about his school report, but he didn't mention it.


3. You can’t be too careful; this kind of cloth doesn’t wash ______ (easy).

Student A: Do you like the new pen? Student B: Yes, it ______ (write) very well. Clothes made of this material wear comfortable, but don’t wash easy. (改错) The new book sells good. Everyone knows that it is a good book to read. (改错) 【要点】动词“read, wash, write, sell, wear, clean等”可描述事物的性质,句子需要用_________表示被动意义。

4. Even an experienced driver can get _____ (lose) in this town.

Every year thousands of people get ______ (hurt) or die when they are crossing the road. Hurry up, otherwise I’m afraid you won’t have time to get change before the party. (改错) 【要点】get+V-ed可以表示被动语态。请识别以下短语的意思:get changed________; get paid_______; get dressed________; get hurt_________; get punished________。 5. Your hair wants cut. You'd better have it done tomorrow. (改错)

The boy broke all the glasses on purpose; he certainly deserved punished. (改错) The house needs ___________ (repair). I will call the repair company tomorrow. This room requires ________ (clean). Whose turn is it to do the cleaning?

【要点】表达被动含义时,“need,want,require,deserve”用法比较特殊。如sth. need doing=sth need ________;以上一族有相同用法。

6. This book is worth ________ (read).=This book is worthy of_________ (read).=This book is worthy to _________ (read). The museum is worth ________(visit).=The museum is worthy of _______(visit).=The museum is worthy to ______. =It is worthwhile _________(visit) the museum.

【要点】请通过以上练习提炼“worth, worthy”的用法,并熟练掌握。 II. 对点通关、回归高考

20. I ______ (live) in London for many years, but I’ve never regretted my final decision to move back to China.

21. What we used to think ______ (be) impossible now does seem possible.

22. The teacher, with 6 girls and 8 boys of her class, ______ (visit) a museum when the earthquake struck.

23. Jack ________ (work) in the lab when the power cut occurred. 24. Look, the children ________ (play) basketball on the playground. 25. He _________ (listen) to the radio when I came in.

26. I _______ (write) to tell you my exciting plan for the summer holiday as soon as possible.


27. I can’t find my pen. Who ________ (take) it?

28. He said that he _______ (come) back in five minutes. 29. I didn’t meet him. He _________ (leave) when I got there. 30. —Could I use your car tomorrow morning?

—Sure. I _____________ (write) a report at home. 31. We will go to the cinema if it ______ (be) fine.

32. I will tell her the news when she ______ (come) to see me next week. 33. Do I have to take this medicine? It ______ (taste) so terrible. 34. The old man said that light _______ (travel) faster than sound. 35. —we could have walked to the station. It was so near. —Yes, a taxi _______ (be) not at all necessary.

17. The traffic in our city is already good and it _________ (get) even better.

18. Shirley ________ (write) a book about China last year but I don’t know whether she has finished.

19. At a young age, he ______ (move) to Spain and now plays professionally for the FC Barcelona.

20. The train __________ (arrive) at 5:00 this afternoon and I will pick up my grandpa. 21. Is this the third time that you __________ (be) late?

22. It is reported that a space station _________ (build) on the moon in years to come.

23. Great changes ________ (take) place in the city, and a lot of factories ________ (set) up. 24. Helen ___________ (leave) her key in the office so she had to wait until her husband ______ (come) home.

25. The boy got _________ (hurt) on his way home from work. 26. I can’t go with you, for I have a letter _______ (write). 27. It is difficult for a foreigner __________ (write) Chinese.

28. Shakespeare was said _____________ (write) famous plays in his lifetime. 29. Don’t take the magazine away. It __________ (belong) to me.

30. Despite the previous rounds of talks, no agreement ___________ (reach) so far by the two sides.

31. A library with five thousand books _________ (offer) to nation as a gift last year. 32. This page needed ________ (check) again. 33. —What do you think of the book?

—Oh, excellent. It’s worth _______ (read) a second time.

34. Visitors __________ (request) not to touch the exhibits in the museum. 35. This coastal area _________ (name) a national wildlife reserve last year.

