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满意。句意:接下来的几天,主人仍然没有被联系上。be contacted被联系上,故选B项。

7.A.active C.anxious

B.rude D.proud

答案:C 考查形容词辨析。A.active积极的;B.rude粗鲁的;C.anxious焦虑的;D.proud骄傲的。根据Alice paid the vet to continue treatment.(继续支付治疗费用)可知,我变得焦虑起来,故选C项。

8.A.pretty C.wonderful

B.grateful D.curious

答案:C 考查形容词辨析。A.pretty漂亮的;B.grateful感激的;C.wonderful好的;D.curious 好奇的。根据女儿所做的这些善良的举动可知作者有个好女儿,故选C项。

9.A.apology C.message

B.invitation D.reply

答案:C 考查名词辨析。A.apology道歉;B.invitation邀请;C.message信息;D.reply回应。句意:他的家人刚从国外回来,得到宠物医院给的消息,可知选C项。

10.A.suggestion C.encouragement

B.donation D.help

答案:D 考查名词辨析。A.suggestion建议;B.donation捐献物;C.encouragement鼓励;D.help帮助。根据句意:猫痊愈了,是因为女儿的帮助,故选D项。

11.A.love C.regret

B.anger D.joy

答案:D 考查名词辨析。A.love爱;B.anger生气;C.regret后悔;D.joy高兴。根据语境当爱丽丝回家时,听到猫痊愈并回家的消息肯定会很高兴,可知选D项。

12.A.troubled C.boring

B.long D.quiet

答案:A 考查形容词辨析。A.troubled有问题的;B.long长的;C.boring令人厌烦的;D.quiet 安静的。句意:我也通过别人的眼睛看到女儿是个好人,尽管有让我担心的时候。根据第一段提到对于女儿成长的担忧,故选A项。


Imagine the first days in a new time zone.Slow to respond to the __13__,your body clock is confused.You're sleepy all day,but when it's time for bed,you can hardly fall asleep.Obviously you're __14__ jet lag (时差反应).

Travelers have traditionally fought this __15__ with sleeping pills or alcohol.There are actually healthier ways that can work just as __16__. For example,the moment you get on the airplane,start __17__ your biological clock to the destination's time.If it's daytime in your destination,try to stay __18__.Walking around the cabin (客舱) can be of help.When it's nighttime,try to sleep.In that case,eat before the flight,__19__ an empty stomach will prevent you from sleeping.These tips will help you start a new __20__ of sleep and wakefulness.

文章大意:本文讲述在旅行中如何调整你的生物钟。 13.A.flight C.demand

B.change D.climate

答案:B 考查名词辨析。A.flight航班;B.change变化;C.demand要求;D.climate气候。句意:慢慢地对于变化做出反应,你的生物钟就要混淆。根据语境可知本文是关于对于时差的反应,故选B项。

14.A.suffering from C.looking into

B.working on D.leading to

答案:A 考查动词短语辨析。suffer from遭受??之苦;work on从事于;look into调查;lead to导致。根据时区的变化可知很明显会导致时差反应,让人苦不堪言,故选A项。

15.A.danger C.waste

B.problem D.fear

答案:B 考查名词辨析。A.danger危险性;B.problem问题;C.waste浪费;D.fear恐惧。句意:游客会用药片和酒精来处理这个问题。根据语境可知是对待时差反应的问题,故选B项。

16.A.briefly C.suddenly

B.slowly D.effectively

答案:D 考查副词辨析。A.briefly简洁地;B.slowly慢慢地;C.suddenly突然地;D.effectively有效地。句意:有几种健康的方法,并且很有效。根据语境可知选D项。

17.A.checking C.adjusting

B.sending D.stopping

答案:C 考查动词辨析。A.checking 检查;B.sending送到;C.adjusting调整;D.stopping停止。句意:比如,在上飞机前,开始调整你的生物钟到你的目的地的时间。adjust...to...把??调整到??,故选C项。

18.A.awake C.hungry

B.alone D.calm

答案:A 考查形容词辨析。A.awake清醒的;B.alone单独的;C.hungry饥饿的;D.calm平静的。句意:如果是白天到目的地,试着保持清醒。stay awake保持清醒,故选A项。

