The importance of English Grammar-商务英语-毕业论文 联系客服

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Secondly, the English teachers should have the spirit of teaching and learning scientific research. In the teaching process, it is necessary to constantly updated teaching concept, innovate and explore actively new teaching methods,models, textbook resources, boldly attempt to create new teaching scenarios such as interview, role play and so on, ?integrate theory with practice, combine entertainment, cooperation and knowledge in one, mobilize students’ enthusiasm and initiative and interest to participate in classroom activities in learning English grammar, promote interaction between teachers and students to teach and learn with the motive of communicative grammar teaching and learning, and attract the students from learning grammar knowledge to actively using it in language communication.

Then, grammar teaching models and methods should be with the teacher-led, to promote learning with teaching, to promote teaching with learning, to reach teacher-student interaction, get common progress between teaching and learning, proper and enough grammar knowledge should be impart. Taking into account most of the students, English language teachers in the classroom should speak predominantly in English, and of course, the teachers can also use body languages which help the students


understand what the teachers said. if necessary, Chinese should be used to interpret, especially when teaching more complicated grammar structure. The teachers had better offer enough intensively accurate explanations for difficulty grammar points, meanwhile packing something interesting and followed by necessary intensive practice, under the circumstance of ensuring a certain language communication. English teachers should create certain proper classroom activities to attract the attention of students and guide students to find grammar rules and further master and use these rules well.

More still, And the English teachers should pay attention to encouragement, even though only in a casual expression in the teachers' eyes, an approachable word, the teachers can gain their ends to encourage the students. As I experienced, the proper encouragement can promote the students to learn hard. I remembered I was enlightened by my first English teacher when I was in junior one and I was weak in my English. The teacher’s encouragement inspired greatly me to learn hard English with a lot of interest and I made a quick and great progress and eventually topped in the class. So the teachers can hold some grammar contest in which the grammar rules and knowledge can be especially used fluently and correctly in language


communication. meanwhile the winners should be awarded prizes to praised and encouraged appropriately.

Last but not least, the English teachers should attach great importance to the after-class feedback and come into more contact with their students whether in or after classes. It is useful to learn about the students’ opinions and listen to their suggestions and know about what and how they want to learn. In this way, the English teachers constantly sum up their experience and add the merits and reduce the weakness.

3.4 The requirements for the students

There are some steps the students should follow: Step 1 : Make a plan. Try to get an overview of English grammar from a text book or online resource. Note the grammar points you need to work on and plan to work on each for at least a few day.

Step 2 : Identify common mistakes. People who speak the same language often make the same mistakes in English grammar. For example, many Russian speakers have trouble using \\difficult for speakers of your native language. Pay extra attention to learning those grammar points.


Step 3 : Find some grammar exercises. To learn English grammar well, you'll need to practice each grammar point until you can use it easily. Look for a book of grammar exercises that also has answers. Online activities and quizzes can also help. Focus on just one grammar point each time you study.

Step 4 : Pay close attention to grammar when you read English. When you're trying to learn correct English grammar, it's not enough to understand general idea of what you read. You'll need to understand exactly why each sentence is written that way. When you read a sentence, ask yourself if can make similar sentences. If you can't or you're not sure, find text book exercises for those grammar points and practice.

Step 5 : Translate from your native language into English. When you write or speak your own thoughts, it's easy to avoid complicated grammar. When you translate, you have to work with whatever is on the page, even if the grammar is difficult. Start translating simple things like advertisments and then move to newpapers and magazine articles. Translating dialog in plays is another good way to practice.

Step 6 : Ask native speakers for advice. If you know any native English speakers, ask if they could check some of your writing now and then. If there are no native English speakers