36. People _______ (become) less tolerant of smoking in public places these days.

37. The official from an African country told the reporters that it was the first time he ______ (visit) the Forbidden City.

38. —This is a terribly heavy box. —I _______ (help) you to carry it.

39. I have to see the doctor because I ______ (cough) a lot lately.

40. Good care must _________ (take) of babies particularly while they are ill. III. 时态语态在写作中的应用

1.我将一直把交通规则记在心里(keep in mind)。(2013·安徽·书面表达)



2.在那个时刻(at that moment),我们跳了起来,高兴地欢呼。(2013·江西·书面表达) _______________________________________________________________________ 3.我一直忙于(be occupied with)学习,很少帮助我的父母做家务。(2013·陕西·书面表达) _______________________________________________________________________ 4.而且(what’s more),时间表(timetable)一旦制定,我们应该严格遵守。(2013·四川·书面表达)

_______________________________________________________________________ 5. 据报道将在全球选择年龄至少18岁的30名志愿者,到2015年的时候被送到火星上去。(2013·广东·基础写作)

_______________________________________________________________________ IV.时态语态和生活

When I am a child, I hoped to live in the city. I think I would be happy there. Now I am living in a city, but I missed my home in the countryside. There the air is clean and the mountains are green. Unfortunately, with the development of industrialization, the environment has been polluted. Lots of studies have been shown that global warming has already become a very serious problem. The air we breathe in is get dirtier and dirtier. Many rare animals were dying out. We must found ways to protect our environment. If we fail to do so, we’ll live to regret it .


专题七 形容词、副词 Part I


1. Both of them, I may say, are thoroughly ____________ (rely) men.

2. It’s a plastic doll with ____________ (move) arms and legs and it’s just like a real baby. My daughter likes it very much.

3. The exhibition is an ______________ (enjoy) and ultimately life-affirming experience. 4. The festival remains a _____________ (value) showcase for new talent. 5. You get an interesting meal for a ___________ (reason) price.

6. Mr Winchester is impressively ______________ (knowledge) about all manners of things. 7. The container is _________(visible) until you shine an X-ray on it.

8. __________ (national) investors from all over the world have become nervous about the country’s economy.

9. Sucking is a very _________ (nature) activity for a baby.

10. He added that doctors are ___________ (please) with his progress.

11. The official reason given for the President’s __________ (absent) was sickness. 12. They would have liked bare ____________ (wood) floors throughout the house. 13. Candidates should be fluent in_________ (speak) and _________ (write) English.

14. You couldn’t be more _____________ (mistake), Alex. You’ve utterly misread the situation.

15. People wore ____________ (color) clothes and seemed to be having a good time. 16. Hollywood has been ______________ (help) to me in that sense.

17. My mother has become very ___________ (forget) and confused recently.

18. Such laws could protect the consumers from ____________ (harm) or dangerous treatment.

19. You may see yourself as __________ (use), incompetent and blameworthy. 20. The District Council made a _____________ (week) collection of refusal. 21. _____________ (day) facial exercises help her to maintain the skin’s quality.

22. Precious few homebuyers will notice any reduction in their __________ (month) repayments.

23. They’ve been living and working peacefully with members of __________ (vary) racial groups.

24. They started strolling down the ___________ (dust) road in the moonlight. 25. He is such a personality—he is so __________ (fun).

26. Sadly, some have been sentenced to long prison terms after _________ (fair) trials. 27. I thought that cooking and housekeeping were ____________ (important), easy tasks. 28. They will be concerned to cut back expenditure on ____________ (necessary) items. 29. It is ____________ (polite) to ask too many questions.

30. It’s true she gets madly ____________ (patient) with him, but what mother doesn't? 31. It’s very ______________ (convenient) to have to wait so long.

32. Such a view rests on a number of ________ (correct) assumptions, which will mislead the public.

33. You have been _________ (honest) with me, which hurts me deeply.

34. She was taken to hospital, suffering from an ___________ (regular) heartbeat.

35. Many people have an _____________ (responsible) attitude towards marriage and