102老友记 剧本 第一季 第二集 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章102老友记 剧本 第一季 第二集更新完毕开始阅读ceb10e7201f69e31433294bf

with the punches. I believe Julia's on the table?

things change: 世事难料 roll with the punches: 兵来将挡 roll: 转动 punch: 以拳重击 on the table: 提交讨论


[Scene: Barry's office, Rachel is doing her makeup in the mirror on Barry's lamp as Barry enters.] makeup: 化妆 mirror: 镜子 lamp: 灯

-Barry: Sorry about that. So, what have you been up to? 抱歉,近来可好?

-Rachel: Oh, not much. I-I got a job. 混得过去,我刚找到工作 -Barry: Oh, that's great. 太好了.

-Rachel: Why are- why are you so tanned? tan: 晒黑


-Barry: Oh, I, uh- I went to Aruba. Aruba: 阿鲁巴岛 我去阿鲁巴了.

-Rachel: Oh no. You went on our honeymoon alone? honeymoon: 蜜月 你自己一个去渡蜜月.

-Barry: No. I went with, uh.. Now, this may hurt. hurt: 伤害,(使)疼痛

不是,我和?你也许会很不好受. -Robbie: Me?! 我吗?

-Barry: No! (To Rachel) I went with Mindy. 我和Mindy去了.

-Rachel: Mindy?! My maid of honour, Mindy?!

maid of honour: 伴娘 maid: 女仆,侍女 honour: 光荣 我的伴娘Mindy?

-Barry: Yeah, well, uh, we're kind of a thing now. 对,我们是认真的.

-Rachel: Oh! Well, um.. (Grabs his forehead) You've got plugs!

grab: 抓取,抢去 forehand: 额头 get plug: 植发 plug: 连接,接通 你去做植发了?

-Barry: Careful! They haven't quite taken yet.

quite: 很,十分 taken: take的过去分词,抓住;抱住;握住 小心,还不固定.

-Rachel: And you've got lenses! But you hate sticking your finger in your eye! lenses: (凹或凸)透镜;镜片 hate: 讨厌 stick: 插入,刺入 finger: 手指 你何时配隐形眼镜的? 你不是讨厌将手指放进眼睛吗?

-Barry: Not for her. Listen, I really wanted to thank you. 还不是为了她,我真的得感谢你. -Rachel: Okay. 好.

-Barry: See, about a month ago, I wanted to hurt you. More than I've ever wanted to hurt anyone in my life. And I'm an orthodontist. orthodontist: 牙齿矫正医师

一个月前我想伤害你,我从未如此激动过,我是个整牙医师. -Rachel: Wow. 噢.

-Barry: You know, you were right? I mean, I thought we were happy. We weren't happy. But with Mindy, now I'm happy. Spit.

你说得没错, 我以为我们会过得很快乐, 我们不快乐, 但是和Mindy在一起,现在我很快乐. 吐掉. -Rachel: What? 什么?

-Robbie: Me. (Spits.) 是和我说.

-Rachel: Anyway, um, (Gets the ring out of her purse.) I guess this belongs to you. Or maybe some day Mindy,

purse: 钱包 belong to: 属于

总之,这东西属于你的,或许以后是Mindy的. -Barry: like she’s settle for that. 好像她已经开始为这个做准备了.

-Rachel: Yeah, that’s true, but I think it’s nice ring. And thank you for giving it to me. 是的,看来是真的,我觉得这是一个不错的戒指.谢谢你送我. -Barry: Well, thank you for giving it back. 谢谢你送还给我.

(Barry and Rachel look at each other.)

-Robbie: Hello?! 你好!

[Scene: Carol's OB/GYN, they're still arguing about what to name the baby] argue: 争论,辩论 name: 起名字

-Susan: Oh, please! What's wrong with Helen? 拜托,Helen有什么不好? -Ross: Helen Geller? I don't think so. Helen Geller?不行.

-Carol: Hello? It's not gonna be. 她不会叫Helen Geller. -Ross: Thank you!


-Carol: No, I mean it's not Geller.

不,我是说她不姓Geller (Ross的姓) -Ross: What, it's gonna be Helen Willick? 难道她叫Helen Willick?

-Carol: No, actually, um, we talked about Helen Willick-Bunch. 老实说,我们考虑叫Helen Willick-Bunch.

-Ross: Well, wait a minute, why- why is she in the title? title: 名称,标题 等等,为何有她的份? -Susan: It's my baby too. 因为她也是我的宝宝

-Ross: Oh, really? Um, I don't remember you making any sperm. sperm: 精子

是吗? 我不记得女人也会制造精子.

