102老友记 剧本 第一季 第二集 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章102老友记 剧本 第一季 第二集更新完毕开始阅读ceb10e7201f69e31433294bf


-Joey: Yeah, calm down. You don't see Ross getting all chaotic and twirly every time they come. calm down: 冷静下来


-Monica: That's because as far as my parents are concerned, Ross can do no wrong. as far as??is concerned: 就??而言 can do no wrong: 不会做错事

You see, he's the Prince. Apparently they had some big ceremony before I was born. prince: 王子 apparently: 显然 ceremony: 典礼,仪式

因为在我爸妈心中Ross不可能犯错,他是个王子,显然,他们在我出生前有个大型仪式。 -Chandler: (looking out the window) Ew, ew, ew, ew ew ew ew ew! 喂,喂,喂,喂,喂,喂!

-Monica: What? 什么?

-Chandler: Ugly Naked Guy got a Thighmaster!

ugly: 难看 nake: 裸体 thigh: 大腿【Thigh-master n.美腿器Chandler突然发现他们六个人一直关心的裸男竟然买了一个健腿器,所以很惊讶的说了这句话。那个裸男一直没有露脸过,但是却一直贯穿在这个电视中,常常会因为他的一些事情让这六个人大发感慨。】 裸体丑男人有个“美腿器”! -All: Eeaagh! 哦!

(Rachel enters from her room.)

-Rachel: Has anybody seen my engagement ring? engagement: 订婚 看到我的订婚戒指了吗? -Phoebe: Yeah, it's beautiful. 恩,它很漂亮

-Rachel: Oh God, oh God, oh God oh God oh God oh God.... (Starts to look under the couch cushions.)

couch: 沙发 cushion: 垫子 哦,不.

-Phoebe: No, look, don't touch that! 不,不要动它们!

-Rachel: Oh, like I wasn't dreading tomorrow enough, having to give it back to him. dreading: 忧虑,担心


Hi Barry! Remember me? I'm the girl in the veil who stomped on your heart in front of your entire family!'

veil: 面纱 stomp on: 跺脚,狠踩 entire: 全部

Barry, 记得我吗?我是那个穿白纱让你在亲友面前出丑的人!

Oh God and now I'm gonna have to return the ring, without the ring, which makes it so much harder...


-Monica: Easy Rach, we'll find it. (To all) Won't we! 别急,我们会找到的,对不? -Chandler and Joey: Oh! Yeah! 是呀,我们会的.

-Monica: look, it’s gonna be okay. You will give it back. 一切都会好的,我们会把它找回来的 and we will eat a lot of ice cream. 而且我们会吃很多冰淇淋

-Rachel: okay, okay, it’s apearl-shaped diamond. pearl: 珍珠 diamond: 钻石 好吧,是一个珍珠型的钻石.

-Monica: I tell you what: any diamond ring we find, we’ll run it by you

run something by someone: 向某人提及某事,看他是否理解或觉得这是个好主意 不管我们找到什么样的钻石戒指都会给你的. -Joey: Alright, when did you have it last? last: 最后的,末尾的


-Phoebe: Doy! Probably right before she lost it!

【DOY:1 一般来说,用duh表示stupid(音比较像),有时用doy来代替duh,表示同样意思。2 Doy是感叹词,表示对一种事实是显而易见的。Phoebe总是神经兮兮的。】 当然是丢失之前了!

-Chandler: You don't get a lot of 'doy' these days. 这年头说“doy”的人不多.

-Rachel: I know I had it this morning, and I know I had it when I was in the kitchen with... 我今天早上还戴它,我在厨房戴着做?面条?

-Chandler: Dinah?

【Dinah是小说Uncle Tom’s cabin里的人物,她是个优秀的厨师,但是厨房却总是凌乱不堪。这里Chandler把Monica比喻成Dinah是笑话她在父母来访前的恐慌。】 Dinah?

-Rachel: (looks at the lasagne and realizes something) Ohhhhh, don't be mad... lasagne : 烤宽面条 mad: 发疯的 不要发疯. -Monica: You didn't. 你没有.

-Rachel: Oh, I am sorry... 对不起

-Monica: I gave you one job! (Starts to examine the lasagne through the bottom of the glass pan.) examine: 检查 bottom: 底部 pan: 平底锅 我就让你做了这么一件事情.