19.A.though C.while

B.so D.or

答案:D 考查连词辨析。A.though 虽然;B.so因此;C.while 虽然;D.or否则。句意:在这种情况下,提前吃饭,否则,空腹会阻止你入睡。or表示转折,故选D项。

20.A.understanding C.research

B.cycle D.trend

答案:B 考查名词辨析。 A.understanding明白的;B.cycle圈;C.research研究;D.trend趋势。句意:这些建议能帮你开始新生物钟。根据语境可知选B项。

Cloze 4


Do you ever feel like you are studying a mad rush of one subject after another? When things happen at such a __1__ pace, it is easy to lose sight of what you are learning. It is important to __2__ every now and then to think about what you have been learning.

Self reflection(反思)means stopping the mad rush and __3__ yourself so that your brain can evaluate what it has already __4__.Some people prefer to do their self reflections __5__, while others keep a journal. Either method can work, depending on what your own personal __6__ is. School textbooks are often divided into units. This can make it __7__ for someone to begin the process of self reflection. Watch for the times when you complete a unit of study. Sometimes you are reminded that the unit is __8__ because there is some kind of test or quiz. Use these natural __9__ as opportunities to stop and reflect.

You should find a __10__ place—anywhere without noise is OK. This can even be sitting at your desk at school when you finish something __11__ and the other students are still working. If you are going to take notes, take out your journal. Write down some notes on things that you __12__ learned in this unit. Let your mind think about the notes you have written and make some __13__. Sometimes just pausing to think deeply allows your brain to make connections __14__ new information can quickly appear when you __15__ it again. Next, think about things that you still wonder about. __16__, maybe you learned about a certain body system, but you don't __17__ how it works with the other body systems. Maybe you learned a new way to solve a math problem, but you are not sure when to use it. Writing down your __18__ will help you remember to continue seeking answers the next time you __19__ the same topic. Self reflection is an essential skill for a __20__ student. If you have never taken the time to reflect, try it now.

文章大意:本文是说明文。主要介绍自我反思的定义,如何帮助学生学习。 1.A.fast C.relaxing

B.steady D.unique

答案:A 本空考查形容词基本含义的辨析。fast快的; steady稳步的;relaxing令人放松的;unique独一无二的,唯一的。根据前文的one after another判断,应选A。

2.A.change C.stop

B.check D.exercise

答案:C 本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。change改变;check检查;stop停止;exercise锻炼。根据前文的learn,此处应是停下来去思考。故选C。

3.A.calming C.behaving

B.enjoying D.helping

答案:A 本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。calming使??平静;enjoying喜欢; behaving做;helping帮助。根据前文的学习那么快,此处应是让自己平静下来。故选A。

4.A.dealt C.found

B.forgotten D.received

答案:D 本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。dealt对付,处理;forgotten忘记;found发现;received收到,接收。“??大脑能评估它接收的东西”。故选D。

5.A.personally C.slowly

B.mentally D.directly

答案:B 本空考查副词基本含义的辨析。personally个人地;mentally 心理上地;slowly慢慢地;directly直接。与下文的keep a journal相对应,应是心理上记下,故选B。

6.A.pace C.style

B.grade D.skill

答案:C 本空考查名词基本含义的辨析。pace步伐;grade年级;style风格;skill技能。“??依赖于你个人的风格(特性)”。故选C。

7.A.quick C.suitable

B.possible D.easy

答案:D 本空考查形容词基本含义的辨析。quick快的;possible可能的;suitable合适的;easy容易的。“这能使某人开始自我反思很容易”。make it easy for sb. to do sth.使某人做某事容易。根据前文的教科书被分成几部分判断。故选D。

8.A finished C.interrupted

B.divided D.covered

答案:A 本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。finished完成;divided分开;interrupted打断;covered覆盖。与下文的test or quiz相对应,应是这部分完成了。故选A。

9.A.units C.breaks

B.tests D.periods

答案:C 本空考查名词基本含义的辨析。units单位;tests测试;breaks停顿;periods时期。根据前文的finish和test等判断,利用这种停顿。故选C。

