武汉大学英语复习样卷和练习题 联系客服

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I. Use of English (20%) 完成会话,共10题,每题2分

II. Reading Comprehension (40%) 阅读理解,共四篇文章,20题,每题2分 III. Vocabulary and Structure (30%) 词汇与语法,共30题,每题1分 IV. Cloze Test (10%) 完型填空,共10题,每题1分 I. Use of English

1. — Mary, help yourself to some salad.

—____________ A. I don?t like salad. B. Sorry, I can?t help. C. Thanks, but I?ve had enough. D. No, I can?t.

2. —Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the railway station?


A. No, I couldn?t. B. Sorry, I don?t know. I?m new here. C. I couldn?t tell you. D. You can?t ask me. 3. — What day is today? — _____________.

A. Today is March 24. B. Today is not bad. C. Today is sunny D. Today is Saturday 4. —How do you do? Glad to see you. — _________________________

A. How are you? Me too. B. How do you do? Glad to meet you. C. I am fine, thank you. And you? D. Nice, how are you? 5. — I?m sorry. Bob?s not in his office. — _________

A. Can you take a message for me? B. Are you sure for that? C. Would you like to leave a message? D. Can you phone me? 6. — Must I be home before seven? — __________________.

A. No, you needn?t B. No, you mustn?t C. OK D. no, you won?t

7.— Thank you very much for giving me so much help.

— ___________________.

A. No thank you B. You?re welcome C. OK D. Thanks

8. — Sir, if I can?t follow the partner, what should I say? — You can say “____________________________”

A. Can you say it for a second time? B. What you said was nonsense. C. I don?t understand anything. D. Pardon?

9. — I?m sorry that the postcards you want to buy have been sold out. —__________________ A. Oh, great. B. That sounds boring. C. That?s all right! D. Oh, what a pity!


10. — I think the movie is really exciting and touching. —_________________ A. So am I. B. So do I.

C. Neither do I. D. The same to you.

11. — I?m glad you like it. Please drop in any time you like. — ____________

A. Yes, I will. B. I?m afraid I won?t be free. C. Is it all right? D. That?s a great idea.

12. —What can I do for you? —Yes, _______________ A. I?d like to see that shirt, please. B. I?m afraid not. C. may I invite you to dinner? D. I just have a look. 13. — I am sorry for what I have said to you yesterday.

— _______________________. A. It?s just too bad B. No problem C. Don?t think any more about it D. I?m sure about that

14. — Excuse me, sir. Where is the Dean?s office? —______________________.

A. You can?t ask me B. Pardon? I have no idea

C. Please don?t say so D. Sorry I don?t know. I am also a visitor here. 15. — Mr. Smith, must we hand in our composition next Monday? —___________________

A. Yes, you will. B. Yes, you must. It?s the deadline. C. No, you mustn?t. D. You can wait.

16. ― Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest subway station? ― ________________.

A. It?s two blocks up this street. B. Yes. You are going the wrong way. C. Don?t talk about it. D. I need your help.

17. ― My cat is ill. She won?t eat anything. ― ________________.

A. You?d better go to the clinic. B. Why not get something to eat?

C. I would go on diet if I were you. D. You should take her to the vet. 18. ― Oh, goodness! I haven?t got any money on me! ― ________________.

A. Keep the change please. B. Sorry, I haven?t got one.

C. Let me lend you some. D. It?s good to save some money.

19. ― Would you mind if we asked you for some advice? ― ________________.

A. Thank you so much. B. That?s all right.

C. Er. What can I do for you? D. Yes. Please go ahead. 20. ― I hope I am not interrupting your work. ― ________________.

A. Oh, that?s all right. B. O.K. Let?s start again.


C. Please go on with your work. D. It?s hard to say. 21. —May I see the menu, please?

—A. That is the menu, sir B. Yes, please go on

C. Here you are, sir D. Of course, sir

22. He pushed his way through the crowd, saying “_____.” A. Never mind B. With pleasure C. Go ahead D. Excuse me

23. ― I hope I am not interrupting your work. ― ________________.

A. Oh, that?s all right. B. O.K. Let?s start again. C. Please go on with your work. D. It?s hard to say.

24. “Can you spare me a few minutes now?” “______, but I?ll be free this afternoon.”

A. No, I won?t B. Yes, with pleasure C. I?m not sure D. I?m afraid not

25. — I?m glad you like it. Please drop in any time you like. — ____________

A. I?m afraid I won?t be free. B. Yes, I will. C. Is it all right? D. That?s a great idea.

26. “You must find such long hours very tiring.” “______. I enjoyed it.” A. After all B. Never mind

C. Not in the least D. That?s all right 27. “Would you take this along to the office for me?” “_____.” A. That?s right B. With pleasure C. Never mind D. Not at all

28. ―Would you rather walk or ride a bicycle? ―____________________ A. Yes, of course B. No, thanks

C. It doesn?t matter D. Ride a bicycle

29. “Mr. Smith is a kind person. I like to work with him.” “In fact, everyone _______.”

A. is B. does C. has D. likes

30. — What is your major, Jack? —_______________ A. I study very hard. B. I?m learning course.

C. I major English. D. I?m majoring in computer science. II. Reading Comprehension Passage 1

Ben was a poor man with a large family. One morning, waking up very early from cold and hunger, he decided to go shooting in a wood near his home. The wood belonged to a rich gentleman, and Ben had no right to go there. But, in the wood there were lots of rabbits and birds that were good to eat, and Ben was determined to take the risk. Suddenly he saw the owner, with a group of friends, coming towards him in the wood. There was a lot of anger on the rich man?s face as he saw the gun in Ben?s hands.

第3/21页 Ben?s heart sank with fear, but he saw there was no hope of escape, so he walked boldly up to these people and said to the gentleman, “Good morning, sir, and what has brought you out so early this morning?” The rich man, rather surprised, said he and his friends were taking a little exercise to get an appetite for breakfast. Then, looking at Ben with suspicion, he said, “But why are you so early in the morning?” “Well, sir,” said Ben, “I just come out to see if I could get a breakfast for my appetite.” The whole crowd burst into laughter at Ben?s ready wit, and with a smile the rich man walked on, leaving Ben to try his luck with the rabbits.

1. This is a story about _________.

A. a rich man who owned a big wood B. a poor man who lived all by himself

C. a clever man who tried to get something to eat for his breakfast D. a hunter with a large family

2. One morning Ben went to a wood _______.

A. to get a little exercise B. to take in some fresh air C. hoping to get something to eat D. to visit the rich owner

3. Why was there a look of anger on the rich man?s face? A. Because he was not expecting Ben at such an early hour. B. Because he knew Ben was there hunting. C. Because he didn?t like the poor man at all. D. Because Ben had not told him he would come. 4. Why was the rich man surprised?