人教版高中英语选修8《Unit 2 Cloning》教案 联系客服

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人教版高中英语选修8《Unit 2 Cloning》教案 人教版高中英语选修8《Unit 2 Cloning》教案【一】 教学准备 教学目标

一、 语言知识目标


二、 阅读技能目标

1. 能获取和处理文章中的主要信息。 2. 能够掌握文中出现的重要的语言知识 三、 学习策略目标

掌握速读、略读、猜测词义等阅读策略。 四、 情感态度目标

让学生认识到克隆的利和弊。 五、 文化意识目标

了解克隆,正确地利用克隆技术来为人类服务。 教学重难点

初步理解、掌握课文中关于克隆的词汇,学习分析课文中的长难句子。 教学过程

Step 1 Daily report

One student comes to the front and gives a report about advantages and disadvantages of science and technology. Step 2 leading-in

The teacher shows some pictures and starts a discussion about cloning. Step 3 Skimming

Task 1: What’s the main idea of the passage? Task 2: Match the main idea with each paragraph Para 1: A. People’s attitude towards cloning. Para 2: B. The problems of Dolly. Para 3: C. The impact of Dolly.

Para 4: D. Two major uses and the procedure of cloning. Para 5: E. The definition(定义)of cloning. Step 4 Scanning

Task 1. Look through Para 2 and answer the following questions.

(1) What are the two major uses of cloning?

(2) Which one is easier, to make plant clones or animal clones?

Task 2. Look through Para 3 and fill in the chart. Task 3. Do the following translation and word guessing. (1). Translation:

On the other hand, Dolly’s appearance raised a storm of objections and had a great impact on the media and public imagination.

(2). The word “controversial” in paragraph 4 probably means_________.

A. complicated B. arguable C. important D. valuable

Task4. Do the following Tor F questions based on Paragraph 5.

1. People feared some evil leaders might use cloning to reach their goal.

2. All the research into cloning will be forbidden. 3. Religious leaders are in favor of human cloning. Step 5 Enjoy beautiful sentences

1. Cloning plants is straightforward while cloning animals is very complicated.

2. At last the determination and patience of the scientists paid off.

3. The fact that she seemed to develop normally was very encouraging.

Step 6 Question and answer

This part is for students to find if they still have questions. If there is any, they can ask their classmates to help them. Step 7 Quiz

Note: This part is very challenging. In the picture there are five numbers. Students can choose their lucky number and answer questions. Most of the questions are based on what they have learned in class. Step 8. Test yourself