高一英语必修一U1 单元测试 联系客服

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M1U1 Revision

班级____组___号姓名:___________ 卷面分(满分15分)得分


1)单词之间的间隔为一个字母a 的宽度;字母之间的间隔为半个字母a 的宽度; 2) 注意每个字母的占格

3)注意书写要饱满,拐圆角,会顿笔;不出格;字母一般大;上下左右要平行 The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy hot dog.


One day, while I was walking on the street, I saw a young cat attacking an old cat. I immediately ran to them and drove the young cat away. When I got close to the old cat, I found he had got injured.

I held him in my arms and rushed to the Best Friends Animal Clinic. There he received important medical care. But with a serious infection in his leg, he was from out of the woods. He was very sick and in shock. His body temperature was far below normal. He couldn’t move and was breathing hard for air. The vet team immediately cleaned his wounds, used medicine to fight off the infection and reduce his pain, and placed him in an oxygen tank. But he was still getting weaker by the minute. At last, the vet team had to remove his damaged and infected leg to save him.

After he recovered, I took him home and named him Tommy. He learned how to ride in a stroller(小推车).Once he got used to the stroller, doors began to open for him. He began going on morning rounds with me. He even had a picnic with the Chihuahua on a blanket under the sunny sky.

Though Tommy’s life as an outdoor cat may have ended, the medical care he received has made it possible for him to have a whole new life. Now Tommy stays very positive. He taught me a good lesson—though bad things happen in our life, we should always stay positive and enjoy what we have.

1. The underlined part in Para 2 means that the cat______________.

A. was making a slow recovery B. was in great danger

B. was filled with anger D. suffered a lot from his wounds

2. After using medicine to fight off the infection in the cat’ leg, the vet team found


A. the cat’s body got infected too B. the medicine wasn’t very helpful

C. the cat’s body temperature became normal D. the cat would die unless all his legs were removed 3.What does Para3 mainly tells us?

A. The cat was very clever and friendly B. It took a long time for the cat to recover

C. That stroller was of great importance to the cat D. The cat started a new life with the author’s help 4.What did the author learn from the cat?

A. We shouldn’t be beaten by bad things B. Humans should treat animals kindly C. Bad things can happen to anyone D. Animals are humans, best friends 三.语境猜词。【2.5*5=10分】 1.I set downeverythingthat happened then. A. 放下 B. 写下 C. 制定 D.登记

2.I have looked through all my papers but I still can’t find my notes.

A. 透过….看 B. 识破 C. 调查 D. 查看 3.He went through many difficulties before he succeeded. A. 仔细检查 B. 完成 C.接通电话 D.经历 4.-I’m sorry if I have upset you. A. 扰乱 B. 打翻 C. 使……心烦 D. 沮丧 四.单词拼写(注意勾画关键词)【2*15=30分】

1.I am very _____ (感激的)to you for giving me advice.

2.I said hello to her with a smile in the yard, but she ____ (忽视)me. 3.Susan looks very _ (沮丧的).I should do something to make her happy. 4.The sea became ___(平静的)after the storm. They were ready to go sailing. 5.The car ____(遭受) great damage in the accident. 五.课文语法填空【2*15=30分】

Anne lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands withher family during World War II. Because they was Jewish ,they had to hide they would be _____________(catch) by the German Nazi. During that time she wasn’t able to go ____________(outdoor) for so long that she had(grow) so crazy about everything ____________(do) with nature. One evening, she stayed ________(wake) purpose to have a good look at the moon by , but she didn’t dare open a window. Another time she happened to be upstairs at dusk when the window was open. The dark,

rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held her __________(entire) in their power. It was the first time in a year and a half that she ____________(see) the night face to face.

Anne (feel) very lonely without seeing her old friends, so she had to make _____ new friend, her diary Kitty, she could tell everything to. __________(sad), at last,her family were discovered and caught by the German Nazi. 六.短文改错。【2*10=20分】

Anne is my best friend in high school. Honestly and friendly, she gets along well to other students. She always lend a helping hand if someone needs help. Anne is as old as me but tall than me .Basketball is her favorite sport though she is girl. Because Anne studies very hard, so she often gets high grades in exams. I’m not good in English, so he often helps me with my English after school. With her help, I have made great progresses in English. And I also help her as many as I can. I hope our friendship will last as long as we lived.