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survivors jump from a second—story window.

The two teenagers and an 11-year—old boy who escaped were hospitalized with second—degree bums on their faces and hands,Fire Department spokesman Lt. Keith Star)les said.

Boyce said the two,—story brick and wood—frame house was completely covered by flames and windows were popping out from the heat when he and his girlfrend. Nikko Moore. rushed to try helping the victims.

“She tried to put the water hose on it to do what we could do. but by that time it was too late,”Boyce said. “It was too much fire. The water hose would do nothing. ”

Lorenzo Williams. who 1ives down the street in the low—income neighborhood,said he and several other neighbors also tried to help but flames and smoke turned them back.

“You could hear them screaming. but there was nothing you could do. ”Williams said. Relatives,including the twin sister of the woman who died,gathered hugging and sobbing on a sidewalk near the burned remains of the house. They identified the mother as Melissa Poole,38,and said four of her children died with her. A niece and nephew who were visiting when the fire broke out also died,family members said.

The top floor of the house was heavily damaged and pieces of the collapsed roof and ceiling covered much of the bottom back floor of the residence. The cause of the fire is under investigation.

The causes of death were not immediately known. Staples said. ”but the bodies did appear to have some severe burns. ”

56. How many people were there in the house when the fire broke out? A. Five. B. Seven C. Eight D. Ten. 57. When did the fire break out?

A. About 5:30 P. m. . Saturday. B. About 5:30 a. In. ,Saturday. C. About 3:50 p. m. ,Tuesday. D. About 5:30 a. m. ,Sunday. 58. What’s the name of the mother who died in the fire?

A. L83nar Boyce B. Lt. Keith Staples C. Nikko Moore D. Melissa Poole 59. What's the cause of the fire according to the passage?

A. Because it is a two—story brick and wood. frame house. B. Because of hot weather. C. The cause of the fire is under investigation. D. Someone set the house on fire on purpose.


A New Heart,a New Life

Donald Arthur ticks off the marathons he’s done in the last 12 years:New York City (tentimes),Los Angeles,Alaska. . . 27 in all. His goal is to complete the tiring 26. 2一mile road race in each of the 50 states:he has 34 to go.

And yet it wasn’t so long ago that Arthur couldn’t so much as chew his food without becoming very tired. “To walk a block could take me more than an hour. ”says the 63一year—old retired bookkeeper. who lives in the Bronx. New York. Facing death from serious heart trouble,all

enlarged heart he blames on decades of cigarettes and alcohol,Arthur had only one option,his doctors told him:a transplant.

He recalls the precise moment—6:10 P. m. on August 2. 1996—when he got the call that a donor heart had become available. A 25一year—old mall named Fitzgerald Gittens had died from a bullet intended for someone else. After five hours in surgery. Arthur had a brand—new heart. Soon enough. he could walk up stairs without tiring.

That was just the beginning. A fellow patient told him about the Achilles Track Club. Which

helps people with disabilities run marathons. Arthur contacted the club’s president. who told him he could complete a marathon if he trained hard enough.

The club. he says. “gave me a belief in myself. ”He joined its six—mile walks around central Park,then moved up to racewalking to improve his endurance. Fifteen months after his transplant,he finished his first New York City Marathon.

In 2001, just before the Winter Games,Arthur carried the Olympic torch on part of its Journey. But his most memorable run was the 1999 New York City Marathon,when he was accompanied by Mack Andrews. the brother of the mall whose heart now beats in his chest.

60. In how many states 0f the USA has Donald Arthur run the tiring 26. 2-mile marathon by now? A. 12. B. 27. C. 34. D. 16. 61. When and where did Donald Arthur finish his first marathon?

A. August 2,1996,Los Angeles. B. November,1997,New York City. C. 1999,New York City. D. 2001,Alaska. 62. Who can get help from the Achilles Track Club?

A. People with disabilities to ran marathons. B. Sportsmen. C. People who love marathons. D. Football fans. 63. Whose heart now beats in Donald Arthur's chest?

A. Mack Andrews’s. B. A fellow patient’s. C. His own brothers. D. Fitzgerald Gittens’s.


How did Ancient People Tell Time?

Natural ways of keeping time.

In ancient time. people had to use the sun and the moon to tell time. They got up when the sun came up and worked in the fields until the sun went down.

Man-made things

The sand c1ock is made of two glass balls joined by a narrow neck. The

top ball was filled with sand. The sand slowly moved through the neck into the bottom ball. People knew how much time had passed when all the sand had fallen to the bottom ball.

People also made the water clock. They made a small hole near山e bottom of a pot. Then they filled the pot with water. Markings inside the pot showed how much time passed as the water dripped(滴)out of the hole.

Nature’s C1ocks in Living Things

Animals’ Body Clock

Animals do not need clocks to know time. They have a way of telling time by their bodies. Birds know when to fly to warmer places before winter. some animals know when to keep more f00d for the cold winter months. Some fish know when it is time to move up the river and lay eggs.

Plants have their own clocks

Plants als0 have their own clocks to keep time. Plants know when to open flowers or when to drop their leaves.

The Body Clock in Human Beings

People also h8ve their own body clocks. When we get used to our lives,our body clocks can be very accurate. It can tell us when it is time to wake up. It can also tell us when to eat or to go to sleep.

