五四制2019中考英语总复习第二部分题型突破二单词填空真题剖析(含答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章五四制2019中考英语总复习第二部分题型突破二单词填空真题剖析(含答案)更新完毕开始阅读cb3a8d4c9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d698





1.To my surprise, he has (完全) forgotten the pleasant trip. 2.Eating too much salt (增加) the risk of high blood pressure. 3.We all like to be with Rita because she is very (诚实) and kind. 4.Generally speaking, excellent learners have some good habits in (相同). 5.Liu Chuanjian is one of the most outstanding (飞行员) that I have ever known. B.根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。

6.Father had his car (repair) in the 4S shop last week. 7.We're supposed (spread) positive energy everywhere we go. 8.Town Cinema has (comfort) seats than Guangming Cinema.

9.They haven't made a (decide) where to spend their summer vacation.

10.The old lady living on the (five) floor sometimes dances with her husband on the square.




A)根据句意及汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式,每空填一词。 1.Hold on to your (梦想), one day it may come true. 2.Tea plants are (广泛地) grown in the south of China now. 3.It is (有礼貌的)to knock at the door before entering a room.

4.The government of Laiwu provides a bag of (牛奶) for each pupil every day. B)根据句子意思,用括号中所给词的正确形式填空,每空填一词。 5.We are supposed to read (quiet) in the library.

6.Teenagers should learn how to protect (they) from all kinds of danger. 7.This is Mary's (three) time to visit the beautiful city. 8.The second-hand car is much (cheap) than the new one.





1.I looked into the classroom but I found it 2.Tina is a

friend of mine.


3.Most of the teenagers admire 4.The 5.I

of his success was hard work. at the door, but there was no answer.


6.She was seriously ill, but now she is out of 7.The boy

a stone at a bird but missed it.

8.They tried hard to provide a beautiful

for the children.




1.completely 修饰后面的动词forgotten,故用副词形式。

2.increases Eating too much salt动名词短语作主语,谓语动词用单数,又因为“吃太多的盐会增加血压升高的风险”描述的是一种普遍现象,故用increase的第三人称单数形式increases。 3.honest 句意:我们都喜欢和Rita待在一起,因为她非常诚实、友好。honest“诚实的”。

4.common 句意:一般来说,优秀的学习者有一些共同的好习惯。have...in common“在某方面有共同之处”。 5.pilots 句意:刘传建是我曾见过的最杰出的飞行员之一。one of+形容词最高级+名词复数,表示“最……之一”。

6.repaired 句意:上周爸爸在4S店修了车。have sth. done,表示“让某人做”;在此句中表示父亲让修车的人把车给修了,“车”与“修”之间是被动关系。

7.to spread 句意:我们应该随时随地传播正能量。be supposed to do sth.,表示“应该做某事”,为固定结构。

8.more comfortable 由“than Guangming Cinema”可知,此处是两者进行比较,故用形容词比较级。句意:城镇电影院有比光明电影院更舒适的座位。

9.decision 根据前面的冠词a可知此处应填decide的名词形式decision,make a decision“做决定”。 10.fifth 由“floor”及语境可知,此处表示第五层楼,故用序数词fifth。


1.dream 2.widely 3.polite 4.milk

5.quietly 由句中read可知,此处需要副词来修饰动词read,故用quiet的副词形式quietly。 6.themselves 题意:青少年应该学会保护他们自己,不受各种危险伤害。可知需要反身代词作宾语,指代teenagers自己,故用themselves。

7.third 题意:这是Mary 第三次来参观这个美丽的城市。表示第几次,用序数词,故用third。 8.cheaper 句中than是比较级的标志词,cheap前面有much,通常放在比较级前面,故此处用cheap 的比较级形式cheaper。


1.empty 2.special 3.heroes 4.secret 5.knocked 6.danger 7.threw 8.environment