2013年中考英语试题分类解析汇编【书面表达】 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章2013年中考英语试题分类解析汇编【书面表达】更新完毕开始阅读cae3e115a32d7375a41780e0

hard to go on with their study and finally lose confidence in their study and give it up.

In my opinion, learning is very important on the life road to success for our future .Marx told us that books are the ladders to progress for mankind, so I think we should stick to our learning, however hard it is or whatever difficulty we meet in our life.

【2013甘肃兰州】 书面表达 (满分15分)


寓言、科普故事等不同的材料。著名作家Francis Bacon曾说过:“ Reading makes a full man.”可见,阅读对于每个人的成长都有着举足轻重的作用。请你根据以下信息提示,结合自己的观点,以“Reading Makes a Full Man” 为题,写一篇90词左右的短文,表达你对阅读的看法和计划。 ★ What can we read? ★ What are your reading plans? ★ …

【写作思路】 (一)审题

【审题】本题是半控制性作文,要求按所提供的要点来写一篇短文。1. 理清要点:对所提到的信息要点一个都不可缺少。2. 运用正确的时态:本文主要用一般现在时描述阅读对每个人成长有着举足轻重的作用及看法;并可用一般将来时谈论你对阅读的计划。 (二)列举写作要点



3.你的阅读计划是什么?在即将到来的假期我们至少可以读书??。 4.你对阅读的看法。 (三)列举重点短语和句型

not only ??but also??不但??而且;open our minds开放思想;make sb +形容词 使某人??;one of the most important ways最重要方式之一;other kinds of其他各

要求:句子结构准确,要点齐全,内容合理,篇章结构连贯。 ★ Why do we need to read? To get knowledge, open the mind, be more intelligent(聪明的), learn a foreign language… Textbooks, newspapers, magazines … Reading at least…books in the coming holiday… 37

种各样; help sb(to)do sth帮助某人做某事;plan to do sth计划去做某事;at least至少;in the coming holiday.即将来临的假期;spend??doing sth花费??做某事;start doing sth开始做某事。 【答案】

Reading Makes a Full Man

Reading is very important in our life. We can get knowledge through reading.

It can not only open our minds but also make us more intelligent. Besides, reading is also one of the most important ways to learn a foreign language like English.

Textbooks, newspapers, magazines and other kinds of reading materials can help

us know more about the outside world and help us grow into an excellent person.

I’m planning to read at least 5 books in the coming holiday. And I’ll spend

more time reading every day in my senior high school life. Reading makes a full man! Let’s start reading now.




Nowadays, it is very important for us to live a low—carbon life. The first thing we can do is riding bikes instead of driving cars. First, bikes are much cheaper than cars and everyone can afford it. Second, it’s easier to find the parking places for bikes. Third, the petrol (汽油) is not necessary for bikes , so bikes won’t produce the dirty air to make pollution to our environment. Finally, we can ride bikes to keep fit. Let’s ride bikes instead of driving cars to protect the environment!


1、 首先,骑自行车出行方便,可以随时租还。(rent and return)

2、 其次,众所周知(as we know),在上学、上班时段交通特别繁忙。(heavy traffic)

如果有更多的人选择自行车,街道上就会有更少的汽车,也不会那么拥挤; 3、 最重要的是,骑自行车几乎不会带来污染,有助于保护环境。 要求:1、短文必须包括所肉内容要点,可适当发挥,以使行文连贯; 2、80词左右,开头和结尾一给出,不计入总次数。

Now, public bikes are provided for people in many cities in China. I think it’s a good thing.



__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I hope more and more people can ride bikes and live a low—carbon life. 【范文】

Now, public bikes are provided for people in many cities in China. I think a it’s good thing. To live a low—carbon life, we should call on people to ride bikes instead of driving cars. First, bikes are much more convenient than cars and everyone can rent and return them. Second, as we know, there’s usually a heavy traffic when we are on the way to school or work. If fewer people ride bikes then there are fewer cars on the road, and there won’t be too crowded. Third, it’s the most important that riding bikes won’t produce the dirty air to make pollution to our environment. Let’s ride bikes instead of driving cars to protect the environment! And I hope more and more people can ride bikes and live a low—carbon life.

【2013江苏泰州】 书面表达(20分)

校团委正举行“畅想未来”的征文活动,请根据提示,以“My ideal school life”为题,写一篇100词左右的短文。 现 在 未 来 1. 多彩的校园生活(课外活动??) 至少写两点现在的情况。 2. 多样的学习方式(网上学习??) 3. 和谐的人际交往(交友互助??) 4. 丰富的校外活动(做志愿者??) 要求:

1. 所写内容必须包括表格中所有的信息,并作适当的发挥;

2. 开头及结尾已给出,不计入总词;

3. 不得出现真实的人名、校名、地名等相关信息。

My ideal school life

I am a student in Grade 9, ______________________________________

I hope ________________________________________________________________


This is my ideal school life. I hope my dream will come true some day. 【答案】

My ideal school life

Everyone has their own ideal school. I think my ideal school life is meaningful and colorful. I’m very happy to study in the school.

We have five classes every day. I like all the lessons, because the lessons are very interesting. And we can choose our favorite lessons to learn. At noon, we have an hour’s rest time. During the rest time, we can chat with classmates.

I hope our after-school activities are rich and colorful. We can play many ball games after school every day. There are many organizations and clubs in our school. I would like to join in the organizations which I am interested in. I would like to join many clubs, too. Of course, if you want to live in the school, you can do it. Most of the students like staying in school ,because the school is very comfortable.

Doing homework is part of the school life, but the work is not much, and very easy. We often use emails to send our homework to the teacher. Our teachers and classmates are very helpful and kind. If you have a problem, you can ask the teacher and classmates, they will help you. During my holidays, I want to be volunteer to help others in need.

In a word, my ideal school is like this. I hope my dream will come true one day.


请以“My dream”为题写一篇英语作文,供英语课上交流。 Dream Reasons I want to be interested in ? Ways to achieves my dream work hard at school find out how successful people did it ? 注意:1、短文必须包括三部分内容,需要陈述理由(2条)和方式(3条) 2、表中右栏信息仅供参考,也可自由发挥; 词数80个左右

【范文】One possible version,

My Dream