64. How could an ancient farmer know when t0 go back home from the field in the daytime? A. By looking at the stars. B. By looking at the moon.

C. By looking at the sun. D. By feeling whether tired or not. 65. According to the passage,how can animals know time?

A. They use body clocks. B. They ask other animals.

C. They use the sun and the moon. D. They make something to tell time. 66. In what way is the sand clock the same as the water clock in telling time? A. Both of them have a neck. B. Both of them have two glass balls.

C. Both of them can be used only once. D. Both of them give the time by quantity. 67. What is the best title for the whole passage?

A. Man-made clocks B. Nature’s clocks C. Time and clock D. How people keep time


The Discovery of Anesthetic

Robert Liston used an anesthetic(麻醉剂)in all operation in London during which he cut off a leg in 26 seconds. There was not a sound from the sick man. and when he came to his senses he asked. “When are you going to begin?”What a change this was from the operations in earlier days!Simpson heard of it. hurried to London,and brought some ether(醚)back to Edinburgh. There he used it himself. But ether was not a perfect anesthetic. It had a bad smell,and its results on the sick man after the operation were unpleasant. Simpson decided to try to find a better anesthetic.

He had his two friends. Duncan and Keith. then sat night after

night in Simpson’s sitting room. and tried one gas after another on them—selves. This was not very safe,and it was a good thing that they some—times tried a new gas on an animal first. Once Simpson was just going to try a new gas himself. when he was told that he ought to try it first on an animal. He did so,and the animal died.

After about a year's work of this. the three men tried a new anesthetic called chloroform(氯仿). Suddenly Simpson fell on the floor under the table. When he cam. e back to his senses. the first thought in his

mind was that chloroform was very good. Next he noticed that he was lying on the floor. Then he heard a noise and turned his head:there was Doctor Duncan under a chair with his eyes and mouth wide open,but asleep. Then Simpson saw Doctor Keith’s leg and feet moving about. 68. Simpson tried to find a better anesthetic because .

A. ether had little effect on the sick man B. ether smelled sour

C. ether was not an ideal anesthetic D. the sick man after the operation was not pleased 69. According to the author,the safest way to try a new anesthetic was to try . A. on scientists themselves first B. on an animal first

C. on sick persons first D. on men and animals at the same time

70. Simpson and his two friends tried a new anesthetic called chloroform,and of them died. A. all B. two C. none D. one


In the U. S. ,the public has tended to believe that all motorcycles are ridden by wild,irresponsible lawless young men.

There are several things about motorcycling that the average citizen dislikes. A cyclist’s appearance has something to do with this dislike. Motorcyclists frequently look dirty;in fact,they are dirty. On the road there is little to protect them from mud,crushed

insects. and bird droppings. For practical reasons they often dress in

old clothing which looks much less respectable than the clothing of people who ride in ears. For the same reason motorcyclists usually wear dark colors. Perhaps this helps to explain why they are sometimes suspected of having evil natures. In old plays of long ago,evil characters usually wore black. In cowboy movies the“bad guys”usually wear

black hats while the“good guys”wear lighter colors. Something else about their appearance makes

an unfavorable impression. In their practical,protective clothing they look very much like the men on military motorcycles in the movies of World War II—cruel enemies who roared into peaceful villages filling people’s hearts with fear.

Probably t11e machine itself also produces anger and fear. Motorcycles are noisy,though some big trucks are even noisier. But trucks are big and carry heavy loads;they are accepted(if not really welcomed)because they perform a needed service,making America move. Motorcycles,on the other hand,make all unpleasant noise just to give their riders pleasure. That is what is commonly thought. In the woods motorcycles frighten animals. Roaring along quiet streets,they wake sleeping families and make babies cry.

Of course the danger of motorcycling also helps account for many people’s low opinion of the sport. Its defenders,however,claim that careful cyclists are in less danger than commonly believed.

A cyclist must drive as if everybody around him wanted to kill him. He must pay careful attention to his driving. From that point of view. a man oil a motorcycle is safer than a man in a car. 71. According to the passage. the average Americans believe that . A. motorcyclists are all blue—collar workers

B. motorcycling has become one of America’s most popular sports C. only wild,irresponsible,lawless young men enjoy motorcycling D. motorcyclists can’t afford to buy cars

72. From the passage we know that good characters of old American movies . A. usually wore lighter colors B. had no difference from evil characters C. 1ooked gracious D. often rode horses 73. It can be inferred that .

A. there existed different opinions towards motorcycling sport B. all good guys in cowboy movies wear white

C. animals in the woods like motorcycles because motorcyclists usually feed crushed insects to them

D. motorcycles will make noise as soon as people go to sleep

74. Some people claim that a man on a motorcycle is safer than a man in a car because . A. car race is a sport with several disadvantages B. motorcyclists must drive very carefully

C. most people want to keep a distance from the dirty motorcycles for fear that they should lose dignity

D. motorcycles tend to be accepted by more and more people 75. The average citizen dislikes the motorcyclists because . A. all motorcycles are wild young men

B. all motorcycles are irresponsible young men C. all motorcycles are lawless young men

D. they frequently look dirty,they often make an unpleasant noise,and their appearance

contributes to people’s terrible imagination 南充市高2009届高考适应性考试(摸底) 英 语 试 题



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