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○2211(1.do you hear final or non-final intonation) ○ ○412

○521(1.they admitted…) Speaking

○1this is a disaster is acting up no,I guss I should do that

○2what… oh… Do… Unit 9

3/16 she didn't record upset

she pressed the wrong buttons 8/19 he doesn't you ...so angry doubts

she left him..afternoon she wishes..messed up he seems sympathetic to show...conversation to celebrate with 10/19

she says Newsline the truth will.. it is

they can't do anything it's a natural part of 11/19 angry the situation she has disappointed

calm down a little 12/19 do it over Take it from me what's done is done covering stay so positive optimistic quit my job take my place overreacting let you down win out 1A/5

to stop borrowing

it is a lady's shirt she always borrows

she is good at sewing stuff it is gone after Cindy her roommate borrowed 1B/5 10 6 9 1 4 3 5 7 2 8 11 2/5 positive do it over taking my place quitted overreacted won out covering take it from me kick myself