姹熻嫃鐪佹壃宸炲競姹熼兘鍖哄疁闄甸晣涓2020瀛﹀勾涓冨勾绾ц嫳璇笂瀛︽湡鍛ㄧ粌璇曢(15)(鏃犵瓟妗? 鐗涙触鐗?- 鐧惧害鏂囧簱 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章姹熻嫃鐪佹壃宸炲競姹熼兘鍖哄疁闄甸晣涓2020瀛﹀勾涓冨勾绾ц嫳璇笂瀛︽湡鍛ㄧ粌璇曢(15)(鏃犵瓟妗? 鐗涙触鐗?- 鐧惧害鏂囧簱更新完毕开始阅读d0bb4c175ebfc77da26925c52cc58bd630869377



( )1. ---Do you like this shirt? ---No, I ______ its colour.

A. like B. need C. find D. hate

( )2. ---Let’s buy some apples.

---Sorry, I don’t have any ______ with me.

A. time B. money C. meat D. food

( )3. ---What do you want to do?

--I want to go to a _______ to buy some books.

A. bookshop B. school C. library D. mall

( )4. -How much TV do you watch every day? ---_________________. A. More than three hours B. See three hours C.Lot of D.Many ( )5. _______ great fun the children are having in the field! A. How B. What C. What a D. What an

( )6. ---Are you good at math? ---Yes, I am interested in ______ it.

A. learn B. to learn C. learns D. learning

( )7. ---I want to post (邮寄) this letter, but I don’t have a ______ . ---Let’s buy one.

A. toy B. stamp C. ball D. pen

( )8. Mike and John__________good at singing.

A .are all B. are both C. all are D both are ( )9. I don’t know what to buy for Jim. Do you have _____ ideas?

A. some B. any C. a little D. little

( )10. ---Thank you for helping me. --- _______ , and what time is it? A. You are welcome B. Don’t say so C. That’s right D. No problem

( )11. There___________a sports meeting in our school next week.

A is going to have B is going to be be C will have D are going to be ( )12. Those flowers ________ Kate $56.

A. paid B. took C. cost D. spent

( )13. Dad, my trousers are old. I want to buy a new ________.

A. trousers B. one C. it D. pair

( )14. This coat is too expensive. Do you have a ________ one?

A. larger B . cheaper C. nicer D. longer

( )15. Is this room ________ the meeting? A. large enough to have B. enough large to have C. large enough having D. enough large having

( )16. We have some houses. But we need ___

A. more many B. another many C. many another D. many more

( )17. Tom needs some help _______ his homework.. Can you help ________?

A. to, he B. with, him C. to, his D. with, his ( )18. —Clean the tables , please . — _____. A All right B. That’s all right C. Thanks D. Not at all


1.There are 50 _______(sheep) on the farm.

2.This pair of blue trousers _______(match) your shirt. 3.She is going to go ________(shop) this afternoon.

4.If you would like _______(buy) a teddy bear, you can go to that toy shop .

5.These young men come from different ________(country) . 6 .I really don’t know what _______(wear) . 7.Thank you for _________(invite) me here .

8.We can use our pocket money _______(help) the poor. 9.This pair of glasses _______(fit) me well . 10.These _______(Walkman) are too expensive

11.I wish they are lucky enough _______(get) there on time . 12.I want to buy some hair clips different from _______(her) .

13. ---I think the T-shirt is too small for me. ---You should t ___ them on.

14. ---What’s the p ________ of your hair clip? ---Ten yuan.

15. ---This book is not interesting. Can I have a look at a_______one?

---Sure. What about this one?

16.The football cards are so e ______ and they cost me a lot of money.

17. This is Simon. He is a friend of _______(I)

18.18. I like drinking_________(tomato) juice very much.

19. Most of the children ________ (not have) any pocket money in poor areas.

20. M y family always _______(have) a big party at Chinese New Year.

三、根据汉语完成下列句子: 1.让我看看你的新发夹。








9. 我弟弟对集邮很感兴趣。


四 阅读理解:

(A) A man wants to buy a watch.He goes into a shop and finds one. He likes it very much, but the

shopkeeper asks 500 yuan for it. The man thinks it is too expensive. At this moment, a young man

comes in, takes the watch and runs out. When the shopkeeper runs out, the young man is already lost among the crowd.

The man leaves the shop. At a corner, he sees the young man with the

stolen( 窃取的) watch in his hand. “ Do you want a nice watch, Sir?” he asks the man. “it’s only 100 yuan.”

“He doesn’t know I saw him rob the shop.”the man thinks. He pays for the watch and goes back to his hotel(宾馆)with the watch. There he tells his friend about the story. His friend looks at the watch and laughs,“you are a fool(傻

瓜). It costs less than 10 yuan. I think the shopkeeper and the young man play the trick together.

( )1. The man _______ in the shop.

A. is helping the shopkeeper clean watches B. is waiting for his friend

C. is looking for the young man D. is looking for a nice watch ( ) 2. ---Why does the man pay for the watch at once(立刻) at the corner?

---- Because________.

A. he is rich enough to pay for it. B. he thinks the watch is very cheap

C. he wants to know the time D. he thinks the young man is his friend

( ) 3. What do the underlined(划线的) words mean?

A.许多人 B. 驱散人群 C. 找人 D. 消失在人群中

( ) 4. How much money does the man spend on the watch?

A. 500 yuan B. 100 yuan C. 50 yuan D. 10 yuan

( ) 5. The man’s friend laughs because ________. A.

he thinks the shopkeeper and the young man play a trick B. he likes the watch, too. C. he is happy to see the man.

D. he is reading an interesting story. (B) Tom, 19

I like shopping, but I think shopping with young children is not an easy thing. I have to (不得不) look after them while I am shopping. I think shopping with women is not fun, either(也). I

often go shopping with my friends.So I’d like them to think about buying the same things. Sometimes I also like shopping all by myself. Sandy, 21