新编剑桥商务英语中级第三版 联系客服

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From: Valter Rinckes CC: Inga Palgimi

Subject: Health and Safety Inspection

Would all staff note that our annual health and safety inspection will take place on Monday, 23 February starting at 9.30. I’d be grateful if team leaders would check all exits are clear including the warehouse and storage areas. We appreciate your help in this matter. 3. Hi Valter

Please give me details of the next health and safety check. I know it’s coming up soon. If production doesn’t clear those exits at the back of the warehouse in time, we’ll be in trouble. In fact, why don’t you send them a memo? Inga

Thursday 19 February Dear Valter

With regard to your memo about the inspection, I’m afraid we’re unable to make space in the warehouse around the entrances. The reason is that the lorries have been delayed this week so we have stock waiting to leave. I’m hoping that it will be picked up before 9 on Monday. Hans

Writing: An email

Work in pairs and write a series of emails between a manager and his assistant. Write the first email and then swap your book with your partner. Write the second email and swap books again. Continue and write five emails in total.

1. Assistant: Request details of next health and safety training event from manager. Dear [name]

Would you please send me details of the next health and safety training event? I’m aware that it is due in the near future. Regards [name]

2. Manager: Give details and ask assistant to inform all department managers. Dear [name]

Thanks for reminding me. The training event takes place on the 3rd September from 9-5 in the conference rooms. Please inform all

department managers and forward the attached documents which are to be read before the event. Thanks [name]

3. Assistant: Announce event to all department managers and request they tell their staff, CC manager. Dear Department Managers,

Would you all please note that the next health and safety training event takes place on the 3rd September from 9-5 in the conference rooms. As you know this is a legal requirement. Please also find attached documents which you should be familiar with before the event.

Thanks for your cooperation. [name]

4. Manager: Apologize to assistant that date of training has changed. Explain reason and give new date. Dear [name]

Thanks for informing the managers. Unfortunately, the training event has been postponed. The reason is the trainer is unavailable. He has suggested the 23rd September, so can you let all managers


Sorry for the inconvenience. [name]

5. Assistant: Write another email to all department managers with new date, CC manager. Dear Department Managers,

Following my previous email, I am writing to inform you of a change in date to the health and safety training event. Due to the unavailability of the trainer on the 3rd September, the event will now take place on the 23rd. All other details remain the same. Apologize for any inconvenience caused. [name]

Module 7

A salesperson who works for a company renting office space has faxed the proposal below to a client. FAX

Dear Mr. Rice

Thank you for your order by fax. Further to your request for office space for twelve months. I’d like to mention that I can also offer you a 10% discount for bookings of an eighteen-month period.