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发布时间 : 星期四 文章大连海事大学 海商实用英语课后习题翻译更新完毕开始阅读cb4eb6c59ec3d5bbfd0a744b


1、 当提单处于收货人手中时,就成为货物运输合同的终局证据,可以对抗船舶所有人等。 2、 货物运输期间是指从货物装上船舶时起至货物被卸下船舶时止的一段时间。 3、 当提单转移至善意第三人时,对提单所提出的相反证据将不被接受。

4、 在任何时候,货物的灭失或者损坏是由于船舶不适航所引起的,承运人或其他依据本章规定享受免责的人负证明承运人已经尽到谨慎处理义务的举证责任。

5、 在任何时候任何情况下,货物或与货物相关的灭失或损害由于托运人在提单中对货物性质或价值的错误描述所引起的,承运人或者船舶免责。

6、 尽管提单可能是由船舶所有人所签发,但1855年提单法第22节保留了船舶所有人向最


7、 在货到付款的交易中,卖方一般通过持有以其自己或者代理人为抬头的提单保留对货物

的处分权。 第二节: 英译汉

1、 在租船合同中可能存在解约条款,因而,在合同规定的情况下,承租人就可以根据合同

中的解约条款来行使选择权; 2、 船东有义务将船舶置于合同约定的或者在没有约定时一般的装船地点。在船舶做好装船


3、 关于措词“除非诉讼在一年内被应诉”是指“在向法院递交诉讼起一年以内”而非“诉讼在任何地方提交”。

4、 如果船东存在过失,则不能享受免责。 汉译英

1、 Charterers to provide:

(1) provide cargo

(2) carry the cargo to the ship board

(3) full and complete cargo (4) load in stipulated time

2、 The charter and charterer can freely make a charter-party in the form they choose, but must in

written form.

3、 Cancelling clause provides the charterer a right to avoid the contract in such circumstances when the ship cannot arrive at the certain port in certain time.

4、 Deviation for saving life is allowable, but deviation for saving property is not allowable, unless there are specific rules. 第三节:


1、 经纪人是作为船东和承租人之间的中间人或者磋商人而促成合同订立的人;

2、 有时租期可以由承租人进行选择,比如:租期24/30个日历月,在第二十二个月结束后的约15天之内,承租人可以在还船之前进行选择是否续租;

3、 如果承租人使船舶进入不安全港口致使船舶受损,那么承租人要给船东以赔偿; 4、 租船合同可以订明在支付了额外保费时承租人有权利不受航区限制条款的约束;

5、 在承租人违约后,出租人必须在合理的时间内向承租人发出撤船通知,至于什么算是合理时间则要依据具体情况而定; 汉译英

1、 In time c/p, the charter is responsible for crewing master and seamen; the charterer is

responsible for management and operation of the vessel, and pay operating cost.

2、 If the actual ship speed cannot reach the agreed speed and thus causes loss to charterer, the

charterer can claim ship speed loss.

3、 The charterer should make punctual and full payment, without discount, unless off-hire occurs

according to contract or legal rules. 4、 The charterer shall guarantee that the ship shall be employed in the agreed maritime transport

between the safe ports or places within the trading area agreed upon.

5、 At the time of delivery, the shipowner shall exercise due diligence to make the ship seaworthy.

The ship delivered shall be fit for the intended service. 第四节: 英译汉:

1、 在光船租赁下:

(1) 船东仅支付船舶固有成本;

(2) 承租人占有、控制和使用(运营)船舶;

(3) 承租人支付所有与营运费用和船员工资、修理费、维护保养费用等。 2、 未经承租人书面同意,出租人不得在光租期间对船舶设置任何抵押。


1、A bareboat charter party mainly contains the name of the shipowner and the name of the charterer; the name, nationality, class, tonnage and capacity of the ship; the trading area, the employment of the ship and the charter period; the time, place and condition of delivery and redelivery; the survey, maintenance and repair of the ship; the hire and its payment; the insurance of the ship; the time and condition for the termination of the charter and other relevant matters. 2、During the bareboat charter period, the charterer shall not sublet the ship under bareboat charter without the shipowner's consent in writing.







1、 普通法系认为,在以救助为目的而进行的冒险中可能获得的利益包括船舶、属具、货物和运费。

2、 当考虑一艘船舶是否被废弃时,不必弄清当这艘船被她的船长和船员抛弃时的状态,而是确定船长和船员在弃船时的意图和他们所期望发生的事情。

3、 如果有一名以上的救助人参与到对人命和财产的救助作业中,参与救助的人都将从这次


4、 当救助作业以一整笔的款项作为报酬时,所有获救财产的所有人,包括船舶,运费以及


5、 The salvor should accept the assistance of other salvors whenever reasonably requested.

6、 Maritime salvage is a special legal system because the salvor shall be entitled to a reward

when the salvage operations had an effect.

7、 Salvage is an entirely voluntary act. If it is not a voluntary salvage, the salvor is not entitled to request for salvage reward even though the salvage is successful.

8、 The salvor may be totally ot partly deprived of the salvage reward and responsible for the loss

of or damage to the salved property.






1、 The assured must be interested in the subject-matter insured at the time of loss though he need

not be interested when the insurance is effected.

2、 The master or any member of the crew of a ship has an insurable interest in respect of his


3、 The adventure insured must be prosecuted throughout its course with reasonable dispatch, and,

if without lawful excuse it is not so prosecuted, the insurer is discharged from liability as from the time when the delay became unreasonable.

4、Where there is a constructive total loss the assured may either treat the loss as a partial loss, or abandon the subject-matter insured to the insurer and treat the loss as if it were an actual total loss 5、Subject to any express provision in the policy, there is a constructive total loss where the subject-matter insured is reasonably abandoned on account of its actual total loss appearing to be unavoidable, or because it could not be preserved from actual total loss without an expenditure which would exceed its value when the expenditure had been incurred.

6、 In the case of a general average sacrifice , the assured may recover from the insurer in respect of the whole loss without having enforced his right of contribution from the other parties liable to contribute.


1. 为了确保航行安全,船舶应当按照船员定额标准配备合格的船员

2. 当一国船员到另一国的船上服务时,有关航海和船舶内部规范,都适用船旗国法 3. 船员在受雇期间,要保护船东的利益,接受船东或船长的命令

4. 如果遣返费用是由于缔约方(contractor)对受雇船员的行为不满,而需要更换引起的,


1. In order to ensure the safety of navigation, vessels shall be manned with qualified crew members according to a standard quota.

2. When crew members from one country services abroad a vessel of another country,

regulations about navigation and vessel’s internal specification shall be applied to the law of the flag. 3. During employment period, crew members shall protect shipowner’s interests and take

master’s or shipowner’s command.

4. If any crewmembers are replaced due to dissatisfaction of contractor with crewmember’s

behavior, such expenses for repatriation shall be borne by shipowner.