-Rachel: Oh, but look how straight those noodles are! straight: 直 noodle: 面条


-Chandler: Now, Monica, you know that's not how you look for an engagement ring in a lasagne. Monica, 在千层面中找订婚戒指不是那样找的.

-Monica: (puts down the lasagne) I just... can't do it. 我办不到.

-Chandler: Boys? We're going in. 我们很高兴做

(Chandler, Joey, and Phoebe start to pick through the lasagne as there's a knock on the door which Monica answers.)

-Ross: (standing outside the door).....Hi. standing: 站在门外 嗨.

-Monica: Wow. That is not a happy hi. 这可不是个高兴的“嗨”. -Ross: Carol's pregnant. carol 怀孕了.

-Phoebe: (while everyone else is stunned) Ooh! I found it! stunned: 震惊 我找到了.

-Monica: W-w-wh-... wha-... w-w-w-... 什,什,什么?

-Ross: Yeah. Do that for another two hours, you might be where I am right about now. (He enters.) 是的,你再持续两小时,就会变成我这样.

-Chandler: Kinda puts that whole pillow thing in perspective, huh, Mon?

perspective: 透明,视而不见【Kinda puts that whole pillow thing in perspective: 在片中出现的次数非常频繁,也是口语中非常实用的词语,意思是有一点儿,相当于kind of.这样的话,枕头的事就可先放在一旁?是不是,mon?” CHAN式的幽默,用来讽刺MON太紧张房间是否整洁的玩笑。】 如此一来,枕头的事就可先放在一边了,是吧,Mon? -Rachel: Well now, how-how do you fit into this whole thing? fit into: 适应,符合 你现在要怎么办?

-Ross: Well, Carol says she and Susan want me to be involved, but if I'm not comfortable with it, I don't have to be involved.. basically it's entirely up to me.

involve: 包含,加入 comfortable: 舒服 entirely: 全部的 be up to sb: 取决与某人决定 Carol说她和Susan 想让我加入,但是对这件事我感到很不舒服,我不想卷进去,一切由我决定

-Phoebe: She is so great! I miss her. miss: 想念


-Monica: What does she mean by 'involved'? mean: 表示?的意思 她所谓的“加入”代表什么?

-Chandler: I mean presumably, the biggest part of your job is done. presumably: 推测上,假定上,大概


-Joey: And the most enjoyable, Phoebe, say something enjoyable: 享受的,愉快的

也是最有意思的阶段哦, Phoebe,说点什么。

-Ross: Anyway, they want me to go down to this sonogram thing with them tomorrow. sonogram: 超声波检查

她们要我去做超声波检查,明天和她们俩个一起 remember when life was simpler, and she was just a lesbian. 记得当生活变简单了,她也不过是个女同性恋了. -Chandler: uh, those were the days 这既是生活啊.

-Rachel: So what are you gonna do? 你打算怎么做?

-Ross: I have no idea. No matter what I do, though, I'm still gonna be a father. (Joey starts to eat the rest of the lasagne and everyone turns and stares at him.) 我不知道,不管我怎么做,我还是孩子的父亲. -Joey: .....Well, this is still ruined, right? ruined: 毁坏的,破坏的


[Scene, Monica and Rachel's, Monica and Ross are pouring wine for their parents.] pour: 倒

-Mrs. Geller: Oh, Martha Ludwin's daughter is gonna call you. (Tastes a snack) Mmm! What's that curry taste?

taste: 品尝 snack: 点心 curry: 咖喱粉

Martha Ludwin的女儿会打电话给你,嗯,怎么会有咖喱味? -Monica: Curry. 因为有放咖喱 -Mrs. Geller: Mmmm! 嗯.

-Ross: I- I think they're great! I, I really do. 这东西真好吃,真的.

-Mr. Geller: (To Ross) Do you remember the Ludwins? The big one had a thing for you, didn't she?

你还记得路金一家人?他们的大女儿喜欢你,对不? -Mrs. Geller: They all had a thing for him. 他们一家都很惦记你. -Ross: Aw, Mom... 不要这样,妈妈.

-Monica: I'm sorry, why is this girl going to call me? 抱歉,她为什么要打电话给我?

-Mrs. Geller: Oh, she just graduated, and she wants to be something in cooking, or food, or.... I don't know. Anyway, I told her you had a restaurant.