基因毒性杂质限度指南(转载中英文) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章基因毒性杂质限度指南(转载中英文)更新完毕开始阅读cef4192a52d380eb62946dd3

有几个结构基团被认定为具有非常高的基因毒性,它们即使被摄入低于TTC值的量也会面临非常高的基因毒性风险(Cheeseman et al. 1999, Kroes et al. 2004)。这些高致癌性物质包括黄曲霉素类、N-亚硝基物和偶氮类化合物,不适用TTC方法。这类化合物的风险评估需采用专门的毒性数据。

There may be reasons to deviate from the TTC value based on the profile of genotoxicity results.


Positive result from in vitro studies only may allow to exempt an impurity from limitation at TTC level if lack of in vivo relevance of the findings is convincingly demonstrated based on a weight-ofevidence approach (see ICH S2 guidelines). This approach will usually need negative results with the impurity from some additional in vitro and/or appropriate in vivo testing.

假如按照证据权衡法能充分证明“结果缺乏体内相关性”,体外试验的阳性结果也仅能在TTC水平上排除一个杂质(参见 ICH 指南S2)。这种方法经常需要在额外的体外试验和/或合理的体内试验,并且得到杂质的阴性结果。

A TTC value higher than 1.5 μg/day may be acceptable under certain conditions, e.g. short-term exposure, for treatment of a life-threatening condition, when life expectancy is less than 5 years, or where the impurity is a known substance and human exposure will be much greater from other sources (e.g. food). Genotoxic impurities that are also significant metabolites may be assessed based on the acceptability of the metabolites.


The concentration limits in ppm of genotoxic impurity in drug substance derived from the TTC can be calculated based on the expected daily dose to the patient using equation (1).


(1) Concentration limit (ppm) = TTC [μg/day]/dose (g/day] 浓度限度(ppm) = TTC [μg/day]/剂量(g/day]

The TTC concept should not be applied to carcinogens where adequate toxicity data (long-term studies) are available and allow for a compound-specific risk assessment.


It has to be emphasized that the TTC is a pragmatic risk management tool using a probabilistic methodology, i.e. there is a high probability that a 10-5 lifetime cancer risk will not be exceeded if the daily intake of a genotoxic impurity with unknown carcinogenic potential/potency is below the TTC value. The TTC concept should not be interpreted as providing absolute certainty of no risk.


5.3 Decision Tree for Assessment of Acceptability of Genotoxic Impurities 基因毒性可接受性评价决策树

(shaded boxes = pharmaceutical assessment, white boxes = toxicological assessment) (阴影框 = 药学评价,白框 = 毒理学评价)

1) Impurities with structural relationship to high potency carcinogens (see text) are to be excluded from the TTC approach


2) If carcinogenicity data available: Does intake exceed calculated 10-5 cancer lifetime risk? 2)如果有致癌性数据:摄入量超过10-5患癌风险吗?

3) Case-by-case assessment should include duration of treatment, indication, patient population etc (see text)

3)具体情况具体分析,包括用药时间长短、适应症、患者人群等(见正文)。 *) Abbreviations: 缩写