新视野大学英语第二册英语单项选择练习题(1) 2 联系客服

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A) for B) to C) with D) in

17. It’s just ____D_ ten minutes past eleven now. Let’s hurry up, or we will miss

the train. A) come round B) come out C) come up with D) come up to

18. The tourist is prevented from entering a country if he does not have a(n) _B___


A) operative B) valid C) efficient D) effective 19. ___B_ their differences, the couple were developing an obvious and genuine affection for each other. A) But for B) For all C) Above all D) Except for 20. This summer is so cool that we can ___C__ do without air-conditioner. A) specifically B) vitally C) virtually D) identically 1-6 CDCAB 6-10 ADADB 11-15 DDBCA 16-20 BDBBC 21-25 CADAB 26-30 BACBD

21. The house was ___C_ from the road by a small wood. A) located B) constructed C) concealed D) emerged 22. Please don’t think he likes living on others. No people would like to live on _A___.

A) charity B) grant C) sympathy D) pension 23. In general, matters which lie entirely within the state boundaries are the _D___ concern of the state government.

A. extensive B. excluding C. excessive D. exclusive 24. High interest rates __A__ people from borrowing money from the bank. A) discourage B) dismiss C) disappoint D) disgust 25. I was always taught that it was __B__ to interrupt. A) coarse B) rude C) rough D) crude 26. Occasionally we experience strong winds and storms the west, but the __B__ winds are from the north-east. A) existing B) prevailing C) particular D) special 27. Many people like white color as it is a __A__ of purity.

A) symbol B) sign C) signal D) symptom 28. Faced with all the difficulties, the girl _C___ her mother for comfort. A) turned over B) turned from C) turned to D) turned up

29. She is a very ___B_ student. She’s always talking about traveling to outer space. A) imaginary B) imaginative C) imaginable D) imagining 30. My grandpa gave me a watch, which is made of gold, _D___ I keep to this day. A) and thus B) and C) so D) and which



1-6 CDCAB 6-10 ADADB 11-15 DDBCA 16-20 BDBBC 21-25 CADAB 26-30 BACBD

Unit 7 Multiple Choice------ Test Yourself

1. You cannot imagine how I feel ___B_ with my duties sometimes.

A) overflowed B) overwhelmed C) overthrown D) overturned

2. Just in the middle of his speech, his head began to _C___ and he fainted. A) turn B) rotate C) spin D) move 3. The men spent all day _D___ water out of the flooded houses. A) absorbing B) sucking C) forcing D) pumping 4. The nation must follow its own policy and not be influenced by _a___ events. A) exterior B) extra C) inferior D) interior 5. Teams of oxen pulled the heavy wagons into the ___b_ of North America.

A) exterior B) interior C) internal D) external 1-5 BCDAB 6-10 BDACD 11-15 CADCB

16-20 DADCD 21-25 BACDB 26-30 AADAA

6. A good boss always __b__ responsibility to his assistants. A) removes B) delegates C) refers D) leases 7. Allen placed too much __d__ on sports and paid little attention to his studies. A) concern B) interest C) hobby D) emphasis 8. The arguments are over now, and we hope no one will __a__ them up again. A) stir B) boil C) disturb D) interfere

9. Sport provides a(n) __c__ for a teenager’s feelings of aggression or frustration. A) exit B) exhaust C) outlet D) leak 10. I can __d__ him to you for the job. He is a very good worker. A) recall B) promote C) suggest D) recommend 11. This organization is completely __c__ any political parties.

A) relative to B) innocent of C) independent of D) characteristic of 12. The problems requiring immediate solution will be given __a__ at the meeting. A) priority B) urgency C) superiority D) emergency

13. The ___d_ for making application is tomorrow, so you’d better send in your

form today. A) date B) agenda C) terminal D) deadline

14. During the United States Civil War, many people in the South were forced to

__c__ their homes. A) withdraw B) withstand C) flee D) fleet

15. Americans may have to __v__ the number of privately owned cars and depend

more on public transportation systems. A) break down B) cut down C) get down D) drop down 1-5 BCDAB 6-10 BDACD 11-15 CADCB


16-20 DADCD 21-25 BACDB 26-30 AADAA

16. Our taxi was caught in a traffic __d__, so we were late for the show. A) knot B) block C) lock D) jam 17. Water evaporates (蒸发) into the air to make clouds. This same water then

comes back to the earth as rain. Such a repetition is a form of water __a__. A) cycle B) course C) circle D) circuit 18. The ___d_ of the difficulty have not yet been fully realized.

A) sizes B) scales C) measurements D) dimensions 19. These chemicals must be kept at a ___c_ temperature of 40°C. A) continuous B) consistent C) constant D) permanent 20. As a public figure, he knows well enough what he does will have __d__ for


A) effects B) results C) influences D) consequences 21. The church refused to _b___ the king’s second marriage. A) consent B) sanction C) credit D) speculate 22. Drinking alcohol is a real health ___a_ if carried to excess. A) hazard B) harm C) damage D) fatigue

23. The police set a __c__ to catch the thieves.

A. plan B. device C. trap D. trick

24. He will ___d_ resign in view of the complete failure of the research project. A) doubtfully B) adequately C) reasonably D) presumably 25. It is __b__ that strong vibrations made loud sounds and weak vibrations make soft sounds. A) vital B) evident C) essential D) frank 26. The chimney was __a__ clouds of smoke. A) discharging B) dismissing C) disposing D) dissolving 27. When very angry, few people are able to act in a ___a_ way. A) rational B) sensitive C) tough D) legal

28. This crop does not do well in soils __d__ the one for which it has been specially

developed. A) beyond B) rather than C) outside D) other than 29. Books are __a__ to scholars. A) indispensable B) bound C) accustomed D) indifferent 30. His proposal is very __a__. We do not need any explanation. A) concrete B) loyal C) gray D) royal Keys:

1-5 BCDAB 6-10 BDACD 11-15 CADCB 16-20 DADCD 21-25 BACDB 26-30 AADAA