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Module 9

IMPORTANT! Telephone me back as soon as possible as I’m going out tonight Hi Mr Kay

I received you’re message on my voicemail this morning which was about next weeks brand development meeting. When I called back you were unavailable. I am delighted to let you know that I will be able to participate. Please find attachment the latest proposal from ScentAir.

I look forward to see you then Yours faithfully J.

Work in pairs and re-draft the email. Dear Mr. Kay,

Further to your message regarding next week’s brand development meeting, I can confirm that I will be able to attend. Please also find attached ScentAir’s latest proposal, which we can discuss in more detail next week.

I look forward to seeing you. Best regards John Taylor

? You work for a market research company. Your client,a soft drinks company,wants to launch a new flavored drink. You tested two possible flavors with focus groups. You also asked people to compare normal and diet versions of the two drinks. You have been asked to write a report on your findings and make recommendations to your client.

? Look at the graphs below showing results, on which you have already made some handwritten notes.

? Then using all these handwritten notes, write your report. ? Write 120-140 words.

Cherry flavour9% Strongdisliike7% Nocomment 11% Mediumpreference75%verypositive

much higher than for strawberry flavour

Strawberry flavour 32% Verypositive59% Strongdislike9% Mediumpreference

comments included ‘too much sugar’, ‘flavour doesn’t taste real’

Diet / normal versions(%)100806040200Cherry Strawberry

summarise these differences


focus group for the normal and diet versions

white bar = normal version black bar = diet version Report on findings from focus group research Introduction The aim of this report is to make recommendations based on findings from ten focus groups. Findings Firstly, nearly three-quarters of responses to the cherry flavour were very positive with only 7% being neither positive nor negative about the product.

On the other hand, about two-thirds said they disliked the strawberry flavour because of the sugar and artificial taste. Finally, with regard to the normal and diet versions, approximately 20% more people preferred the diet cherry version and nearly three times as many preferred the diet strawberry version. Recommendations Based on these findings, I would recommend that the company launches two types of cherry flavor drink (normal and diet). While I wouldn't suggest a normal strawberry version, the company could consider producing a diet version which was clearly more popular.

Module 10

Subject: Soundblaster Tour Dear All