2015年冀教版五年级英语下第一次月考试卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2015年冀教版五年级英语下第一次月考试卷更新完毕开始阅读cd97cd63fc4ffe473268ab7c



1.Look! I s___a big house. 2. I would like s____ water. 3.Now, the man is s____a song on the train. 4.Please p______to the blue ball. 5.The baby is s_____now. And he is quiet.


( ) 1. A.train B.bus C.plane D. Slow ( ) 2. A.jumping B.laughing C.speaking D.sing ( ) 3. A.ping——pang B.football C.melon D.basketball ( ) 4. A.man B.father C.sister D.cousin ( ) 5. A.morning B.afternoon C.lunch D.night ( ) 6. A.little B.short C. younger D.big ( ) 7. A.juice B.milk C. donut D.tea ( ) 8. A.baby B.aunt C.man D.bay ( ) 9. A read B.draw C.watch D.picture ( ) 10. A.crying B.sleeping C.behind D.talking 三.写出下列单词的现在分词形式。20分 1.see_____ 2.Point_____ 3.sing____ 4.talk___ 5.cry_____ 6.look______ 7.draw____ 8.do____ 9.sleep_____ 10.sit___


1.______are they doing? They are playing ping_pang. A.who B.where C.what

2.I am____. I would like a glass of milk ,please. A.hungry B. Thirsty C. Happy 3.There are many birds in the tree. They are ______ A.sing B.sleep C.singing 4._________! I _____a yellow kite.

A.watch ,look B.look , see C.see , look 5.Would you like ____orange juice? A.some B.an C.a 6.She likes____and sleep.

A.to play B.playing C.play 7.What would you like to _____? Some noodles. A.drink B.eat C. Play 8.Is she singing? __________.

A.No,she isn’t B.No, she doesn’t C.Yes,she does 9.Many ____are singing ,and they are happy. A.man B.people C.woman

10.What would you like to eat? ____________.