新视野商务英语视听说(第二版)第四单元听力原文 联系客服

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noon because the boss is going to take them out for lunch afterwards.

G: No problem, that should be more enough time. The first thing on the agenda should be to introduce everyone to each other. Then the boss gives them the information about our company. He usually takes about 10 minutes to do that.

M: I think we should let the design people talk before the sales people, so that they can explain the products first.

G: That’s a good idea. The customers need to know what they are going to buy first. After the presentations we should allow time for a discussion, in case the clients have any questions. If they don’t and the meeting is over more quickly than expected, you could give the clients a tour of the office. I think that would really impress the boss.

M: Hey, this agenda looks good. I’ll go make copies for everyone.

G: OK, don’t forget to make some extra copies to give the new clients and anyone else who for gets to bring theirs. Oh, one last thing, don’t forget to dress up for the meeting.

M: I know. Thanks for all of your help. Part 4 video 1

Gregory: Do you know why we are here? Richard: No. I have no idea. He just popped in and told me there would be a meeting at 3.

Amy: I’m afraid it’s about cuts. I saw him this morning and he’s not happy.

Chairperson: Bad news! I guess you’ve all seen last month’s sales figure for the laptop X600.

A: No, actually I haven’t. R: Me, neither.

C: Oh, well, there’s a twenty-one percent drop from July.

G Twenty-one percent? That’s a disaster! A: I suppose you’re going to blame my sales


C: No. Amy. We are not going to blame anyone. Not today. We need to decide what we are going to do about it. R: Wait. Before we go on, can we have a look at these poor figures?

C: Sorry, I’m not sure if I have… Ah, yes, I’ve got a few copies here. As you can see… A: Larry, I want you to know that it’s not my fault! My people have been working really hard to promote sales.

C: Yes, yes, I know. But the fact is that the results are not good. R: Maybe we can change…

A: You should trust your team! There are always ups and downs in sales!

C: Look, Amy. I do have confidence in my team! I have called this meeting to see what my team suggests we do! So shall we get on with it? I suppose we can start by finding out why we are having these poor results. Gregory, would you please

give us an analysis of these figures? G: Er… Sorry, I don’t have anything prepared since I didn’t know… C: Oh, well… Part 6 Video 2

Chairperson: I’m sorry to have called this meeting at such short notice. Did you all get a copy of the sales figures? Participants: Yes.

C: Good. So you have seen from you memo the purpose of this meeting. Firstly, we need to figure out the reason for the drop, and secondly, what we should do about it. It might not be easy, but I want to finish the meeting by 3:00. Participants: OK. Uh-huh. C: Now, Amy, what do you think?

Amy: Well, there’s a lot more competition out there now.

C: That’s true, but our prices are competitive.

Richard: In my opinion, the salespeople are