-Susan: Yeah, and we all know what a challenge that is! challenge: 挑战

我们都知道那是个极大的挑战. -Carol: All right, you two, stop it! 够了,你们两个,别吵了

-Ross: No no no, she gets a credit, hey, I'm in there too. credit: 归功于,赞颂,信任


-Carol: Ross. You're not actually suggesting Helen Willick-Bunch-Geller? Because I think that borders on child abuse.

suggest: 建议 border on: 与??接壤 border: 边界,国界,接壤 abuse: 滥用,虐待【名字长并且奇怪会给孩子带来很多不便!可能其他同龄人会嘲笑这个孩子,给孩子心灵造成伤害,所以是虐待儿童!对话中三人,Ross姓Geller, Carol姓Willick, Susan姓Bunch,才会衍生出这一串小孩该姓什么的争论。而对话中看到的Willick-Bunch或Willick-Bunch-Geller,都称“带有连字符的姓”hyphenated last name。在中国,小孩大多都是从父姓。但在欧美,可以随父母间的协议,把父母的姓用连字符\连接起来,成为小孩的姓。至于哪方的姓放在前,则无一定规划。所以在这段剧情里,这三个人就是在争执小孩应该那些人的姓。】 Ross,你该不会想用Helen Willick-Bunch-Geller? 因为这有虐待儿童之嫌. -Ross: Of course not, I'm... suggesting Geller-Willick-Bunch. 当然没有,我想用Geller-Willick-Bunch.

-Susan: Oh, no, nonononono, you see what he's doing? He knows no-one's gonna say all those names, so they'll wind up calling her Geller, then he gets his way! wind up: 结果,结束 get his way: 得逞,随心所欲

绝对不行,你看他,没人会叫她全名的,他知道别人只会叫她Geller,这样他就得逞了 -Ross: My way?! You-you think this is my way? 我得逞? 你认为这样算我得逞?

Believe me, of all the ways I ever imagined this moment in my life being, this is not my way. You know what? Uh, um, this is too hard. I'm not, I can't do. imagine: 想像

相信我,我没想到自己会沦落到这种地步, 我是不得已的.

-Dr. Oberman: (entering) Knock knock! How are we today? Any nausea? nausea: 恶心,呕吐

有人在吗? 今天如何,想呕吐吗? -All: Yeah. Yeah. A little. 只是一点点.

-Dr. Oberman: Well, I was just wondering about the mother-to-be, but. Thanks for sharing. (To Carol) Uh, lie back...

wonder: 想知道 mother-to-be: 准妈妈 share: 分享 lie: 躺着 我只是问准妈妈,很感谢你们的分享,躺好.

-Ross: You- uh- you know what, I'm gonna go. I don't- I don't think I can be involved in this particular family thing right now.

involve in: 卷入,加入 particular: 独特

知道吗? 我不加入,我认为此时自己无法淌人这浑水.

(He turns to go, but the sound of the sonogram catches he’s ear. He returns and stares at it.) turn to go: 转身要走 sound: 声音 sonogram: 超声波 return: 返回

-Ross: Oh my God. 我的天呀.

-Susan: Look at that. 看啊. -Carol: I know. 我知道.

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment, everyone is watching the tape of the sonogram. Rachel is on the phone.] tape: 录像带

-Ross: Well? Isn't that amazing? 很神奇吧?

-Joey: What are we supposed to be seeing here? be suppose to: 应该(据说,被期望,获准) 我们该看到什么?

-Chandler: I dunno, but... I think it's about to attack the Enterprise. attack: 攻击,评击 enterprise: 企业,事业

【这是钱德勒在形容还在肚里的胎儿长得像外星人,因为“企业号”是美国第一架航天飞机的名字。/Chandler: I dunno, but.. I think it's about to attack the Enterprise. “dunno”是don’t know的缩写,Chandler和Joey被逼着看sonogram的录像带,可是看得一头雾水,Chandler居然说似乎是胎儿要进攻了。】


-Phoebe: You know, if you tilt your head to the left, and relax your eyes, it kinda looks like an old potato.

tilt: 倾斜 relax: 放松 potato:土豆

如果你们把头稍微向左偏,两眼放轻松,它样子就像是一个颗老马铃薯. -Ross: Then don't do that, alright? 那么就不要那么干. -Phoebe: Okay! 好吧!

-Ross: (walks over to where Monica is standing) Monica. What do you think? Monica,你认为呢?

-Monica: (welling up) Mm-hmm. well up: 热泪盈眶 嗯.

-Ross: Wh- are you welling up? 你热泪盈眶? -Monica: No. 才没那

-Ross: You are, you're welling up. 你有,你热泪盈眶 -Monica: Am not! 没有.

-Ross: You're gonna be an aunt. aunt: 伯母,姑,婶,姨 你就要成为姑了.

-Monica: (pushes him and starts to cry) Oh shut up! push: 推 shut up: 闭嘴 哦,闭嘴!

-Rachel: (on phone) Hi, Mindy. Hi, it-it's Rachel. Yeah, I'm fine. I-I saw Barry today. 嗨Mindy,我是Rachel,我很好,我今天和Barry见面了

Oh, yeah, yeah he-he told me. No, no, it's okay. I hope you two are very happy, I really do. 不,他告诉我了,没关系,真的,我诚心祝福你们幸福快乐.

Oh, oh, and Mindy, you know, if-if everything works out, and you guys end up getting married and having kids and everything.

everything works out: 一切顺利 end up: 结束,告终 如果一切顺利,你们结婚生子.

I just hope they have his old hairline and your old nose. (Slams the phone down.) hairline: 发际线 slam: 猛然关上,砰地关上 希望他们有他的发线和你的鼻子.

(To everyone) Okay, I know it was a cheap shot, but I feel so much better now. cheap shot: 下流手段

我知道这招很贱,但我感觉好棒. END

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