重庆市南开中学九年级英语上学期期末考试试题 联系客服

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满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟) 第I卷(共100分)

I. 听力测试。(共30分)


听一遍。根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 1. A. By Bell . B. In 1876 . C. In America . 2. A. Thank you . B. I think so . C. It’s exciting . 3. A. Yes , you did . B. No , you aren’t . C. No , I’m not . 4. A. Lisa . B. She’s Lisa . C. Lisa’s . 5. A. Nothing much . B. I was watching a movie . C. No , I don’t . 6. A. Sorry . B. You’re welcome . C. What a pity !


听一遍。根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 7. A. Do nothing . B. Attend the costume C. Stay at home .

party .

8. A. Loud music . B. Electronic music . C. Relaxing music . 9. A. Yes , she does . B. No , she doesn’t . C. We don’t know . 10. A. Bob’s brother . B. Bob . C. Bob’s father . 11. A. Kiss . B. Shake hands . C. Bow . 12. A. Go back to get his umbrella . B. Leave home without his umbrella . C. Buy a new umbrella .




13. How many lucky things happened to the boy today ?

A. Two . B. Three . C. Four . 14. Why was he praised by his teacher ? A. Because he got to school on time . B. Because he passed the math test .

C. Because he did his homework carefully .

听第二段材料,回答15至16小题。 15. What is the woman worried about ? A. The course at a university .

B. The time she arrives in America . C. The American custom .

16. What can a visitor bring while he is visiting an American home ?

A. A bottle of wine . B. An expensive gift . C. A lot of gifts .



17. The weather was __________ that night .

A. windy B. dry C. rainy 18. Miss Brown didn’t wear glasses because __________ . A. she had good eyes

B. she couldn’t find her glasses C. she wanted to be beautiful

19. Miss Brown’s first thing was to __________ .

A. turn off the radio B. drive slowly C. read the road signs 20. Miss Brown’s best idea was to __________ .

A. drive fast B. turn on the radio C. go to a hotel and sleep

II. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分)


21. Lisa is __________ American girl but she can play __________ ping-pong very well . A. a , the B. an , / C. an , the D. / , the 22. --- I’m sorry to tell you that your plane will be put off . --- I suppose we have no __________ but to wait .

A. courage B. decision C. choice D. suggestion 23. --- Everyone went to the playground to have a rest __________ Mike . --- He was copying the notes in the classroom .

A. except B. expect C. beside D. besides

24. --- __________ you __________ your sister is working hard . You are sure to get good grades .

--- Thanks . As you know , the final exam is coming .

A. Either , or B. Neither , nor C. Both , and D. Not only , but also

25. --- It’s __________ to our health if we often stay up late . --- Yes , and one day we will regret doing so .

A. badly B. good C. harmful D. patient

26. It is said that there’s going to be a heavy rain . And the temperature will drop a lot _________ .

A. on time B. in time C. from time to time D. at the same time 27. It is good manners to __________ your gloves before shaking hands . A. put off B. turn off C. take off D. get off

28. --- Please tell me if there __________ an outdoor party for the coming Spring Festival . --- Of course . We will have a party if it __________ . A. will be , won’t snow B. is , won’t snow

C. will be , doesn’t snow D. is , doesn’t snow

29. We often see the child __________ his room because he is __________ manage his own life . A. clean , made B. cleans , made to C. cleaning , made D. clean , made to

30. --- This kind of magazine sells well .

--- You are right . All these in my shop __________ within two hours this morning . A. are sold out B. have sold out C. was sold out D. were sold out 31. --- Whose sweater is this ?

--- It __________ be Lily’s . I noticed she was wearing it just now . A. should B. must C. can’t D. couldn’t

32. __________ the boy is short and thin , __________ he is good at swimming . A. Though , but B. Because , so C. Although , / D. / , so 33. --- Emma has been ill for a week . Is she all right now ?

--- __________ . The teacher says she can come to school this afternoon .

A. I think so B. I don’t think so C. I’m afraid so D. I’m afraid not 34. One April Fool’s Day , many believed that aliens were moving across the USA . __________ people even left their homes .

A. Three hundreds B. Hundred of C. Three hundred D. Three hundreds of 35. --- How time flies !

--- I agree . Three years has passed since I __________ the chess club in Nankai . A. joined B. have joined C. joined in D. took part in

36. --- I __________ the bread on the plate . Now I __________ it on the table in France . --- How different the customs are !

A. used to put , am used for putting B. use to put , get used to put C. used to putting , get used to putting D. used to put , am used to putting 37. --- Why didn’t you __________ them __________ with each other ? --- I’m sorry , but I was making a call at that time .

A. stop , fighting B. keep , fighting C. stop , to fight D. prevent , fight

38. Half of the boys __________ finished the homework as some exercises __________ really difficult .

A. haven’t , is B. hasn’t , are C. hasn’t , is D. haven’t , are

39. --- Tom , would you please help me get some chalk ? --- __________ . What color do you want ?

A. Never mind B. Congratulations C. With pleasure D. You’re welcome 40. They really wanted to know __________ .

A. why do you read the novel in class B. that you passed the exam C. if you had taken the medicine D. how you use the machine

III. 完型填空。(每小题1.5分,共15分)


One day I got into a taxi in a hurry and we left for the airport .

We were 41 on the right way when suddenly a black jeep jumped out of a parking space right in front of 42 . The driver had to stop the taxi at once , and almost hit another 43 .

The man in the car turned his head around quickly and started shouting 44 us . My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy . I think the taxi driver was really 45 .

So I asked , “ Why did you just do that ? That guy almost broke your car and sent us to the hospital ! ” This is 46 my taxi driver taught me—The Law of the Rubbish Truck .

He explained that many people are like rubbish trucks . They run around full of rubbish , full of 47 , full of stress and full of disappointment . And their rubbish will get more 48 they find a place to empty it and sometimes they’ll empty it onto you . Don’t take it 49 . Just smile , wave , wish them well , and move on . Don’t take their rubbish and 50 it to other people at work , at home , or on the streets .

Life’s too short , so why not be nice to others and ourselves ?

41. A. driving B. riding C. taking D. walking 42. A. we B. our C. ourselves D. us 43. A. man B. car C. road D. driver 44. A. out B. for C. at D. of 45. A. angry B. friendly C. disappointed D. afraid 46. A. when B. where C. what D. how 47. A. happiness B. hope C. anger D. love 48. A. if B. unless C. since D. although 49. A. seriously B. hardly C. widely D. quietly 50. A. sell B. send C. lend D. pass

IV. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)


A Welcome to My Villa Beautiful farm house offering comfortable rooms for visitors from all over the world . This is a wonderful farm house offering big beds , with its own swimming pool and lovely little church with beautiful paintings . 5 bedrooms , 4 bathrooms Sleeps up to 10 guests Swimming pools 11m by 5 m Dates : Saturday arriving and leaving . ( For a week ) Weekly Price : For 10 guests . March / April / May / June 2016 ? 3,000 July / August 2016 ?3,500 September / October 2016 ?3,000 Christmas 2016 , New Year 2017 ?3,500 Services included : · electricity , gas and hot water · swimming pool only for you in summer and weekly cleaning of pool · The services of a cook or for more cleaning can be planned . The services of a babysitter or going shopping can also be planned but with proper price . Contact Information Melinda Kilkenny , Owner